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The Weeknd – Too Late
No-no, no-no, no-no-no

I let you down
I led you on
I never thought I'd be here without you
Don't let me drown
Inside your arms
Bad thoughts inside my mind
When the darkness comes
You're my light, baby
My light, baby
My light when it's dark, yeah
I'm too high, baby
Too high, baby
'Cause I know right now, that I lost it (Hey)

It's way too late
To save our souls, baby
(Oh, oh, yeah)
It's way too late
We're on our own
(Baby, on my own)
I made mistakes
I did you wrong, baby
(Oh, oh, yeah)
It's way too late to save my, my-

I can't trust (I can't trust)
Where I live (Where I live)
Anymore (Anymore, anymore, anymore)
Sources say (Sources say)
That we're done (That we're done)
How would they know? ('Cause they know, 'cause they know, 'cause they know)
We're in Hell
It's disguised as a paradise with flashing lights
I just wanna believe
There's so much more (Hey, ooh, hey, hey)

It's way too late
To save our souls, baby
(Oh, oh, yeah)
It's way too late
We're on our own
(Baby, on my own)
I made mistakes
I did you wrong, baby
(Oh, oh, yeah)
It's way too late to save my, my-

And, ooh
I tell myself I should get over you
I said ooh
I know I'd rather be all over you
I'm trying, trying
But I
I just want your body
Riding slow on top of me
Girl, on top of me
I want you, babe

It's way too late (Too late)
To save our souls, baby
(Souls, baby, oh, oh, yeah)
It's way too late (Ooh)
We're on our own
(Baby, on my own)
I made mistakes (Mistakes)
I did you wrong, baby (Ooh, baby, oh, oh, yeah)
It's way too late to save my, my

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TED Talks:

📕How designing brand-new enzymes could change the world

Perfect Continuous: Present, Past, Future
Time expression

Perfect continuous tense (Present, Past, Future) denotes an action continuing from the past into the present.

📘It implies the duration of action (past to present).

📕The time expression is normally indicated by

‘Since, for, how long, whole, all, throughout, all along.’

📕 Time expression can be used with both continuous and indefinite tenses as follows

Continuous + Time expression = Perfect continuous
( Present, Past, Future) Action is not yet complete

Indefinite + Time expression = Perfect
(Present, Past, Future)
Action is complete

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📕📘📕 Coincide ,koʊɪn'saɪd  

Occupy the same place in space; occupy the same time; correspond exactly; agree..

   ✔️منطبق شدن ، همزمان بودن ، يکي بودن ، هماهنگ بودن

If these triangles were placed one on top of the other, they would coincide.

  ✔️اگر اين مثلثها روي يکديگر قرار داده شوند، بر هم منطبق ميشوند.

Because Pete's and Jim's working hours coincide, and they live in the same vicinity, they depart from their homes at the same time.

✔️ چونکه ساعات کاري «پيت» و «جيم» همزمان است و در همسايگي هم زندگي ميکنند، هر دو همزمان خانههايشان را ترک ميکنند.

My verdict on the film coincides with Adele's.
نظر من درباره ي فيلم با نظر «آدله» مطابقت دارد.

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More tips on IELTS writing - check these out..

Covid-19: The office after lockdown .

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The Grammar Gameshow Episode 1
Present Simple and Present Continuous

📕📘Grammar past progressive.
گرامر گذشته ادامه دار .


Subject + to be (am , is , are ) + verb + ing

I , she , he, it , + was
They , we , you , + were

I was waiting for you .
منتظر شما بودم .

They were speaking English.
آنها انگلیسی صحبت میکردند .
جملات پرسشی.

I,  he, she, it،  +  was
wasn't ,,in negative form

you, we, they , + were ,,weren't
Examples, 👇👇

📚Was she speaking English ?
او داشت انگلیسی صحبت میکرد؟

📚Were they walking ?
آنها داشتند راه میرفتند ؟

📕📘از زمان گذشته استمراری بيشتر برای بيان کارهايی استفاده می‌شود که در گذشته اتفاق افتاده و مدتی ادامه داشته‌اند ولی حدود زمانی آنها به طور دقيق مشخص نیست . 

📕بطور کلی «گذشته استمراری» در موارد زير بکار می‌رود:

1- برای بيان کاری که قبل از زمان خاصی در گذشته آغاز شده و احتمالاً پس از آن نيز ادامه داشته است:

📕📘'What were you doing at 6.00?'  'I was having breakfast.'
(.ساعت 6 چکار می‌کرديد؟
داشتم صبحانه می‌خوردم)

📚2- برای بیان کار يا فعاليتی در گذشته که به وسيله چيزی قطع شده باشد:

The phone rang when I was watching TV.
(.وقتی داشتم تلويزيون تماشا می‌کردم، تلفن زنگ زد)

While I was driving home, my car broke down.
(.هنگاميکه داشتم به خانه بر می‌گشتم، ماشينم خراب شد)

📚3- برای بيان کار يا فعاليتی به پايان نرسيده در زمان گذشته (در مقايسه با گذشته ساده که کارهای کامل شده را بيان می‌کند):

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📘None of your business.
📕It's not up to you.
📘It has nothing to do with you.
📕None of your concern.
📘Keep yourself out of it ..
📕Stay out of it..

به تو چه


Tempest ˈtempəst   .

📕Violent storm with much wind;
📘a violent disturbance..

✔️طوفان خشن با باد زياد،
اغتشاش و آشفتگي خشونت .

The tempest drove the ship on the rocks.

  ✔️طوفان کشتي را به سمت صخره ها حرکت داد.

Following the weather report of the approaching tempest, we were prompted to seek immediate shelter.

✔️ به دنبال گزارش هواشناسي در مورد نزديک شدن توفان، برآن شديم پناهگاهي فوري پيدا کنيم.

When Mr. Couche saw that a tempest was brewing over the issue, he hastily called a meeting.

✔️ وقتي آقاي «کُچ» متوجه شد که بر سر موضوع، اغتشاشي در حال وقوع است، شتاب زده جلسه اي تشکيل داد.

The expressions that we can use instead of saying " tell me ..

📕Put me in the picture..

📘Keep me in the know.

📕Keep me updated.

📘Keep me informed.

📕Keep me in the loop.

📘Keep me posted.

📕Inform me please..

📘منو در جریان بزار..


کاربرد حروف اضافه (in , on , at)

📘📕موارد استفاده حرف اضافه Inدر مورد زمان:

قبل از ماه،فصل،سال و قرن

in July; in September

in 1985; in 1999
in summer; in the summer of 69
بخشی از روز
in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening
in a minute; in two weeks

In the nineteenth century

۲٫در مورد مکان:

قبل از چیزی که دارای حجم باشد:

In my pocket, in the drawer

قبل از شهرها و کشورها

In England, In Tehran

قبل از محل های مسقف

In class, In building, In living room,In the Kitchen

📘📕 کلمات زیر همراه با این حرف اضافه به کار می روند که بهتر است به خاطر بسپارید

In time
به موقع

In fact
در حقیقت

In the end
سرانجام -بلاخره

In the newspaper
در روزنامه

In a few minutes
تا چند دقیقه دیگر

In public
در ملاءعام

In danger
در خطر

📘📕 موارد استفاده حرف اضافه On
۱٫در مورد زمان:
قبل از روزهای هفته

on Sunday; on Friday


On December, 4th


on Good Friday; on Easter Sunday; on my birthday

زمان خاصی از روز

on the morning of September

۲٫به معنی روی:
on the wall
on the desk
On page 10

۳٫در آدرس های تقریبا معین با نام خیابان:

On saba street..

📘📕 کلمات زیر همراه با این حرف اضافه به کار می روند که بهتر است به خاطر بسپارید

On the phone
با تلفن

On holidays
در تعطیلات

On sale

On time
درست سر موقع

On the left or right
در سمت چپ (راست) برای آدرس دادن
📘موارد استفاده حرف اضافه At
۱٫قبل از دقیقه وساعت:

At ten o’clock

۲٫قبل از اوقات روز:
At night
در شب

At midnight
نصفه شب

At noon
در ظهر

At dawn
در سپیده دم

At midday
در اواسط روز

At sunrise
در طلوع آفتاب

At sunset
در غروب آفتاب

۳٫قبل از آدرسهای دقیق هنگامی که پلاک منزل نوشته شود.

He lives at 18,Hafez street

📘 کلمات زیر همراه با این حرف اضافه به کار می روند که بهتر است به خاطر بسپارید👇👇👇

At the office
در اداره

At home
در خانه

At work

At the door
پشت در

At the window
پشت پنجره

At dinner
هنگام شام

At that time
در آن زمان

At the cinema
در سینما

At least

At last
در آخر

At first
در ابتدا

At any moment
در هر لحظه

The day you stop worrying will be the first day of a new life. New possibilities come with an open heart for change, take care of yourself .
Good morning🌺

When: is used to express at that time or at that moment
It  used when a short action is immediately followed by another short action.

📕Example: He came out when the bell rang.

📘When: is used to talk about a specific age or period of life.

📘Example: When I was a child, we lived in London.

📕While is used to talk about two long actions happening at the same time.

📕Example: She was surfing the internet while I was cooking.

📕Example: He was driving while I was listening to music


📕📘📕 تفاوت بین Every day و Everyday

Every day means every single, individual day. It’s two words. Think of it like ‘every year’ or ‘every month’ or ‘every hour.’

زمانی که به عنوان قید از این کلمه استفاده گردد ، دو واژه است و باید بین آن فاصله وجود داشته باشد و به معنای "هر روز" می باشد.

Everyday (one word) is an adjective. It is used to describe a noun. According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary it means ordinary, typical or usual

زمانی که به عنوان صفت استفاده گردد، یک واژه است و نباید بین آن فاصله وجود داشته باشد و به معنای "معمولی و عادی" می باشد.

پس  everyday  به شکل سر هم به معنی روز مره است ،اما every day  به شکل جدا به معنی هر روزه.


📘📕So both Can and Could are Modal Verbs. In generalCould is considered more polite
(or formal) than Can.



The three main uses of Can are: (1) ability 2) possibility and 3) permission.
However there are some other used of Can as we will see below.

📕To express ability

📘📕Can means to be (physically) able to do something OR to know how to do something.

📚Birds can fly.
📚Elephants can't fly.
📚I can speak two languages.

To express a possibility (in general)
📘This refers to a theoretical possibility. 
📕Note: we don't use can to talk about future possibilities. For this you would use may or might.



Could is similar to Can and often replaces Can in the past tense (though not always)

📕 To express ability in the past

📘📕I could ride a horse when I was younger but now I can't.

She could juggle eight balls when she was only 10 years old.
📕📘Polite word used to ask for permission or to request something (in the present)
Could I please use your bathroom?

2024/09/25 04:29:42
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