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Useful phrases in shopping.

The verb go & how we should use it .

Stop saying Because.

Forwarded from English learners
📕To hit (someone) up
Meaning : to ask someone for money; or something for free.

Billy hit up all the neighbors, asking them to donate money for his baseball team.

Rabbit on

to talk for a long time, esp. about things that aren't important

📘Stop rabbiting on about nothing, will you, and go to sleep.

📕 Once my wife gets on the phone with one of her friends, they rabbit on for hours. God knows what they talk about.

from "rabbit and pork", which is rhyming slang for "talk" in parts of England

This is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Comparative and superlative rules.

📘📕Read it carefully to get the difference .

📕 Comparative
مقایسه دو تا چیز باهم .

مقایسه یک چیز با یک گروه از هر چیزی
هم میتونه شخص باشه یا هر چیز دیگری .

📕📘(it's) raining cats and dogs

You can say "it's raining cats and dogs" if it's raining very hard.

📕We can't go now because it's raining cats and dogs.

Why do people always use "it's raining cats and dogs" as an example of an idiom? No-one actually uses it any more, do they?

The first time this phrase appeared in print was in Jonathan Swift's A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation in 1738, in which he wrote, "I know Sir John will go, though he was sure it would rain cats and dogs". The phrase's source before this time remains a mystery, despite the many theories that have been put forward to explain its origin.

📕loud mouth
حرف مفت زن , دهان گشاد، دهان لق

an obnoxious person who talks too much and too loudly

When Charlie drinks alcohol, he turns into a boring, bragging loudmouth. No wonder he never gets invited to dinner parties.


Nothing/Nobody etc.

👉we use No+ noun. No= not a or not any

we had to walk home because there was no bus (=there wasn't a bus)

👉we use No+ noun. No= not a or not any

📕we had to walk home because there was no bus (=there wasn't a bus)

👉We can use No+ noun at the beginning of a sentence

🔸No reason was given for the change of plan

we use None without a noun:

📘How much money do u have? None (= no money)

Or we use none of...
📘this money is all urs. None of it is mine

👉after none of + plural (none of the students etc.) The verb can be singular or plural. A plural verb is more usual.

👉we can use Nothing/Nobody/no-one/nowhere at the beginning of a sentence or alone,as answer to questions

👉we can also use these words after a verb especially after be and have
📘we had nothing to do

👉with nothing/nobody etc. Do not use a negative verb(isn't,didn't etc.)
📕I said nothing.
👉after nobody /no-one we can use they/them/their

👉sometimes any/anything/anybody etc. Means "it doesn't matter which/what/who"
📕you can take any bus. They all go to the centre (=it doesn't matter which bus...)

we use None without a noun:

📘How much money do u have? None (= no money)

Or we use none of...
📕this money is all urs. None of it is mine

👉after none of + plural (none of the students etc.) The verb can be singular or plural. A plural verb is more usual.

👉with nothing/nobody etc. Do not use a negative verb(isn't,didn't etc.)
📘I said nothing.

👉sometimes any/anything/anybody etc. Means "it doesn't matter which/what/who"
📘you can take any bus. They all go to the centre (=it doesn't matter which bus...)

Sometimes the people who are thousand of miles away from you, can make you feel better than people right beside you.

گاهی وقتا آدمهایی که هزاران مایل از شما فاصله دارند، نسبت به اوناییکه دقیقا کنارتان هستند میتوانند به شما احساس بهتری بدهند.


برای تایید حرف طرف مقابل، می‌تونید از جمله‌ی I agree استفاده کنید ولی چند عبارت دیگر هم میتوانید استفاده کنید👇👇👇👇

For confirming the agreement of something we use agree ,
the explanation for this word .👇👇👇👇👇

I'm agree
I agree ...
I do agree...

- Exactly..

دقیقا (دقیقا همینطوره که شما میگید)
- Absolutely
کاملا درسته (یه عبارت کاملا محاوره‌ای)
- That’s so true
کاملا صحیحه
- That’s for sure
یقینا همینطوره (همینطوره که شما می‌فرمایید)
- I couldn’t agree more ..

دیگه بیشتر از این نمیشه موافق بود! (به عبارتی: کاملا موافقم)
- That’s exactly what I think..

دقیقا با شما هم‌نظر هستم، این دقیقا" چیزی است که من فکر میکنم.
- That’s exactly how I feel..

با شما هم عقیده هستم، این دقیقا" اون چیزیه که حس میکنم
- !Tell me about it! / You’re telling me...

آره واقعا (کاملا با شما موافقم – یه عبارت محاوره‌ای)
- !I’ll say
کاملا موافقم (برای موافقت شدید بکار میره)
- I suppose so
گمونم همینطوره که شما می فرمایید (برای موافقت ضعیف بکار میره).


برای تایید حرف طرف مقابل، می‌تونید از جمله‌ی I agree استفاده کنید ولی چند عبارت دیگر هم میتوانید استفاده کنید👇👇👇👇

For confirming the agreement of something we use agree ,
the explanation for this word .👇👇👇👇👇

I'm agree
I agree ...
I do agree...

- Exactly..

دقیقا (دقیقا همینطوره که شما میگید)
- Absolutely
کاملا درسته (یه عبارت کاملا محاوره‌ای)
- That’s so true
کاملا صحیحه
- That’s for sure
یقینا همینطوره (همینطوره که شما می‌فرمایید)
- I couldn’t agree more ..

دیگه بیشتر از این نمیشه موافق بود! (به عبارتی: کاملا موافقم)
- That’s exactly what I think..

دقیقا با شما هم‌نظر هستم، این دقیقا" چیزی است که من فکر میکنم.
- That’s exactly how I feel..

با شما هم عقیده هستم، این دقیقا" اون چیزیه که حس میکنم
- !Tell me about it! / You’re telling me...

آره واقعا (کاملا با شما موافقم – یه عبارت محاوره‌ای)
- !I’ll say
کاملا موافقم (برای موافقت شدید بکار میره)
- I suppose so
گمونم همینطوره که شما می فرمایید (برای موافقت ضعیف بکار میره).

Plural for Singular

The element Aluminium as well as the lA and llA metals combine explosively with oxygen under the right conditions.

The element Aluminium as well as the lA and llA metals combines explosively with oxygen under the right conditions.

📕Note: The “as well as” phrase is in an adjective phrase, not part of the subject. The subject is “the element Aluminium” only as this is singular, we need the singular verb.

Note: When "as well as" is used as a conjunction (i.e. in place of “and”), there is no need to use commas before or after the phrase. Moreover, it should always be used with a singular verb.

John as well as Alex is involved in this project.

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Fewer and Less

Fewer and Less are both used for comparison; However, they're used differently.


Fewer is used with countable nouns (such as friends, books, shelves)

There are fewer books on the shelf now.
Eat fewer candies please.


Less, on the other hand, is used with uncountable nouns (Like bread, money, water)

I have less money than you.

You should spend less time playing around.


Less is used with uncountable and Fewer is used with countable nouns; However, less could also be used with countable nouns ONLY WHEN the noun refers to some sort of a distance, amount or time.

Less than two weeks
Less than two miles
Less than three grams.

2024/09/27 07:28:57
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