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~ remember to take care of yourself too. sometimes you get so busy to taking care of others that you forget that you are important too 🕊

~ there is nothing more beautiful than being the favourite person of your favourite person ❤️

" percaya akan sesuatu yang sukar dipercayai , impikan sesuatu yang mustahil dan jangan katakan " tidak " sebagai jawapan . "

- Tony Fernandes -

~ when I am sad, you're the first person I want to talk 👉👈

terima kasih kerana pernah membahagiakan aku walaupun sementara . terima kasih menjadi yang teristimewa untukku walaupun sementara . kini , sementara itulah yang membunuh perasaanku .

seseorang yang mencintaimu takkan pernah mengajak kamu berbuat dosa .

- Ali Bin Abi Thalib -

~ that moment when you have to take a deep breathe before speaking cause you know you're so close to crying 🥺

i hope you see the beauty in the little things and hold onto it . i hope you know that it’s okay to start all over again , whenever you’re ready . the compromises which you make to match with your vision will pay off someday . i hope you surround yourself with people who are good for your mental health and the ones who never stop believing in you . be kind but be sure of how much of it you give to others , it shouldn’t be at the cost of losing yourself in the process .

i know you have been struggling, draining out of energy . you have been constantly trying to push yourself hoping to see the light when you're surrounded by darkness . i know how tough it can get , with the voices screaming inside you . with nobody to hear you , fighting all by yourself . the truth is that you are the light to your darkness . you are delicate with a fragile heart but as powerful as you can be , with or without them yet  you don't choose to see . pain makes way for healing and growing , bad days makes way to bring out the best from you . be patient , there is always light .

~ one day you will realize you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be. life goes on 🌹

lelaki kalau curang memang kena hina dan caci habis-habisan ,
kalau perempuan pula yang curang mesti ada suara: “ jangan ungkit kisah silam dia ",
dunia sangat tidak adil sebab ada orang yang mempunyai pemikiran double standard macam ni . 🤔

eh hai playboy / playgirl . macam hari ini ? seronok ke mempermainkan perasaan orang lain ? nikmati seronok awak sekarang sebab nanti awak derita . macam mana awak derita ? jangan tanya ana , ana hanya seorang manusia lemah sahaja .

only Allah knows the truth about the people around us . therefore always say :

" Allah lead me to him who wants good for me and distract me from those who want bad for me . "

~ if you are in even one person's prayer, then you are way luckier than you may think ❤️

Acting like nothing happened ni susah juga kan?

Padahal dalam hati,
- family problem
- susah hati
- sedih

taknak sakit hati, jangan berharap.
nak melupakan, jauhkan diri.

~ it hurts when a stranger understand you more than your close ones do 😔

~ maturity is when you know the others person is lying but you just smile and let it go 🙃

Kau buat dekat orang boleh? Kau layan nak taknak if kau mood tak ok. Then orang tu buat balik, kau bengang.

Kau memang naislo

Dia sedih, kau punya beria nak bagi dia bangkit..
Tapi dia?

Dia tunggu orang lain untuk bangkitkan dia bukannya kau. 😃

2024/09/30 03:34:14
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