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Transparency International Ethiopia gives training to Wolaita Sodo University students.

Transparency International Ethiopia has trained Wolaita Sodo University Student's Club Leaders and members on Corruption and Anti-Corruption Movement in Ethiopia. A parallel training on the topic of International and Domestic Legal Instruments to Combat Corruption was also given.

The program trained  50 Wolaita Sodo University Club Leaders and aimed to capacitate youths at the university to have necessary knowledge about Corruption and Anti-Corruption Movement in Ethiopia and International and Domestic Legal Instruments to Combat Corruption.

Mr.Amanuel , TIE regional representative , opened the session and  welcomed the participants  and made  brief information about the profile of Transparency Ethiopia and briefly explained the purpose of the  two days event.

Mr.Woyessa Woka, regional  representative of TIE, delivered the two days trainings .

Mr. Woyessa  expressed appreciation for all participants and to Wolaita Sodo University for facilitating the events.He also,on behalf of Transparency International Ethiopia, expressed gratitude to the European Union Civil Society Fund III for financially supporting this and other activities under the umbrella project "Ensuring Participation of Actors for Transparency and Accountability of Institutions to Support the fight against corruption and promote Democratic Governance and Rule of Law in Ethiopia ".
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Transparency International Ethiopia (TIE) and FDRE Public Procurement and Property Authority (FPPA) to implement activities related to Public Procurement


FPPA, the government organ vested with the power to regulate public procurement and property administration in Ethiopia, and TIE have signed MoU on the 25th of January 2023 at the head office of FPPA in Addis Aababa. Ato Haji Ibsa Gendo, Director General at FPPA, and Ato Samuel Kassahun, Executive Director of TIE represented their respective Institutions during the MoU signing ceremony. The objective of the agreement is to formalize the already existing relationship between FPPA and TIE with a view to realizing common objectives in the realm of public procurement.
Ato Haji Gendo noted, during his opening speech, that working together with TIE and similar institutions with the common goal of realizing fair, transparent, non-discriminatory and modern procurement system is beneficial to the country. Ato Haji appreciated the initiation taken by TIE to work together with FPPA in various areas relevant to public procurement. He underscored that FPPA’s offices are open for any collaboration requests regarding research, workshops, training and capacity development, and other modalities of cooperation. Ato Haji and Ato Samuel gave directions to concerned staffs of both institutions during the signing ceremony to develop a joint action plan and begin implementing the plan as soon as possible.

Ato Samuel, on his part, having appreciated the welcoming spirit extended by FPPA, expressed his optimism related to the agreement and upcoming activities to be jointly implemented by both institutions. He mentioned that working to create a transparent public procurement in Ethiopia is one of the strategic goals of TIE and remarked that having the opportunity to formalize existing relations with FPPA would further strengthen current and upcoming interventions by TIE in the area of public procurement.

It was mentioned at the event that TIE and FPPA will collaborate on the training of suppliers and procuring bodies on the Electronic Government Procurement (eGP) system to be conducted in the beginning of February.
Transparency International just released the corruption perception index for 2022.

Ethiopia's CPI score for 2022 stands at 38/100, and the country ranked 94th out of 180 countries,that is, a point lower than the previous year.

Check out the full list or download the report here:
ኢትዮጵያ በ2022ቱ የሀገራት የሙስና ደረጃ ስንተኛ ላይ ተቀመጠች?

ትራንስፓረንሲ ኢንተርናሽናል የ2022 የሀገራት የሙስና ተጋላጭነት ደረጃን ይፋ አድርጓል።

ኢትዮጵያም 38 ነጥብ በማምጣት ከ180 ሀገራት 94ኛ ደረጃ ላይ መቀመጧን የትራንስፓረንሲ ኢንተርናሽናል ሪፖርት አመላክቷል።

ተቋሙ "በሙስና የተደናቀፉ መንግስታት ህዝባቸውን የመጠበቅ አቅም የላቸውም፤ የህዝቡ ቅሬታም ወደ ብጥብጥ የመቀየር እድሉ ከፍተኛ ነው" ብሏል።
ዝርዝሩን በተከታዩ ሊንክ ይመልከቱ
2024/09/28 07:29:39
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