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"[When accused of being a friend of sinners,] Jesus answered [his critics], "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
Luke 5:31-32
#SundayScripture ✝️

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The Biden Administration’s proposal would keep Hamas in power.

It will not work.

The trial against President Trump was the most politicized trial in American history.

It was a pure hit job on President Trump.

Allowing Ukraine to attack military targets in Russia is the right outcome.

But why did it take the Biden administration two years to get here?

The French decision to ban Israel from a defense forum—while welcoming the Chinese Communist Party—is reprehensible.

It’s morally bankrupt to target the one Jewish state as it fights a defensive war against terrorism.

35 years ago today, the CCP murdered countless innocent, peaceful Chinese dissidents at Tiananmen Square.

The CCP's brutality continues today in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and beyond. We must never forget the Tiananmen massacre, nor should we ignore the CCP's ongoing atrocities

President Biden could have fixed the border crisis years ago, simply by reinstating our policies that worked.

His actions now will be too little and too late.

This executive order is not nearly enough to end the border crisis.

But it's an acknowledgment that the president had the authority to address this from day one.

There was no excuse to wait.

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Americans can see with their own eyes that we need new leadership.

Our commander-in-chief needs the capacity to deliver for America.

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The Administration is now putting pressure on the victim—Israel—instead of the terrorists who started this war.

Thrilled to hear that Israel rescued four hostages.

Israel should continue its righteous mission of rescuing all the hostages and destroying Hamas.

We stand with Israel. 🇺🇸🇮🇱

2024/07/01 10:46:27
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