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🔔 Word Of The Day 🔔

📘📕Ways to Interrupt Someone

Sorry to interrupt, but...

Excuse me – could I talk to you for a minute? / do you have a minute?
(when interrupting a conversation between two other people, to talk to one of them)

Could I jump in here?
(use this when interrupting a discussion among many people)

📕Sorry – I just want to say that...

📘(formal) May I have a word?

📕📘‍افراد با ویژگیهای مثبت.

People with positive

Live wire
آدم سخت کوش .
Big shot
آدم کله گنده"معروف"
آدم بلند پرواز فعال
Self - made
آدم خودساخته
آدم متین و معقول
آدم دلرحم
Good company
آدم خوش مشرب
آدم بلند پرواز
Early bird
آدم سحر خیز
night owl
شب زنده دار.

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Around the clock


If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night.

For example

I have to finish this report by Tuesday, so I'll be working around the clock until I get it done.

What the young people of this town need is a drop-in centre that's open around the clock.

Media is too big
Key IELTS Writing Techniques You Must Remember.

Beat box
ضرب دهانی

to create rhythmic percussive sounds with your mouth, especially when accompanying rhymes or rapping

Last year there was a guy on American Idol who was really good at beat boxing

You do the beat box stuff and I'll bust some rhymes.

The plural of uncountable words.

Allow (to) or let (= give permission to)

📘The driver allowed/let to John (to) sit in the front seat.

The driver allowed/let John (to) sit in the front seat.

Note: Permit has a similar meaning to let, though it's used in more formal situations.

📕The teacher doesn't permit us to talk in class.


📕 Either/or and neither/nor
📕Either / or - used in a
sentence in the affirmative sense when referring to a choice between two possibilities.

We can either eat now or after the show - it's up to you.


Neither / nor - used in a sentence in the negative sense when you want to say that two or more things are not true..
Neither my mother nor my father went to university.

📕 Singular or plural .
When using either/or and neither/nor, note the following rules:

📘If both elements are singular, then the verb is singular too.
Either the father or the mother has to attend the meeting.
📕(father and mother are singular; so the verb has is singular too)


Neither Leila nor Nader is going to write the report.
📕 (Leila and Nader are singular; so the verb is is singular too)

📕However, if one of the elements is plural, then use a plural verb.

Either Sara or the girls are going to prepare dinner tonight.
📕(the girls is plural; so the verb (are )should use .

Neither the teacher nor the students were in the classroom this morning.
📘(the students is plural; so the verb( were) should use .

The weekend.
Propositions of time

Forwarded from English learners
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Wash away
با شستشو پاک کردن

📕to remove ( something) by the movement of water.
📘to get rid of something, such as unhappy or unpleasant thoughts completely


📕📘 the difference between another ' others  and other

📕another + singular noun
📘other + plural noun 
📕others (a pronoun to replace

I need another cup.
(cup is singular so we use another)
I need other cups.
(cup is plural so we use other)
I need others.
(refers to other cups)When to use ANOTHER.

📕Another + Singular Countable noun
📘Another can be followed by a singular countable noun.


📕📘Other is a determiner that goes before plural countable nouns, uncountable nouns or a pronoun.

Other + Plural Countable Noun
📕Have you got any other dresses, or are these the only ones?

📕📘Other can be placed before the pronoun “ones..

📘📕Others as a pronoun

Others replaces “other ones” or "other + plural noun".
Only others can be used as a pronoun and not other.

I don’t like these postcards. Let’s ask for others.
(others = other postcards)

Some of the presidents arrived on Monday. 

📕Often “(the) others” refers to “(the) other people”.

He has no interest in helping others. (= in 

2024/09/26 21:36:25
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