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Have a ball

Meaning :
To have a very enjoyable time.

Example :
The kids really had a ball at the party—they won't stop talking about it!

Salt of the earth

📕Meaning. A very good or worth person

Example :
Our teacher is the salt of the earth, he is the first to help any students in any trouble.

📘📕Take the mickey (out of somebody)

Meaning :
To make someone look silly in a friendly way, e.g by copying them

Example :
e.g. He always takes the mickey out of me.

هرچقدر طوفان زندگیت بزرگ‌ تر ، رنگین کمان بعد او روشن تر

📕📘 chickens come home to roost
دامنگیر (کسی) شدن، پیامد بد داشتن، نتیجه ی منفی دادن

If chickens are coming home to roost, someone is suffering the unpleasant consequences of their bad actions in the past

📕Fred's in hospital with liver problems. I guess the chickens have come home to roost after all those years of heavy drinking.

The chickens are coming home to roost for the executives who committed fraud in the nineties. They're being charged now even though they committed their crimes over ten years ago.

Ways to say it's raining .


The short forms of sentences..
The abbreviated words.

📘 &=and
📕 2=two, to or too
📘 2DAY=today
📕 2MORROW=tomorrow
📘BTW= by the way
📕 CU= see you
📘 B=be
📕 B4=before
📘 BF=boyfriend
📕 BRO=brother
📘 BT=but
📕 C=see
📘 D8=date
📕 F8=fate
📘 GF=girlfriend
📕 GR8=great
📕 L8r=later
📘 M8=mate
📕 PLS=please
📘 SIS=sister


📕 U=you
📘 UR=your
📕 ASAP=as soon as possible
📘 CUL=see you later
📕 HAND=have a nice day
📘 HRU=how are you
📕 LOL=laughing out loud
📘LTNS=long time no see
📕 MU= miss you
📘 IC=i see
📕 RUOK=are you ok?
📘 U4E=you forever
📕 X=kiss
📘 K= ok
📕 IDK= i don't know

📕📘Some sings that we use them in English.

( , ) comma   کاما

( . ) period, decimal point.  نقطه

( ; ) semicolon   نقطه ویرگول

( : ) colon    دو نقطه

( ! ) exclamation mark / exclamation point   علامت تعجب

( ? ) question mark  علامت سوال

( ' ) apostrophe,prime آپوستروف

( " ) quotation mark   علامت نقل قول

( ( ) ) parenthesis.   پرانتز

( [] ) square bracket / bracket کوروشه

( {} ) brace.   آکولاد

( ᐸ ) less-than sign   کوچکتر از

( > ) greater-than sign.   بزرگتر از

( $ ) dollar sign   علامت دلار

( / ) slash.   ممیز

( % ) percent     درصد

( - ) dash / hyphen    خط فاصله

( # ) number sign   علامت اعداد

( & ) ampersand.  نشانی ب جای and

( @ ) at sign.  علامت

( * ) asterisk   نشان

( _ ) underscore. علامت کشیدن زیر چیزی ، تاکید

The times we have in our life

Vital ˈvaɪtl‌   
Having to do with life; necessary to life; causing death, failure or ruin; lively.

   مربوط به حيات، ضروري براي حيات، عامل مرگ و مير، شکست يا ويراني، حياتي

We must preserve and protect our vital resources.
ما بايد از منابع حياتي خود محافظت و مراقبت نماييم.

. Eating is a vital function, the obese man reminded me.

  مرد چاق به من يادآوري کرد که خوردن يک عمل حياتي است.

The valiant soldier died of a vital wound in Iraq.

سرباز دلاو‌ر در اثر زخمي مهلک جان سپرد.

English learners
FINNEAS – Can't Wait To Be Dead

Somebody's driving you home
But they don't know who you are
You're in the back of the car
Somebody's trying to help
And making everything worse
Somebody, please call the nurse

Somebody's ripping you off
Trying to sell you good news
You know we're still gonna lose
But I need to be where you are
For no reason at all
Or else I'll suffer withdrawals

Nobody's coming to save me
Nobody knows any better anyway
I think we're thinking the same thing
If this is how it ends, I wasn't listening

Somebody's screaming again
Another sunburn with hair
It's too much fun not to stare
Somebody's calling you out
For something you never said
Kinda can't wait to be dead
Somebody's wasting my time
Fuck your Confederate flag
You've got no reason to brag

Nobody's coming to save me
Nobody knows any better anyway
I think we're thinking the same thing
If this is how it ends, I wasn't listening yet
(To you, to you)

I wasn't listening yet
Not even gone, but you'll be missing me yet
I wasn't listening yet
I wasn't listening
I wasn't listening yet

عزیزانی ک تمایل به داشتن کلاس های آنلاین دارند در خدمت شون هستیم با بهترین دبیر ها
برای اطلاعات بیشتر به این آیدی پیام بدید

Those who need online classes we r at ur service with best teachers .
for more information u can contact👇


Improving the conversation ..

چرا دیروز مدرسه نرفتی؟ 
Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
چون حالم بد بود خونه موندم. 
📘 I stayed home because I wasn’t feeling well.


مشکلت چی بود؟ 
What was your problem?
دلم درد می کرد. 
📕My stomach was bothering me.

الان بهتری؟ 
📘Are you feeling any better?
هنوز یکم درد دارم. 
I’m still feeling a little sick.


دارم میرم مغازه، دارو میخوای برات بگیرم؟ 
I’m going to the store, would you need any drug?
نیازی نیست. 
📕That’s okay.
امیدوارم زودتر بهتر بشی. 
I hope you get better soon .
📕I’d appreciate that.

English expressions about education.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

شما فقط یک بار زندگی میکنید،
اما اگر خوب زندگی کنید، همون یک بار کافیست .

A bookworm is someone who loves to read.

She's really a bookworm always she's reading the book..

او واقعا خرخون ه همیشه کتاب می خونه


نمونه سوالات متداول در مکالمات انگلیسی که با
📕DO - DOSE - DID ..

شروع میشوند و در مجموع نوع بکار بردن آنها در جملات و استفاده آن برای افراد مختلف که در دستور زبان وجود دارد و همچنین زمان های مختلف و چگونگی به کار بردن آنها 👇👇

How to make the question with Do " Does " Did".


📘Do + 👉 I/you/we/they/
📕Does+ 👉 He/she/it

Examples 👇

📘Does it your car?
آیا ماشین شماست ؟

📕Do you speak Persian?
آیا فارسی صحبت میکنید ؟

📘Do you speak English?
انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟

📕Do they speak English?
آیا آنها انگلیسی صحبت میکنند؟

📘Do you speak English with your son at home?
آیا در خانه با پسرت انگلیسی صحبت میکنید؟

📕Did he speak English?
آیا اون انگلیسی صحبت میکرد؟

📘Do you want me to pick you up ?
از من میخواهید ک شنا را برسونم؟

📕Did you want to go alone?
آیا می خواستید تنها بروید ؟

📘Do you want to call him?
می خواستید به او زنگ بزنید ؟

📕Did you want to eat something first?
آیا می خواستید اول چیزی بخورید ؟

📘Did you want to go out last night ?
آیا دیشب می خواستید برید بیرون ؟


📕Does your daughter want to go?
آیا دختر شما میخواهد برود؟

📘Did Mina go to the mall?
آیا مینا به پاساژ رفت ؟

📕Do you want to speak with your husband?
آیا دوست داری با همسرت صحبت کنی ؟

📘Do you like to speak with me?
آیا دوست داری با من حرف بزنی؟

📕Does she go to her sister's house?
آیا او به خانه خواهرش میرود ؟

📘Do you want to speak English?
آیا میخواهید انگلیسی صحبت کنید؟

📕Do your family interested in buying something new ?
آیا خانواده ت دوست دارن چیز جدید بخرن؟

📘Did they help you?
آیا آنها به شما کمک کردند؟

📕Do you need some bread?
آیا یکم نان لازم دارید ؟

📘Do you like to have breakfast/lunch together?
دوست داری که باهم شام یا ناهار بخوریم ؟


📕Do you need my car for tomorrow?
آیا ماشین من را برا فردا لازم داری ؟

📘Does Mina want to go?
آیا مینا میخواهد برود ؟

📕Does He want to buy a car? 
آیا او میخواهد ماشین بخرد؟
📘Did you have enough gas?
آیا گاز به اندازه کافی داشتی ؟

📕Do you have enough money in your account?
تو حساب ت به اندازه کافی پول داری ؟

📘Did you have close friend in Tehran?
تو تهران دوست صمیمی داشتی ؟

📕Did you have their phone number?
آیا شماره تلفن آنها را داشتی؟

📘Do you have her new address?
آدرس جدید او را داری ؟


📕Do you have something new to watch?
چیز جدیدی برا تماشا داری ؟

📘Do you have tea?
آیا چای داری؟

📕Do you have the picture of your family?
آیا عکس خانواده تو داری ؟

📘Did they have a big house?
آیا آنها خانه بزرگی داشتتد؟

📕Do they have any children?
آیا بچه ای دارند؟

📘Do you have job ?
شما شغل دارید؟

📕Does Reza have a job ?
رضا شغل داره ؟

📘Does it have a kitchen, too?
آشپزخانه هم داره ؟


👉Did +simple verb..
👉Does + simple verb .
👉Do + simple verb.

📘📕Either & neither

یا این یا اون
either this or that

نه این نه اون
neither this nor that

You can use either hand.
می توانی هر یک از ۲ دست را به کار گیری.

He had a knife in either hand.
او در هر دست یک‌ چاقو‌ داشت.

👈بعد ۲ فعل منفی به کار می رود. نه…. نه
I don’t like her and I don’t like her sister either.

Neither boy went.
هیچ کدام از آن دو پسر نرفتند.

He doesn’t drink, neither does he smoke.
او‌ نه سیگار می کشد و نه مشروب می‌خورد.


anxious, uneasy, on edge

📕For example

Customs officials get suspicious if air passengers seem jumpy and nervous when their luggage is being checked.

Everyone in the city was jumpy after the terrorists bombed the railway station.

Forwarded from English learners
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Put Up With sth/sb

📕If you put up with something or someone you tolerate or accept it.

2024/09/23 08:19:41
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