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Phrasal verbs with Run.

Learn the words that we use every day .

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Around the clock

If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night.

I have to finish this report by Tuesday, so I'll be working around the clock until I get it done.

What the young people of this town need is a drop-in centre that's open around the clock.

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In time
On time
Just in time
At good time and so on .......

📘Learn 15 time expressions in English!

📕Watch it carefully to get how to use the expressions.

📕📕Prepositions of Place: AT - IN - ON..

in England.
in London..
in Manhattan..
in Chinatown..

📘Enclosed space:
in a traffic jam..
in Time Square..
in a building..
in a car..
in a taxi..
in a boat..
in a helicopter..
in a lift (elevator)
in the living - room..
in the article ..

📕📘ON' .
Means of transport:
on a bus..
on a train.
on a plane..
on a ship..
on a bicycle; motorcycle..
on a horse..
on the radio..
on the television..
on the phone..
on the Internet..

on a table..
on a wall..
on the floor..
on the roof..
on the menu..
on the page..
on the door..
on the shelf..
on the second floor..

on The Seventh Avenue
on Oxford street..
on Columbus ..

AT' ..

📘Specific Locations ; Points:
at The Empire State Building..

at the corner..
at the bus stop..
at the door..
at the top of page..
at the end of the road..
at the entrance..
at the crossroads..
at the front desk..
at a conference..
at a party..
at a concert..
at someone's house..
at the doctor's ; hairdresser's.
at the bus stop..
at the end of road..
at the crossroads. .
at the front..
at the back..
at the top..
at the bottom..
at the door..

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گرامر آسان .
Easy grammar .
📕Learn something more

📕📘Hammer out

to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of negotiation or discussion

For example

📕hammer out sth It took their lawyers nearly a year to hammer out a divorce settlement.

hammer sth out How long does it usually take to hammer one of these contracts out?

Nouns often used as objects with hammer out: agreement, contract, settlement, deal, plan, policy, guidelines, regulations

At first
📘 in the begining

Don't get  discouraged if you don't succeed at first, The important thing is that you keep on trying .

to get the hang of
📕 to learn how to do something

when I went snowboarding for the first time I kept falling down. But after a while,I got the hang of it.

  second nature
📘 a behaviour , a tendency or habit that has become characteristic or instinctive.

I used to hate computers, but using them is second nature to me now.

  to learn the ropes
📕to know or learn how to do something, especially a job.

It didn't take her new assistant long to learn the ropes.

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English tenses in conversation
| Past Simple & Present Perfect |

📕'did' or 'have done' ...
Which one?
Watch carefully to get more.

Words that can help you to improve your vocabulary.

learn some new phrasal verbs.

📕Ask after
📘 Ask around
📕 Ask back
📘Ask for
📕Ask out

go ahead:
📕to continue.

let's go ahead and and buy our plane ticket now

to make out :
1. to understand or see with difficulty.
2. to manage .
3. to prepare a check or other payments.

📕It was so foggy I barely could make out the street signs.
How did you make out at the doctor's today?

Please make out a check for this month's rent.

  to treat (someone)like a dirt:
📘to behave in a nasty way towards someone.

I feel sorry for Jeffy .The kids at school treat him like dirt.

to plug away:
📕to keep trying.

Katie has been plugging away at her homework for hours .

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Grammar Tips by Shailesh Ramanuj.pdf
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The regularly grammars that we use , they are so useful have a look 👌

phrases for food:

📘I’m starving! (= I’m very hungry)

📕 Let’s grab a bite to eat.

📘 How about eating out tonight? (eat out = eat at a restaurant)

📕 I’ll have… (use this phrase for ordering in a restaurant)

phrases for price:

📕 It costs a fortune. (= It costs a lot of money)

📘 It costs an arm and a leg. (= too expensive)

📕That’s a rip-off. (= overpriced; far more expensive than it should be)

📘 That’s a bit pricey.

📕 That’s quite reasonable. (= it’s a good price)

📕That’s a good deal. (= a good value for the amount of money)

📘 It was a real bargain.

📕It was dirt cheap. (= extremely inexpensive)

phrases for weather:

📕It’s a little chilly.

📕 It’s freezing. (= extremely cold)

📘Make sure to bundle up. (bundle up = put on warm clothes for protection against the cold

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English Imitation Lessons . Speak More Clearly & Confidently.

شاید دیگران را نتوانم كنترل كنم ،اما خودم را ،افكارم ، اعمالم ، حرفهایم ، انتخابهایم ، عكس العمل هایم و آینده ام را میتوانم كنترل كنم .

📕📘Never say die!
نا امید نشو ، تلاش کن

You can say "Never say die!" if you want to tell someone to keep trying while there's still a chance of success.

We were two goals down with only a few minutes to go, but our captain wouldn't give up. He was shouting, "Come on, guys! Never say die .

Phrasal verbs with PUT.

The phrasal verbs are so important as we use them in every day conversation with ppl , so we need to speak fluently.. make the sentences with them and practice more.

📕Very Cold 〰️ Freezing

📘Very Excited 〰️  Thrilled

📕Very Crowded 〰️ Bustling

📘Very Dirty 〰️ Filthy

📕Very Cute 〰️ Adorable

📘Very light 〰️ luminous

📕Very rich 〰️ wealthy

📘Very detailed 〰️ meticulous

📕Very crowded 〰️ bustling

📘Very weak 〰️ frail


a skilled player, esp. at pool or billiards, who cheats other players by pretending to be an average player and then challenging them to play for money

📕For example

There was this hustler in the pub last night playing pool. He got about two hundred dollars before the guys realised they were being hustled.

If we catch hustlers in our pool hall, we throw them out after getting back any money they've won.

This is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

2024/09/24 12:28:01
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