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📘📕ﭘﯿﺶ ﺍﺯ ﺍﯾﻦ ; ﻗﺒﻼ ، در حال حاضر کاری انجام شده.

We use it when we wanna say that something we did before the time of it ...

زماني استفاده ميشه كه،
چيزي قبل از آنكه انتظارش رو داشته باشيم، رخ بده؛
و يا بخواهيم القا كنيم كه چيزي رو زودتر از موعد انجام داده ايم و يا رخ داده است
در ساختار رسمي، محل قرارگيري اش قبل از فعل اصلي در جمله است.

We use it before main verb ..
or after the present simple or past simple of the verb be
The car is OK. I’ve already fixed it
ماشين اوكيه؛ من در حال حاضر رديف اش كرده ام..

✔️دقت كنيد كه اين مكانيك القا ميكنه كه زودتر از آنچه انتظار ميرفته من ماشين رو درستش كرده ام و يه همچين مكانيك خوبي ام.
I’ve already spent my salary and it’s two weeks before pay day..
من در حال حاضر حقوق ام رو خرج كرده ام و دو هفته مونده تا روز حقوق دادن.
The train’s already left! What are we going to do?

✔️ترن همين الان رفت؛ چه خاكي به سرمون بكنيم حالا؟
We are already late..
✔️در حال حاضر ديركرده ايم
I've already been to London three times
✔️من قبلا سه بار در لندن بوده ام .

She already has three children
✔️او در حال حاضر سه تا بچه داره

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English adjectives -
8 English grammar lessons in 22 minutes!


📕‌ پس از May و Might برای بیان احتمال و Possibility استفاده می شود

زمانی که می خواهیم از احتمال چیزی صحبت کنیم، فرقی بین May و Might وجود ندارد و از هر دو می توان استفاده کرد. اما یک فرق جزئی بین این دو وجود دارد: 

📘May ..
📕می تواند در مورد اینکه چیزی محتمل است به کار برده شود. برای مثال:

He may lose his job..

ممکن ه شغل ش را از دست بدهد .

We may go on vacation.

📕شاید رفتیم مسافرت ..


📘برای بیان شرایط فرضی Hypothetical مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. برای مثال: 

If you hurry, you might get there on time.

📕اگر عجله کنی ممکن ه سر وقت برسی آنجا..

If I win the lottery, I might buy a car .

📘اگر قرعه کشی برنده میشدم شاید یک ماشین می خریدم

📕از جملات بالا می توانیم اینطور استنباط کنیم که Might با شرایطی سروکار دارد که به طور واقعی اتفاق نیوفتاده اند و فرضی هستند.. Hypothetical ،

📘اما May با شرایطی سروکار دارد که محتمل هستند و می توانند به واقعیت تبدیل شوند. 

📕یک راه ساده برای به خاطر سپردن این تفاوت این است که might نسبت به may احتمال کمتری را نشان می دهد. اگر چیزی خیلی غیر محتمل است از might استفاده کنید..



This means that you force someone/something to do something for you.



Don’t make her cry.

📕The teacher made him work hard.

Why do you make them (your parents)worry so much about you?



📕This means that you allow ( = let, give permission to do something) someone to do something or you allow something to happen.



📘She let the kids stay up past midnight.

📕I let the chicken burn in the oven.

Why did he let this happen?



This means that you help ( = assist) someone (to) do something. This structure is most often used without ‘to’.



Milk can help you fall asleep.

📕Could you help me carry my bags?

I don’t see how this helps them understand the lesson.

Ways to say “ PLEASE

📘If you would be so kind
Can you pass me that salt, if you would be so kind.

If you don’t mind
We’ll start now, if you don’t mind.

Kindly send your response by the end of the day.

📕If that’s alright with you
We need to finish that in an hour, if that’s alright with you.

📘I’d love it if you could
I’d love it if you could help me here.



📘📕ﭘﯿﺶ ﺍﺯ ﺍﯾﻦ ; ﻗﺒﻼ ، در حال حاضر کاری انجام شده.

We use it when we wanna say that something we did before the time of it ...

زماني استفاده ميشه كه،
چيزي قبل از آنكه انتظارش رو داشته باشيم، رخ بده؛
و يا بخواهيم القا كنيم كه چيزي رو زودتر از موعد انجام داده ايم و يا رخ داده است
در ساختار رسمي، محل قرارگيري اش قبل از فعل اصلي در جمله است.

We use it before main verb ..
or after the present simple or past simple of the verb be
The car is OK. I’ve already fixed it
ماشين اوكيه؛ من در حال حاضر رديف اش كرده ام..

✔️دقت كنيد كه اين مكانيك القا ميكنه كه زودتر از آنچه انتظار ميرفته من ماشين رو درستش كرده ام و يه همچين مكانيك خوبي ام.
I’ve already spent my salary and it’s two weeks before pay day..
من در حال حاضر حقوق ام رو خرج كرده ام و دو هفته مونده تا روز حقوق دادن.
The train’s already left! What are we going to do?

✔️ترن همين الان رفت؛ چه خاكي به سرمون بكنيم حالا؟
We are already late..
✔️در حال حاضر ديركرده ايم
I've already been to London three times
✔️من قبلا سه بار در لندن بوده ام .

She already has three children
✔️او در حال حاضر سه تا بچه داره


📕📘The ways that we can say be quiet..but impolite🙊

Zip your lip!

Zip your mouth!

Zip it!

Zip it up!

Zip the lip!

Shut up!

Put a sock in it!

Shut your pie hole!

Wind your neck in!

Pipe down!

Button it!

روش های مختلف گفتن ساکت باش به صورت بی ادبانه"خفه شو"🙊

📕📘So “Although“, “Though” and “Even though” are all subordinating conjunctions, which connect two sentences together.

Sentences with these conjunctions have two clauses; one “main clause” and the other “concessive clause” ( which include opposite idea (contrast) of the main clause of the sentence. )


📕📘 There must be a contrast between two sentences. ( If the first sentence is positive, the second sentence should be negative in meaning. If the first sentence is negative, the second sentence should be positive in meaning.)

When the clause with although/though/even though comes before the main clause, we should put a comma at the end of the clause.

When the main clause comes first, we don’t need to use a comma.

Even though I have many friends, I feel myself lonely.

📕📘They didn’t go to the party, although they were invited.

He isn’t happy, though he is rich

📕📘He had a good time with his family, even though he was very busy yesterday.


📕Error and mistake are two different words that are actually synonyms of each other.
📕They also mean the same thing, something that is done incorrectly or is wrong.
This could be due to bad judgment, inattention or may due to lack of focus.
📘 The main difference between the two is the context that they are used in.

📕📘There is overlap in the meaning.

"error" simply means that something came out wrong,

"mistake" implies that someone is to blame for it.
📕 a mistake is "an errorin action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.

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"Don't mind" vs "Doesn't matter"

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بطور عمیق ، زیادی

meaning : to a profound extent; extremely.

📕A profoundly disturbing experience.

📘He profoundly altered the whole course of my life.

Synonyms :


📕📘suppose /səˈpəʊz/



think or assume that something is true or probable but lack proof or certain knowledge.

.I suppose I got there about noon.

📕.I'm supposed to be meeting someone at the airport.

3.The procedure supposes that a will has already been proved.

Synonyms :

I suppose so — used to express hesitant agreement.

📕You see I have to do this?’ ‘I suppose so.’"

2024/09/26 23:25:16
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