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An inspection team from MoSHE held a reflection session to conclude its observation at MU. The team assessed the institutional Academic, Administrative and Logistic Covid 19 compliance measures taken in preparation for re-opening, as per the manuals and guidelines of the ministry.

During its stay, the team discussed with the board vice chair, the management, deans and directors, instructors, student representatives and also visited facilities; dormitories, classrooms, laboratories, and libraries.

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MIT- Information Technology department would like to receive new master students in the following two
master's degrees.
1. MSc. in Cybersecurity ( postgraduate regular)
2. MSc. in Cybersecurity and Management (postgraduate regular)
Apply now with this link](
Eligibility read the following
Master Program in Cybersecurity:
1. Candidates with a minimum of an undergraduate degree from an accredited college and/or university in:
Information Technology,
Computer Science,
Information System
Software Engineering,
And computing-related fields
2. Candidate's interest and motivation candidates are required to submit their
a. motivation letters, hobby projects, possible applicable ideas... during application to the program.
b. Candidate's relevant experience and certificationc andidates are required to submit documents that indicate their experiences relevant to the program.
c. A minimum undergraduate CGPA of 2.75 is required, and decisions for eligibility for admission are made after
a case by case evaluation of the transcripts of each applicant.
Master Program in Cybersecurity Management:
1. Candidates with a minimum of an undergraduate degree from an accredited college and/or university in
any field.
Criteria 2 the same as the MSc. in Cybersecurity.
Share with your colleagues, friends or who may you think to have an interest.

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Prof Fetien Abay President of Mekelle University - calling for International help. shocking to see when farmers #crying. Collaboration matters. #Tigray #AnbetaCampaign

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Bank account for #AnbetaCampaign thanks Prof Kindeya. Pls let us Collaborate.#MekelleUnivesity

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Our Mekelle University Students traveling for #AnbetaCampaign
Update! Mekelle University ፡ ውድ የመቐለ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ እንኳን ለ2013ዓ/ም የት/ት ዘመን በሰላም ኣደረሳችሁ እያልን ለሚከተሉትን ኣስፈላጊ ነጥቦች እንዲታውቁ እናሳስባለን::ሁሉም በዩኒቨርሲቲው ያለው ቅድመ ዝግጅት እየተከታተልን ነው::ለምሳሌ ከቀን27-28 መስከረም ከት/ት ሚኒስተር የተላኩ ልኡካን(MoSHE)በየጊቢው ያለው ዝግጂት ተዘዋውረን ኣይተናል::ዩኒቨርሲታችንን ቀድመው ከሚጠሩት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች እንደሚሆን ከMoSHE የተሰጠንን ኣቅጣጫ ያሳየናል::ሆኖም ግን ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች መቸ ይጠራሉ የሚለው 06-08 ጥቅምት በሃዋሳ ዩኒቨርስቲ በሚያረገው የግመገማ ስብሰባ የምወሰን ይሆናል::በዝሁ መሰረት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች መጥራት ይችላሉ ከተባሉ መቐለ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በዝሁ ሁለት ሳምንትታት ለ4895 ተመራቂ ተማሪዎች ብቻ በመጥራት ቅድሚያ ያስተናግዳል::እነዝህም ከ30-45 ቀናት ብቻ ኣስመርቆ ተማሪዎቹን ይሸኛል::ከዝያ በሃላ ደግሞ ከ2ኛ ወይም 3ኛ እስከ 6ኛ ዓመት ያሉት ተማሪዎች ጠርቶ ያስተናግዳል::በኣጠቃላይ ግን ኣሁን ዩኒቨርሲቲያችን የምያሳየው ዝግጂት በጣም ኣሪፍ ነው::ማለትም ተማሪዎች ከመግባትዎ በፊት ኣስፈላጊውን ዝግጂት እያረገ መሆኑ::ለምሳሌ የውሃ ኣቅሪቦት÷ማታጠብያ÷በካፌ÷በኣካዳሚ÷በጤና÷በሱቅ እንድሁም በሁሉም ዘርፎች በዝህ ሳምንት ወስጥ ኣጠናቅቆ ይጨርሳል::ሁሉም የተማሪዎች ህብረት ኣመራሮችም ዩኒቨርሲቲው የመግቢያ ቀን ይፋ ሲያረግ ወድያውኑ ወደየ ግቢያቸው ኣስቀድመው ይገባሉ :: #ማሳሰብያ
1,ሁሉም ተማሪዎች ወደ ግቢ ሲመለሱ የኣፍ መሸፈኛ ጭምቢል÷ሳኒታይዘር ወዘተ የምባሉ ያሟላሉ::
2,ከግቢ መውጣት ኣይቻሊም::3,Noncafe ተማሪዎች ኣይኖሩም ማለትም ሁሉም ተማሪ ካፌ ይመገባሉ:: 4,ተማሪዎችና የዩኒቨርሲቲው ማህበረሰብ የcovid-19 የሙቀት መለኪያ ምርመራ በየቀኑ ይደረግላቸዋል::
5,በኣንድ ዶርም ወስጥ ከ2-4ተማረዎች ይመደባሉ::
6,በኣንድ ክላስ ውስጥ ከ20-25 ተማሪዎች ይማራሉ::
7,ኣንድ ክ/ግዜ ከ30-35ደቂቃ ይሆናል:: 8,ማንም ተማሪ በcovid-19ከተጠረጠረ ወደ ለይቶማቆያ ገብቶ ምርመራ ይደረግለታል..... .................. እናመሰግናለን::
@Libanos MUSU V/President!!
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ተማሪዎቻችን በኣንበጣ ዘመቻ!እናመሰግናለን። #MIT Students.
2024/09/25 19:32:30
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