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Looking the other way

خود را به کوچه علی چپ زدن

Don't look the other way

خودت رو به کوچه علی چپ نزن

They are not telling us what is going on, they seem to look the other way

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English idioms.

assimilate /əˈsɪmɪleɪt/

meaning take in and understand fully (information or ideas)

Marie tried to assimilate the week's events.

The sugars in the fruit are readily assimilated by the body.

Philosophers had assimilated thought to perception.

The older generation had more trouble assimilating.

Synonyms :
swallow up


Conditional sentences

📕Conditional type zero
Keyword: Factual

Conditional type zero is used to talk about general truths, scientific facts or things which always happen under certain conditions.


Simple Present If Simple Present

📕 Example

If I boil the water, bubbles appear.

📘 Phosphorus burns if you expose it to air.

Note: You can use "when" instead of "if".


📕📘Conditional type 1

Keyword: Real

Often called the "real" conditional because it is used for real or possible situations. These situations take place if a certain condition is met. It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled. We don't know for sure whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the conditions seems rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.


If Simple Present , Simple Future

Simple Future If Simple Present


If I have enough time, I'll read the magazine.
I'll tell her if I see her.


📕📘Conditional type 2

Keyword: Unreal

Often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal impossible or improbable situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation. It is very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled. Generally, Conditional Sentences Type 2 refer to an action in the present that could happen if the present situation were different.

In conditional type 2, we usually use in the if clause "were" instead of "was" even if the pronoun is I, he, she or it. "were" here is asubjunctive form.

📕NOTE "was" is also a possible form.


If Simple Past , Would Base Verb

Would Base Verb If Simple Past

📕 Example

If I were a millionaire, I would buy a mansion.
I would bring her back to life if I knew necromancy.


📕📘Conditional type 3

Keyword: Impossible

Conditional Sentences Type 3 refer to situations in the past. They express hypothetical results to past given situations. These situations can never be real, because they refer to things in the past that cannot be changed.


If Past Perfect , Would Have Past Participle

Would Have Past Participle If Past Perfect

📕 Example

If he had been careful, he wouldn't have had that terrible accident.

She wouldn't have gone to her brother's house if he had been honest with her.

Some formal and informal ways to say hello in English..

📕 روش هایی برای گفتن سلام ب انگلیسی.

📕📘In hot water

Meaning: to be in hot water is to be in trouble or difficulty Or in a situation that may result in punishment.

تو دردسر افتادن .

📘 Tim can't play today; he's in hot water over his grade.

📕The beloved actress found herself in hot water today when she attempted to shoplift an item from a department.

Jeff got himself in hot water in school by cheating in an exam .

English idioms with problems.


📕📘How to summarize text, read it carefully. 

Step one;

📕Try to paraphrase the information to avoid plagiarism and increase understanding.:


Step 2.

📘"Use your own words. Imagine you are telling a friend about a great movie you saw or a great book that you read. Speak in your own language, but be sure to use standard English, not slang.:


Step 3:

📕"Go over each point the author uses to prove his  statement. Watch for topic sentences that back up his most important idea. These points form an outline that you can condense down into your summary.


Step 4:

📘Pay attention to detail.
Examine if the author provides enough detail to support his thesis statement and supporting points. Tell what those details are while summarizing the reading assignment:.


Step 5.

📕Present your ideas in order.You would not talk about the author's supporting points without first talking about what those points are referring to.


Step 6:

📘Substitute general words or phrases for long lists of items. For instance, if you see a list consisting of swimming,; marathon running and beach volleyball, you might just write summer sports.


Step 7.

📘Discard information from the reading assignment" that seems redundant or trivial from" your summary.


Step 8.

📕Polish your summary. Make it more readable by adding transitions and smoothing; awkward sentence constructions.


📕Some questions about voice.

📘لطفا آرام صحبت کنید.

Please keep your voice down .

📘لازم نیست صدایت را بلند کنی.

There is no need to raise your voice.

📕لطفا بلند صحبت کن.

Please speak loud..

📘لطفا بلند بگو.

Please say it out loud.

📕چرا صدات گرفته؟

Why is your voice hoarse/husky?

📘گلو درد دارم و صدایم در نمی آید.

I have got a sore throat and I have lost my voice.

📕صدای زیبایی داری.

You have got a beautiful voice.

📘 آرام صحبت می کند و من صدایش را نمی شنوم.

He has a quit voice and I cannot hear him.

📕 چرا همیشه با عصبانیت صحبت می کنی؟

Why do you always speak in an angry tone of voice?

📕 داری سر من داد می زنی؟

Are you yelling at me?

📘 صدای خانم ها زیر و آقایان بم است.

the voice of women is high and men is low..

📕 وقتی هول می شوم صدایم می لرزد.

When I am embarrassed, my voice shakes/ trembles.

📘مِن مِن نکن، نمی فهمم چی می گی.

Don’t mumble; I cannot understand what you say.

📕چی با خودت زیر لب می گویی؟

What are you muttering to yourself?

Ways to say (To walk )

Experience is the hardest kind of teacher, first it gives you the test and the lesson afterward.

تجربه سختگير ترين معلم است ، چون اول امتحان ميگيرد بعد درس میدهد.

📕📘get a look in
شانس انجام کاری را داشتن

To have the opportunity to do something

When Roger was playing at his best, no-one else taking part in a tournament would get a look in. He'd win every time.

With so many graduates from top universities trying to get the job, someone like me wouldn't get a look in.

Note: Usually used in the negative, as in "I didn't get a look in..."

📕📘Difference between in time on time .

📕📘on time .

On time = at the planned time; neither late nor early

📕📘in time .

In time = with enough time to spare; before the last moment

Peter wants to start the meeting exactly on time

He would have died if they hadn't got him to the hospital in time..

2024/09/25 10:21:16
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