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tips to help you to remember new words:

📕📘 Look it up

If you come across a word you don't know, try to find out what it means.

Look up the meaning in a dictionary or ask someone for help to understand it.

Write down the meaning in English and in your own language.

📕📘 Use it.

It's easy to remember a new word for a few minutes – but how can you remember it after a day, or a week?

The trick is to use it. Use it in a sentence. Try to make a creative, memorable sentence, something you can draw a picture and that will stay in your mind.

Write down three creative sentences using the new word, then read them out loud. If it helps, you can even draw a picture to help remember the meaning of your sentence.

Can you tell a story using different forms of the word? It's very hard to remember a list of words – but it's easy to remember a story.

Phrase to saying "How are you"

📕 How have you been ?

📘 How's it going ?

📕What's up ?

📘 what's new ?

📕 How is everything?

📘 How are you doing?

📕 How are you holding up?

📘 How are things going?

📕How are you been ?

📘 How's life ?

You must review!

Our brains are lazy. They quickly forget anything that they don't need.

📘If you learn something once and don't review, you'll probably forget it in a day or two. By the end of the week, it's totally gone.

You're probably busy, so you have to use your time smartly.  You can't practice something completely different every day. You have to spend some of your time reviewing what you learned before.

Do this, starting today:

📕Get a small notebook.
Keep it with you all the time.

📘Every time you do something in English, write down a few notes about it.

Look at your notes once or twice a day, every day.

📕📘Plural for Singular

The element Aluminium as well as the lA and llA metals combine explosively with oxygen under the right conditions.

The element Aluminium as well as the lA and llA metals combines explosively with oxygen under the right conditions.

Note: The “as well as” phrase is in an adjective phrase, not part of the subject. The subject is “the element Aluminium” only as this is singular, we need the singular verb.

Note: When "as well as" is used as a conjunction (i.e. in place of “and”), there is no need to use commas before or after the phrase. Moreover, it should always be used with a singular verb.

John as well as Alex is involved in this project.

📕📘attach to

to believe that something has importance or significance in relation to something else

attach sth to sth
📕You shouldn't attach too much importance to what other people think. Just do whatever's right for you.

attach sth to sth
When choosing a career, most people attach too much weight to how much money they'll earn.

The words about the environment.

Forwarded from English learners
Media is too big
If you stuck in how to write Essays watch this video

Yesterday you said I'll do tomorrow ' so go for it ..

ديروز گفتى فردا انجام ش خواهم داد ،پس شروع کن  .

📘📕over the top

You can say something is over the top if you think it's too extreme or it's more than a situation needs or deserves.

فوق العاده بالا،بیش از اندازه،سطح بالا

📕For example

I know you love your daughter, Bill, but don't you think giving her a Ferrari for her birthday was a bit over the top?

After he'd calmed down, Brad admitted that punching the photographer and smashing his camera was a little over the top.

Words about technology

📕📘More about noun clauses .

A noun clause can be used in apposition to a noun or a pronoun. Study the following sentences.

Your statement that you didn’t take the money can’t be believed.
His belief that someday he would succeed cheered him through his failures.
The news that he is alive made us happy.
The belief that the soul is immortal is almost universal.

📕 Noun clause as the complement of a verb of incomplete predication
In each of the following sentences the noun clause is used as the complement of a verb of incomplete predication.

My belief is that he will come.
It seems that he will top the list of successful candidates.

How to construct a sentence having a noun clause?
Making a sentence having a noun clause is very easy. One way is to begin a sentence like this:

He said that…

Whatever clause you put after ‘that’ will automatically become a noun clause.

He said that he would come.
He said that he would wait.
He said that he was not interested in the offer.

📘 Instead of ‘said’  , you can use any of the following verbs:

📕Know, believe, think, realize, feel, hope, understand, wish, see, notice, find, discover, note, hear, listen, tell, ask, request, explain, suggest, reply etc.

📕She suggested that I should consult a doctor.
📘I realized that I had made a mistake.
I believe that the soul is immortal.

Some slangs !! !! !!

📘I'm bursting !

It means :  I need to go to the toilet very soon .

📘I'm starving !

It means : I am so/extremely hungry .

📘I'm stuffed !

It means : I've eaten a lot and cant eat more .

📕I'm wrecked !

It means : I am extremely tired .

I'm pissed off !

It means : I am angry about something .

Break a leg buddies

2024/09/24 14:26:43
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