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📕📘📕Ways to say “ UNIQUE

The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.

The house has many one-of-a-kind features.

These fireworks are spectacular!

He’s an odd character and no mistake!

He is matchless not only in the field of design and architecture, but in humility as well.

As a tragic mono drama it is incomparable for sustained power and terrible beauty.

Some differences between American and British language.

Ir , er and ur make the er sound .


May ; might and the difference..

📘In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability,

📕but there is a slight difference between the two.

 May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual.

📘 For example, He may lose his job.


Use “May” When The Event Is Slightly More Likely To Happen“

📕What are you doing this weekend?”

“Shopping! I’m going to buy some new clothes, and I may get a new hat as well.”
👉 (it’s slightly more probable that I will buy the hat) 

What are you doing this weekend?

📕I might go to the movies. I’m not sure.”

📘(it’s slightly less probable that I will go to the movies)

In The Past, Always Use “Might”

📕(In The Structure Might + Have + Past Participle)

Why is Sara so happy today?

📘I don’t know. She might have gotten a promotion – I’d heard a rumor that the boss was thinking of making her manager.”


📕Always Use “May” When Asking For Permission“May I open the window?

📘This question is correct, but it sounds rather formal.
Most English speakers would probably say “Can I open the window?

📕in everyday life.Always Use “Might” With “Not

📘I may not go to the wedding.
In this case, may not sounds like I don’t have permission to go.I might not go to the wedding.
In this case, might not means maybe I will go, maybe I won’t go.

📘Many native English speakers do not make a major distinction between may and might, and the two words are often used interchangeably – so don’t worry too much about it!

Add up

📕increase in amount, number, or degree.

"watch those air miles add up!"


seem reasonable or consistent; make sense.

📕"many things in her story didn't add up"

📕روی هم جمع شدن، انباشته شدن، بالا رفتن

When you are feeding a family of six, the bills soon add up.

📘وقتی غذای یه خانواده شش نفری را فراهم می‌کنی، صورت‌حسابها خیلی زود بالا می روند.

معقول بودن، منطقی بودن، درست به نظر رسیدن

His story just doesn't add up. He must be lying.

📕داستانش درست به نظر نمی‌رسه. احتمالا دروغ میگه.

drop a bombshell.

If you drop a bombshell, you announce some shocking news.

The Liverpool football club dropped a bombshell when they announced that they had sacked their manager.

Yesterday our boss dropped a real bombshell. He told us the company had been sold and half of us would lose our jobs.


I always do and I'm always

📕I always do (something)=I do it every time ...

I always go to work by car. (Not I'm always going )..

📘I'm always doing something has a different meaning ..

I have lost my phone again . I'm always losing things..

I'm always losing things= I lose things very often perhaps too often ,or more often than normal...

📕 You are always playing computer games. You should do something more active ..

You play computer games too often..

📕Tim is never satisfied. He's always complaining.

He complains too much .

📕📘So , be careful when u use it


English learners
INNA_sfRemix – Up
Once upon a time,
there was a girl who made a wish
To find herself, her love
and finally make the switch
When you came around,
you healed another stitch
And I’m glad about that,
I can finally make the switch
روزگاری دختری بود که آرزو کرد
خود را بیابد و عشقش را پیدا کند
و سرانجام تغییر کند
هنگامی که تو از راه رسیدی
و درد دیگری را درمان کردی
و بخاطر آن خوشبختم که توانستم
سرانجام آن تغییر را ایجاد کنم

And I know, yeah I know
Many would like to be in my shoes
And I know, yeah I know
With you, I got nothin’ to lose
و خوب میدانم که
بسیار دوست دارند که جای من باشند
و خوب میدانم که
با تو چیزی را از دست نخواهم داد

When I’m down,
you can bring me up
Up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p
And when I’m hurt,
you know I don’t need much
You can use that magic touch
When I’m down, you can bring me up
Up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p
And when I’m hurt,
you know I don’t need much
You can use that magic touch
هنگامی که من اندوهگین هستم،
تو مرا به وجد میاوری
و هنگامی که من آسیب دیده ام،
میدانی که چیز زیادی نیاز ندارم
میتوانی از نوازش جادوییت استفاده کنی
(تکرار ترجمه)

You can use that magic touch
You can use that magic touch
میتوانی از نوازش جادوییت استفاده کنی

I was running all the time, babe,
you came and slowed me down
It’s me, myself and you know,
I’m levitatin’ off the ground
And when you came around,
you healed another stitch
I was lost, but now you found me,
I can finally make the switch
همیشه در حال فرار بودم، عزیزم تو آمدی و مرا آرام کردی
این خود من هستم و تو میدانی که خارج از زمین شناورم
هنگامی که تو از راه رسیدی و درد دیگری را درمان کردی
و بخاطر آن خوشبختم که توانستم سرانجام آن تغییر را ایجاد کنم

And I know, yeah I know
Many would like to be in my shoes
And I know, yeah I know
With you, I got nothin’ to lose
(تکرار ترجمه)

When I’m down, you can bring me up
Up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p
And when I’m hurt, you know I don’t need much
You can use that magic touch
When I’m down, you can bring me up
Up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p
And when I’m hurt, you know I don’t need much
You can use that magic touch
(تکرار ترجمه)

You can use that magic touch
You can use that magic touch
(تکرار ترجمه)


The meaning of words "grateful "and "thankful"

📕سپاسگزار ، ممنون ، متشکر ، حق شناس

📘feeling that you want to thank someone ,because of something kind that they have done or showing this feeling: 

Antonym is : ungrateful

📘Grateful to someone"
📕Grateful for something"



📕سپاسگزار و شاکر چیزی بودن ..

📘grateful and glad about something that has happened, especially because without it the situation would be much worse:"

📕Thankful to someone"
📘Thankful for something"

We feel thankful that she didn't marry him after all.

📘شکر میکنیم که او با اون پسر ازدواج نکرد

 I’m so grateful for all your help.

📕تشکر میکنم بخاطر همه ی کمک های شما ..

Forwarded from English learners
Media is too big
Transportation vocabulary and vehicle names.

📘📕On/in with months and dates

My birthday is on July!

My birthday is in July!

Note: For months we should use in and for days and dates in English language you always use preposition on.

📕It’s my birthday on June 2nd.

However, if you are talking not about the specific date, but for example want to highlight the month when your birthday is, it will be correct to use the preposition in.

How "cheap" English is conquering the world
BBC World Service
🎧How 'cheap' English is conquering the world🔝

Business Daily Podcasts from BBC world Service.

Some English idioms about "I'm afraid"

📕Family life
📘phrasal verbs


📕📘Poud .( adj )

📕Proud of + somebody/something

Her parents are very proud of her.

📕خانواده او خیلی به او افتخار میکنند

He is proud of his new car.
📘به ماشین جدید ش افتخار میکنه

📕📘Proud to .

I'm proud to recieve this award.
📕افتخار میکنم بابت دریافت این جایزه .

2024/09/26 21:50:51
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