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How to respond to thank you : listen carefully..

📕چطور جواب تشکر بدهیم 👇

📘You're welcome.
📕You got it.
📘Don’t mention it.
📕No worries.
📘No problem.
📕Not a problem.
📘My pleasure.
📕It was nothing.
📘I’m happy to help.
📕Not at all.
📕Sure thing.
📕Not at all.
📘Never mind.
📕It's no bother.
📘It's nothing.
📕It's all right.
The difference between "must & have to.

📕زمانی از must استفاده می کنیم که اجبار از ناحیه خودمان باشد.
همچنين وقتي كه در مورد چيزي خيلي مطمئن باشيم. 

در حالیکه have to اجباری است که از طرف عوامل ديگر/خارجی غیر از خودمان، برای ما به وجود می آید.


📕I must polish my boots once a week.

من هفته ای یک بار باید پوتین هایم را واکس بزنم . 
(این کاری است که خودم را ملزم به انجام آن می دانم).

Have to

📘I have to arrive at work at 9 sharp. My boss is very strict.

بايد دقيق سر ساعت9 برسم به كارم، رييسم خيلي گير است (الزام خارجي)


would like = want..
📘خواستن ، دوست داشتن

📕The verb "would like" requires an object, a gerund, or an infinitive after it:

I would like a bagel. (The word "bagel" is an object.)

He'd like a new job. (The word "job" is an object.
📘 Notice that the subject and "would" are contracted to form "He'd." This is very common.)

They'd like a new dog. (The word "dog" is an object.)
📕آنها یک سگ جدید میخواهند

They'd like to get a new dog. ("To get" is an infinitive.)

Most people make a contraction with the subject and "would."

She would like to make a call. = She'd like to make a call.
📕او دوست دارد تماس برقرار کند

So , I would like or I'd like (to do something) is a polite way to express a wish or desire:


What would you like?
چه چیزی دوست دارید ؟

📕 I would like a cup of tea.
ی فنجان چای میخوام .

👉 What do you want to drink? - I want a cup of tea.

📕Would like is always followed by an infinitive with to:

Would you like to come with us? it means 👉Do you want to come with us?
📕دوست دارید با ما بیایید ؟

He would like (or He'd like) to join the sales team.👉 He wants to join the sales team.
او دوست داره ب این تیم ملحق بشه

I'd like you to tell me the truth. 👉I want you to tell me the truth

📕دوست دارم حقیقت و بهم بگی..

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How should we use everyone and anyone?
📕So , practice to get more.


برای دعوت کردن دوستان و نزدیکان اغلب از عبارت های زیر استفاده می شود:

For inviting the family we can use these 👇👇

📕Do you want to…?
می خوای ….؟

📘Would you like to….?
میل داری….؟

📕Do you want to go to the movies tonight?
می خوای امشب برویم سینما ؟

📘Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?
میل داری فردا با من ناهار بخوری؟


📕گاهی اوقات ابتدا دلیل مهمانی یا دعوت ذکر شده و سپس عبارت های دیگر ..
Sometimes we first use the reason of party or invitation then we can use these 👇👇👇

📕Can you come ? Or
📘Do you think you can come ..
میتونی بیای ، یا ، فکر میکنی بتونی بیای ؟

📕I'm giving a house warming party next Saturday. Can you come?
شنبه آینده به مناسبت (خرید) خانه جدید مهمانی داریم. می توانی بیایی؟

📘Next Sunday is my birthday party. Do you think you can come?
یکشنبه آینده جشن تولد من است. می توانی بیایی؟


برای قبول دعوت عبارت های I'd like to (میل دارم) و شکل قوی تر آن I'd love to (خیلی مایلم) به کار می رود.
For accepting the invitation we use " I would like " and the strongest one is "I would love to "

📕I would love to visit you.
دوست دارم ببینم تون ..

📘I would like to have pizza for dinner ..
دوست دارم برا شام پیتزا داشته باشم .

Some expressions that we need

Stop saying very.

Most nouns form the plural number by adding -s or -es to the singular.

Examples: mat, mats; wave, waves; problem, problems; bough, boughs; John, Johns; nurse, nurses; tense, tenses; bench, benches; dish, dishes; class, classes; fox, foxes.

Special Rules
1. If the singular ends in (-s, -x, -z, -ch, or -sh), the plural ending is -es.

Examples: loss, losses; box, boxes; buzz, buzzes; match, matches; rush, rushes.

2. Many nouns ending in (-o) preceded by a consonant also take the ending -es in the plural.

Examples: hero, heroes; cargo, cargoes; potato, potatoes; motto, mottoes; buffalo, buffaloes; mosquito, mosquitoes.

3. Nouns ending in (-o) preceded by a vowel form their plural in -s: as,—cameo, cameos; folio, folios.

4. The following nouns ending in (-o) preceded by a consonant also form their plural in -s:


the name of the game

You can say something is the name of the game if it's the most important thing you need to know or to have in order to succeed at something.

In long-distance running, the name of the game is stamina and fitness. No matter how hard you try, if you haven't trained hard and become extremely fit, you cannot win.

The name of the game in the fashion industry is knowing the right people. Even if you have the best designs, you won't succeed unless the people who matter see them.

Picture dictionary.


📕📘How we should use these words in English..


📕We can use hate, like, love and prefer with an -ing form or with a to-infinitive:

I hate to do homework.
📘 خیلی بدم میاد تکلیف انجام بدم .

I love going to the cinema.
📕سینما رفتن و دوست دارم ‌

I prefer listening to the news on radio than watching it on TV.

📕ترجیح میدم خبر را از رادیو گوش کنم تا اینکه تو تلویزیون تماشا کنم

He prefers not to wear a tie to work.
📘ترجیح میده سر کار کروات نزنه..


📕In American English, the forms with to-infinitive are much more common than the -ing form.

📗There is a very small difference in meaning between the two forms.
📕📘 The -ing form emphasises the action or experience.
📘📕The to-infinitive gives more emphasis to the results of the action or event.

We often use the -ing form to suggest enjoyment (or lack of it),
📕the to-infinitive form to express habits or preferences.

I like making jam.
He likes telling jokes.
They don’t like sitting for too long.


Wh questions ..

📘How : کیفیت و چگونگی
📕How high : برای ارتفاع
📘How much : برای مقدار
📕How tall : برای قد شخص
📘 which : کدام
📕when : برای زمان
📘who : برای انسان در حالت مفعولی
📕How deep : برای عمق مکان
📘How long : برای طول زمان و مکان
📕How often . برای زمان
📘How well. برای کیفیت
📕what : چی ، چه
📘where : برای مکان
📕whose : مالکیت شخص و حیوان
📘How far :برای مسافت
📕How many : برای تعداد
📘How old : برای سن
📕what time : چه ساعتی
📘why : چرا

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سلام عزیزان
اگه به درست کردن دسر های خوشمزه و راحت و نوشیدنی های خاص با قهوه علاقه دارید من بهتون پیشنهاد میکنم حتما یه سر به این پیج آموزش کیک و دسر که لینکش رو گذاشتم بزنید و پست ها و هایلایت های این پیج رو ببینید 🤤😍
مطمئنم خوشتون میاد و همراهشون میشید 🥰
اینم آیدی پیجشون

Forwarded from English learners
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Organizations of sentence

📘Negative منفی
📕Subject فاعل
📘Feeling احساس
📕Correct order ترتیب درست جمله
📘Incorrect نادرست

2024/09/25 18:22:09
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