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📕📘 Passive past progressive

While my car was repairing, I had to use my bicycle.

While my car was being repaired, I had to use my bicycle.

📘Note: The passive form of the past progressive tense is was/were + being + past participle.

When we last stayed at the hotel, some of the rooms were being renovated.

Water was being sprayed onto the logs to keep them wet.

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Letter Writing Style and Structures for General Task .

📕📘See a man about a dog


If you do not want to tell someone the truth about where you are going or what you are doing, you can say, “I’m going to see a man about a dog”. Often used when you need to go to the toilet or to buy an alcoholic drink.


The one of the characters tries to get out of a difficult situation by saying, "Excuse me I can't stop; I've got to see a man about a dog".


I'm just going to see a man about a dog. I’ll be back soon.

I’m sorry but I have to go now. I need to see a man about a dog.

📕Possessive adjective
📘Possessive pronoun
📕Object pronoun.
📘Subject pronoun.
Have a look for them and Learn how to use them.

Love is nothing without action. Trust is nothing without proof. Sorry is nothing without damage.

عشق بدون عمل معنایی ندارد، اعتماد بدون اثبات هیچ هست و عذرخواهی بدون این که تغییر کنید بی معنا ست.


Hard to swallow"

📕Difficult to believe.
اصطلاحی پرکاربرد به معنی سخت پذیرفتن چیزی، باور ناپذیر بودن چیزی

It was hard to swallow when she told me she didn’t love me.

  باور کردنش سخت بود، وقتی ب من گفت دوست ندارم .

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Learning English with famous speeches


maɪˈgreɪt $ ˈmaɪgreɪt/verb

Family words 👇
move, emigrate, journey, roam, rove, travel, trek, voyage, wander

ﻣﻬﺎﺟﺮﺕ ﻛﺮﺩﻥ،ﻛﻮﭺ ﻛﺮﺩﻥ،ﻛﻮﭼﻴﺪﻥ،ﺟﻠﺎﻯ ﻭﻃﻦ ﻛﺮﺩﻥ

they migrated to Australia
ﺁﻧﻬﺎ ﺑﻪ ﺍﺳﺘﺮﺍﻟﻴﺎ ﻣﻬﺎﺟﺮﺕ ﻛﺮﺩﻧﺪ.

the Ghashghais migrate a few times each year
ﻗﺸﻘﺎﻳﻰ ﻫﺎ ﺳﺎﻟﻰ ﭼﻨﺪ ﺑﺎﺭ ﻛﻮﭺ ﻣﻰ‌ﻛﻨﻨﺪ.
some birds migrate
ﺑﺮﺧﻰ ﭘﺮﻧﺪﮔﺎﻥ ﻛﻮﭺ ﻣﻰ‌ﻛﻨﻨﺪ.

📕📘apply to

If something applies to you, it is relevant to you or you are affected by it.

appertain to

apply to Some young people from rich families seem to think that the law doesn't apply to them.

apply to
📕 The company's new regulations on sexual harrassment apply to everybody, from the CEO to the cleaners.

📕📘drop a bombshell

If you drop a bombshell, you announce some shocking news.

📘For example

📕The Liverpool football club dropped a bombshell when they announced that they had sacked their manager.

Yesterday our boss dropped a real bombshell. He told us the company had been sold and half of us would lose our jobs.


What Is an Infinitive? 
What Is a Gerund?👇👇

📕An infinitive is the verb form that has “to” at the beginning.
For example, “to do,” “to sleep,” “to love” and “to create.” It is the simplest verb form that you have to modify to fit into sentences.

📕برای مثال ، برای انجام دادن کاری استفاده میشود

For example, “She sleeps” no longer contains the infinitive of the verb “to sleep.” Instead, it has been conjugated into the simple present third person form of the verb “to sleep”: sleeps.
Infinitives are easy!

How about gerunds?
Gerunds are formed by adding “-ing” to the verb:

📘با اضافه کردن ing به فعل gerunds تشکیل میشه.


“sleeping,” “drawing,” “swimming.” But they are not the “-ing” verb forms that you see in the present or past continuous tense.

📕اما آنها ing که شما در گرامر زمان حال ادامه دار یا گذشته ادامه دار استفاده میکنید نیستند..

They look the same, but gerunds are actually verb forms used as nouns.

📕به نظر مثل هم هستند اما gerund شکل فعل که ب عنوان اسم استفاده میشه ..

Let’s take the infinitive of the verb “to sleep” and use it in two different sentences:

I am sleeping.
This is the present continuous.
📘“Sleeping” here is part of the verb. It is not a gerund. Here’s the second sentence:👇

I don’t like sleeping.
📕This is present simple, but it contains a gerund. “Sleeping” is the direct object of this sentence.

📕Now that you know the difference between infinitives and gerunds, let’s introduce the rules that will help you use both correctly.

While the rules below will help you understand how infinitives and gerunds should be used, you should make sure to practice them so you can use them in real life.

English idioms about disappointed.


verb [ T ]   US ​ /əˈrɑʊz/

ﺑﯿﺪﺍﺭ کردن کسی  ; ﺗﺤﺮﯾﮏ ﮐﺮﺩﻥ ; ﺑﺮ ﺍﻧﮕﯿﺨﺘﻦ.

to cause someone to have a particular feeling. Evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response)
باعث شدن برای داشتن احساس نسبت به کسی .

📕He works hard to arouse his students’ curiosity."

an ability to influence the audience and to arouse the masses."

📘Awaken (someone) from sleep.
📕‘she had been aroused from deep slumber.’

cause, trigger, stir up, inspire, call forth,draw forth,

‍ ‍ How to say time in English


نحوه گفتن زمان در انگلیسی

It's eight o'clock
ساعت 8 است.

It's nine twenty.
ساعت نه و بیست دقیقه است

It's twenty after nine
بیست دقیقه از 9 گذشته .

It's five thirty
ساعت پنج و نیم است.

It's half past five
ساعت پنج و نیم هست.

It's five to eleven
پنج دقیقه به یازده مونده .

It's midnight
ساعت 12 شب ه.

It's noon
ساعت 12 ظهره.

It's quarter past three
ساعت سه و ربع است.

It's a quarter to three
ساعت یک ربع به سه است.

It's nine thirty PM
ساعت نه و نیم شب هست.

It's nine thirty AM
ساعت نه و نیم صبح هست.


That sounds great/terrific in English . 👇👇👇
عالی است در انگلیسی .

📕That sounds like fun
خوبست. / فکر خوبی است..

📘I'd be happy to
خوشحال می شوم..

📕I'd be delighted to ..
خیلی خوشحال می شوم..

Look at the examples 👇👇

📕 Do you want to go swimming with me?
دوست داری با هم برویم شنا؟

📘That sound like fun.
فکر خوبی است..

📕 Would you like to come on a picnic with us?
دوست داری با ما بیایی پیک نیک؟

📕I'd be happy to.
خوشحال می شوم..


همواره پس از قبول دعوت سوالاتی در مورد زمان و مکان ملاقات رد و بدل می شود. مهم ترین این سوالات عبارتند از:
After accepting the invitation we use these expressions. 👇

📘Where shall we meet?
کجا باید همدیگر را ببینیم؟

📕What time / When shall we meet?
چه ساعتی / کی همدیگر را ببینیم؟

📘Let's meet at the new Chinese restaurant
قرار ما در رستوران جدید

جملات شرطی نوع سوم
(third conditional)

📕 پس زمان در این نوع از جملات مربوط به گذشته است که برای تصور کردن نتیجه چیزی که در گذشته روی نداده است به کار می رود.

📘if + past perfect, …would + have + past participle..

If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train

📕اگر تاکسی گرفته بودیم قطار را از دست نمی دادیم (ولی ما تاکسی نگرفتیم و قطار را هم از دست دادیم)

If I had found his address, I would have sent her an invitation

📕اگر آدرسش را پیدا می کردم دعوتش می کردم (ولی آدرس او را پیدا نکردم و دعوتش هم نکردم)

Verbs about movement .
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