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We normally add a "Th" to the end of a cardinal number to make it an ordinal number.
Be careful of the spelling exceptions below.

Very and Much

📕📘 (a) Very

He's a much strong man.
It's a much interesting book.
He's a very strong man.
It's a very interesting book.

📕📘(b) Much

He's very stronger than I am.
He's much stronger than I am.

Note: Use “very” with adjectives and adverbs in the positive, and with present participles used as adjectives like interesting.

Note: Use “much” with comparatives.

📕📘Ways to say “ PLEASE

If you would be so kind
Can you pass me that salt, if you would be so kind.

If you don’t mind
We’ll start now, if you don’t mind.

Kindly send your response by the end of the day.

If that’s alright with you
We need to finish that in an hour, if that’s alright with you.

I’d love it if you could
I’d love it if you could help me.

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Turn into

📕to transform into something, to become.

If you practice enough in our group, you will turn into an expert of the English .

How to say , How are u .....

English Collections with Come.


The Future Perfect Continuous tense isn't used very much in English and it is a little complicated to make. However, at higher levels it is great to understand it, and maybe use it sometimes too. It has a very precise meaning which can be convenient.

📘Form ..
subject + will + have been +verb + ing..

You'll have been sleeping..

She will have been studying ..

📕Negative Form...

📘I will not have been working..

📕I won't have been practicing..


'Yes / No' Questions..

📘Will I have been working? Yes , Or , No

📕Will you have been sleeping?

📘Will she have been studying?

📕Will he have been cooking?

📘Will it have been raining?

📕Will we have been exercising?

📘Will they have been travelling?


'Wh' Questions..

📕Where will I have been working?

📘Why will you have been sleeping?

📕Where will she have been studying?

Collocations with make.

Make breakfast
Make a noise
Make the bed
Make a wish
Make love
Make trouble
Make a comment
Make a cake
Make money
Make a mistake
Make progress
Make a decision

English learners:
Ways To Say "I LIKE IT.

I like it.
I adore it.
It looks great.
It looks fantastic.
I’m keen on it.
I’m addicted to it.
I’m really into it.
I’m partial to it.
I’m passionate about it.
I can’t get enough of it.
I have got a soft spot for it.
I am interested.
I’m crazy about it.
I love it.
It sounds great or good.
It looks good.
This is wicked.
This is totally sick.
It appeals to me.
I’ve grown to like it.
It’s to my liking.
It goes down well.
I fancy it / her.
I’m fond of it.
I’m mad about it.
I’m attached to…

What is the difference between through, along and across?

📕As adverbs the difference between along and through

is that along is in company; together while through is from one side to the other by way of the interior.

The English language sometimes has two words for something that is only one word in another language, through and across are examples.


📕is used to talk about movement in an area which is accepted


📘is used when we consider movement in a linear direction, we are only concerned with e

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7 Most Common English Grammar Mistakes + TEST

Do you make these mistakes?

At the drop of a hat .
📘یک دفعه ، بدون فکر .
If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately without stopping to think about it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ali was always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat.

لیست 100 لغت پرکاربرد در انگلیسی:
Some useful words in English..

1- Accept - پذيرفتن
2-Allow - اجازه دادن
3-Ask - پرسيدن
4-Believe - باور كردن
5-Borrow - قرض گرفتن
6-Break - شكستن
7-Bring - آوردن
8-Buy - خريدن
9-Can/ Be able - توانستن
10-Cancel - منتفي كردن
11-Change - تغيير دادن
12-Clean - تمييز كردن
13-Comb - شانه كردن
14-Complain - شكايت كردن
15-Cough - سرفه كردن
16-Count - شمردن
17-Cut - بريدن
18-Dance - رقصيدن
19-Draw - كشيدن
20-Drink - نوشيدن
21-Drive - رانندگي كردن
22-Eat - خوردن
23-Explain - توضيح دادن
24-Fall - افتادن
25-Fill - پر كردن
26-Find - پيدا كردن
27-Finish - تمام كردن
28-Fit - جا دادن
29-Fix - درست كردن
30-Fly - پرواز كردن
31-Forget - فراموش كردن
32-Give - دادن
33-Go - رفتن
34-Have - داشتن
35-Hear - شنيدن
36-Hurt - زخمي شدن
37-Know - دانستن
38-Learn - يادگرفتن
39-Leave - ترك كردن
40-Listen - گوش كردن
41-Live - زندگي كردن
42-Look - ديدن
43-Lose - گم كردن
44-Make/Do - انجام دادن
45-Need - احتياج داشتن
46-Open - بازكردن
47-Organise - منظم كردن
48-‍Close/Shut - بستن
49-Pay - پرداختن
50-Play - بازي كردن
51-Put - قرار دادن
52-Rain - باريدن
53-Read - خواندن
54-Reply - پاسخ دادن
55-Run - دويدن
56-Say - گفتن
57-See - ديدن
58-Sell - فروختن
59-Send - فرستادن
60-Sign - امضا كردن
61-Sing - آواز خواندن
62-Sit - نشستن
63-Sleep - خوابيدن
64-Smoke - سيگار كشيدن
65-Speak - صحبت كردن
66-Spell - هجي كردن
67-Spend - پرداختن
68-Stand - ايستادن
69-Start/Begin - شروع كردن
70-Study - درس خواندن
71-Succeed - موفق شدن
72- Swim - شنا كردن
73-Take - گرفتن
74-Talk - صحبت كردن
75-Teach - ياد دادن
76-Tell - گفتن
77-Think - فكر كردن
78-Translate - ترجمه كردن
79-Travel - سفر كردن
80-Try - امتحان كردن
81-Turn off - خاموش كردن
82-Turn on - روشن كردن
83-Type - تايپ كردن
84-Understand - فهميدن
85-Use - استفاده كردن
86-Wait - صبر كردن
87-Wake up - بيدار شدن
88-Want - خواستن
89-Watch - نگاه كردن
90-Work - كاركردن
91-Worry - نگران شدن
92-Write - نوشتن
93-Waste - هدر رفتن
94-Wonder - تعجب كردن
95-Worship - عبادت كردن
96-Win - برنده شدن
97-Wear - پوشيدن
98-Wash - شستن
100-Welcome. خوش آمدید

English idioms about Christmas.

Forwarded from English learners
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8 English Grammar Mistakes .

هشت اشتباه گرامری که ممکن شما موقع نوشتن با آنها مواجه بشوید .با دقت ببینید.

2024/09/26 23:18:32
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