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We are planning to conduct training programs aimed at enhancing their skills and knowledge. Here are the details:

1. Life Skills Training and Personal Development Plan: This program is open to 700 students.
2. Employability/Work Habit Training: We have allocated 150 slots for this training.
3. Digital Literacy Training: This program is designed for 300 students.

To ensure that all graduate students have access to this valuable training, we kindly request your assistance in distributing the information. Students who wish to participate are required to register at the MU-CC office. For students located at other campuses, we will provide specific instructions on registration venues.
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for those who have taken exit exam,
You can see your result in your respective college/ school starting from today
This program is today at 3:00 LT on mtku haile hall.
N.B- Dont miss it.
Forwarded from Isaac Shi
This was the program held at arid with IYF .it was really entertainmenting and give real education about life and mind set . it is also happening on MiT right now....
Media is too big
This one of thing happening now on MiT.
Forwarded from Hayu Ayder
#For those who have taken exit exam, we have decided our graduation award date to be on yekatit 15/2016 EC/ February 23,2024GC. so u can take your tempo from your schools.
To all EiTM representatives,
We have a meeting with EiTM management tomorrow(wensday) @ 3:00 LT.  Arrange things accordingly.You can invite 2-3 students that you think will raise important points from your section.

Place: managment hall
(president office)

Quiha Student Union
ትኩረት:- ዛሬ የመቐለ ዩኒቨርስቲ ዓዲ ሓቂ ግቢ የኣካል ጉዳተኛ ተማሪዎ ሁኔታቸዉ ሳይገድባቸዉ ኣካባቢያቸዉና ካፌያቸዉ በሚገርም ሁኔታ ሲያፀዱ ዉለዋል ለዚህ ታላቅ በጎ ሰራቸዉ ክብርና ምስጋና የሚገባቸዉ ሲሆን እንዲሁም ማንኛዉም የሚመለከተዉ ኣካል ቀጣይየነትት ያለዉ ክትትልና ድጋፍ እንድያደርግላቸዉ ጥሪያቸዉ ኣቅርበዋል።እናመሰግናለን! የቐንየልና ብፆትናን ኣሕዋትናን!!!
2024/09/21 12:34:59
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