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Good to be with the Formosa Republican Association and talk about why support for Taiwan is right, just, and important to our prosperity and security.

Glad that so many Taiwanese friends are reading Never Give an Inch.

If you haven’t yet—get your copy here:

Grateful to see Taiwan’s democracy and be a guest at the presidential inauguration.

President Biden should have never put our troops in danger building a pointless pier to Gaza.

This foreseeable catastrophe was enacted solely for political reasons.

Very thankful to those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

Happy Memorial Day and God Bless America. 🇺🇸

Happy anniversary to my wife and best friend.

I’m thankful to God for our years together!

Manhattan’s Soros-funded district attorney has undermined faith in our justice system with his political case against President Trump.

This case never should have been brought in the first place.

Using civilians as shields is a core Hamas strategy.

Instead of criticizing Israel, world leaders should condemn Hamas.

The Gaza pier is what happens when the Biden Administration puts politics ahead of national security.

The border crisis is an economic crisis, too.

Cities and states are facing massive budget shortfalls, and the surge in illegal immigration is driving up costs.

All a consequence of tearing up our border policies that worked.

The future of this country should — and will — be decided by the American people in an election, not by 12 New Yorkers in a travesty of a politicized courtroom.

2024/06/29 07:51:16
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