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Bila kita sayang orang yang cari kita time dia bosan je

~ I always afraid of losing the people I have, but sometimes I ask myself " is there anyone who is afraid of losing me too ?" 🥺

menjauhkan diri

~ breakup with feelings is easy. but breakup with memories is too damn hard 💔

healing can be painful , especially when you realise the journey towards it may be alone , since the person you fell in love with is no longer with you . it is like your world is collapsing and you find yourself apart . amidst all the chaos , your heart will still beat for them , and it is okay . you don’t have to stop loving them , you just need to love yourself a bit more , to come out of the hurting space . to heal , you need to let go , you are acknowledging the pain but continue to live , and find the lost joy in the little things . sometimes being alone is powerful , it’s through the darkness , where we will find the light again .

i know how sensitive you are , with the hurt caused by them . you keep breaking thinking about the people from your past , while they’ve probably moved on . i know how you must be feeling deep inside , when you’ve invested so much of you in them , dreaming of a future . it’s ridiculous how someone’s feelings can change overnight and now that you are stuck behind , in a denial , blaming yourself for all the pain , all I want to say is that some hearts aren’t blessed to beat together . whatever has happened , accept it , there is nothing you can do . it may seem difficult in the start , but detach yourself from all the things that connect you to them . a soul like yours always deserves the best . take your own time to heal , but don’t keep searching for love in the hurt . healing can be painful , but it always gets better with time . the scars may remain but you’re making way for better things in life , choosing yourself over anyone else .

~ I don't talk much with anyone.
but you are the someone with whom I can talk for hours.

you are someone I don't want to lose.
you are an important part of my life.

just stay with me forever ❤️

~ the most confusing feeling is when your mind hates someone , but your heart loves the same person. and you don't know what to do 😭

~ my current situation :

I am fine and happy the whole day but after 11pm, it feels like I enter a new world where I feel the loneliest , I overthink , couldn't sleep , becomes sad , and sometimes burst out in tears 😭

and in the morning, I'm fine again 🙃

~ not every one text you for a reason. some people text because you are their reason 🥰

remember that the shortest path only leads to the cliff , and the most straight path is the longest path to the top .

~ just because we don't talk anymore, doesn't mean I don't think about you. I'm just trying to distance myself because I know you can't be mine 💔

~ and suddenly one day,

I slept without waiting your replies.
I slept without talking to your pictures.
I slept without reading our old conversation.
that was the day when I realized that I can live without you 🕊

~ so cute when someone know you're asleep, and they text you a paragraph how they feel so that's the first thing you read in the morning 🥰

~ one day someone is going to hug you so tight that all of your broken pieces will stick back together ❤️

in this world , no one can understand you , so stop hoping .

reunited with the heart , separated by misunderstanding .

~ I am at the stage in my life where even I don't know what stage it is. life is just one new mess every day

finding a close friend is like looking for a gold ring in the Pacific Ocean .

in spite of all you’re here , breathing and that is what matters . you may be hurt or broken , healing or growing , your pieces constantly asking why weren’t you enough for them , whether you’re too hard to be loved . you think you’re not valuable , and you don’t deserve the best because of one person’s rejection .

imagine loving yourself the same way , taking it one day at a time . self-love is a healing to your soul , it will take time, it needs the patience to accept reality till a point where it sets you free . life isn’t just about grieving your losses , especially revolving around one person .

sometimes loving yourself is the bravest thing you can do .

2024/09/30 01:33:44
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