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English idioms about eggs .


📕📘the difference between. 👇

Fast, quick or quickly?

📕Fast and quick mean moving with great speed.
Fast is both an adjective and an adverb. Quick is an
adjective and the adverb form is quickly.



📘It was a fast train.(adjective)
📕You walk very fast! (adverb)

📘We need to have a quick chat before the meeting.(adjective).

📕We should do it as quickly as possible. (adverb)

We usually use quick to refer to something happening in a short time, or a shorter than expected time:

We stopped for a quick snack.


I just need a quick answer.
I just need a fast answer.

Fast refers to things that happen or go at high speed, e.g. a train, a person running:

  She loves fast cars.
She loves quick cars.

📕📘Note the common expression fast food to refer to food such as hamburgers, which are cooked and served in a very short time in restaurants:

You shouldn’t eat so much fast food. It’s not good for you.

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📕Love is not what you say. Love is what you do.

📘عشق يعني کاری که انجام میدهید نه حرفی که  میزنید.

English vocabulary .

Relaxation ..

Cry as hard as you want. But when you stop crying, make sure not to cry for the same reason again.

هر چقدر كه ميخواهید به شدت گريه كنید، اما وقتى گريه اتان تمام شد، مطمئن شوید ديگر براى همان دليل گريه نخواهید کرد .

📕📘Accept for Agree

The teacher accepted to come with us.

The teacher agreed to come with us.


Note: Accept means to take something that is offered to you.

Sarah accepted bunch of flowers.

📘NB: Accept also means to believe something you're told.

📕Sarah accepted his explanation.


📕Note: “Agree to” means to do what one is asked to do.

David agrees to come to London on Monday.

📕Note: But “agree with” means to have the same opinion as someone else.

They never agree with each other.

📘Note: We agree with a person, but to a non-person.

Agree with Luke, but I can't agree to this plan.

📕I agree

📘I disagree
📕I do agree

I’m agree

Advance English adjectives

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The difference between the pronunciation of these words below:



چند جمله کاربردی در هنگام تماس های تلفنی‌.

Some useful expressions when we call people..

📕Could I call you later?
میتونم بعدا زنگ بزنم؟

📘 Do you read me?
صدامو میشنوی؟

📕 Could you hold the phone?
میشه گوشی رو نگه دارید؟


📘Good to hear your voice.
خوشحال شدم صداتو شنیدم.

📕Can I speak to Sarah please?
hello Sarah. I'm calling about the order…
آیا می توانم با سارا صحبت کنم؟
سلام سارا. من درباره ی مسئله ی تماس گرفته ام...

📘Can I speak to Maryam please?
I'm sorry, but she isn't here at the moment.
OK. I'll call back later.
آیا می توانم با مریم صحبت کنم؟
متاسفم، اما او در حال حاضر  اینجا نیست.
اوه باشه. بعداً تماس می گیرم.


📕Can I speak to Sara please?
I'm sorry, but she's out of the office.
OK. I'll call back later.
آیا می توانم با سارا صحبت کنم لطفاً؟
متاسفم، اما او الان بیرون از اداره است.
باشه. بعداً تماس می گیرم.

📕Can I speak to Ali please?
I'm sorry, but he's away from his desk.
OK. I'll call back later.
آیا می توانم باعلی صحبت کنم؟
متاسفم، اما او در حال حاضر پشت میزش نیست.
باشه. بعداً تماس می گیرم.


📘Can I speak to Sahar please?
I'm sorry, but she's in a meeting.
OK. I'll call back later.
می توانم لطفاً با سحر صحبت کنم؟
متاسفم، اما او در جلسه است.
باشه، بعداً تماس می گیرم.

📕Can I speak to Hamid please?
I'm sorry, but his line's engaged.
OK. I'll call back later.
آیا می توانم با حمید صحبت کنم؟
متاسفم، اما خط او اشغال است.
باشه، بعداً تماس می گیرم.

It's okay to fight for someone who loves you, but it's not okay to fight for someone to love you!
there's a huge difference.
Just fight for someone who loves u.

اين خوبه كه براى كسى بجنگید كه دوست تان دارد، اما خوب نيست براى كسى بجنگى تا دوست تان داشته باشد ، خيلى با هم متفاوتند.
فقط بخاطر کسی بجنگ ک دوستت دارد ‌‌..

زندگی مثل یک کتاب می مونه

بعضی صفحات ناراحت کننده ، بعضی ها خوشحال و تعدادی از آنها جالب
اما اگر صفحه کتاب را برنگردانی هرگز نخواهی فهمید که صفحه بعدی چه داستانی برای شما دارد .


May ; might and the difference..

📘In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability,

📕but there is a slight difference between the two.

 May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual.

📘 For example, He may lose his job.


Use “May” When The Event Is Slightly More Likely To Happen“

📕What are you doing this weekend?”

“Shopping! I’m going to buy some new clothes, and I may get a new hat as well.”
👉 (it’s slightly more probable that I will buy the hat) 

What are you doing this weekend?

📕I might go to the movies. I’m not sure.”

📘(it’s slightly less probable that I will go to the movies)

In The Past, Always Use “Might”

📕(In The Structure Might + Have + Past Participle)

Why is Sara so happy today?

📘I don’t know. She might have gotten a promotion – I’d heard a rumor that the boss was thinking of making her manager.”


📕Always Use “May” When Asking For Permission“May I open the window?

📘This question is correct, but it sounds rather formal.
Most English speakers would probably say “Can I open the window?

📕in everyday life.Always Use “Might” With “Not

📘I may not go to the wedding.
In this case, may not sounds like I don’t have permission to go.I might not go to the wedding.
In this case, might not means maybe I will go, maybe I won’t go.

📘Many native English speakers do not make a major distinction between may and might, and the two words are often used interchangeably – so don’t worry too much about it!

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To Face Up To Something

قبول کردن موقعیت های سخت ک باید بهش رسیدگی کرد.

📕📘apply to

If something applies to you, it is relevant to you or you are affected by it.

appertain to

apply to Some young people from rich families seem to think that the law doesn't apply to them.

apply to
📕 The company's new regulations on sexual harrassment apply to everybody, from the CEO to the cleaners.


The expression of "How come".


said when asking how or why something happened or is the case.

How come..

جمله How come به زبان فارسی میشه چطور، چطور است (که)، چرا.

گرامر استفاده از How come

برای استفاده از How come شما باید اینو بخاطر بسپارید که وقتی ازین عبارت پرسشی استفاده میکنید، ادامه این عبارت پرسشی نمیشه!

How come no one told me?

چرا هیچکس به من نگفت؟"

خب اگه دقت کنید میبینید بعد از عبارت How come ما جمله ای خبری داریم! یعنی پرسشی نیست که فعل اضافه do نیاز باشه.


📕 پس بعد از عبارت how come ما باید جمله داشته باشیم که در نتیجه کلا یک جمله سوالی میشه.

How come
 عبارت پرسشی ما

How come you never married?

نکته آخر درباره این عبارت اینکه How come به تنهایی هم میتونه بکار بره.

Ali is not coming."

- "How come?"

A person who values you, wouldn't ever put themselves in a position to lose you.

شخصی که برای شما ارزش قائل باشد، هرگز خودش را در شرایطی قرار نمی‌دهد که از دست تان بدهد.


📕📘Agree and disagree..

If you’re in a meeting and someone says something that you don’t agree with, how would you respond?
There are many different options.

You can say:
📕I disagree
📘That’s wrong
📕I’m not sure about that
📘I see your point, but…

There are also many other options. Which one is the best ?

📘This depends on several factors, including how strongly you disagree,
The relationship between you and the person you disagree with, and the culture both of the person you disagree with and the other people in the meeting.

Saying I disagree or you’re wrong is very direct and can possibly cause offence in some cultures. This way of disagreeing is very uncommon in British English as it is viewed as too aggressive in that culture.

📕The most common way to disagree in British English is to use the basic structure:

Agree ,But ,Disagree

📘I see what you mean but I don’t think that’d work’.

📕You want to show you agree with someone, you can simply say ‘yes’ or ‘I agree’.

If you want to show that you strongly agree, it’s common to add a strong adverb before agree, such as ‘I completely agree’ or ‘I totally agree’.

If you’re not sure of the best way to agree or disagree in any situation, it’s probably best to choose the most polite form at first, you can always change to a more direct, informal style once you feel more comfortable.

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Phrasal verbs with come ' come on, come in, come back, come at, come down, come along…

2024/09/28 16:20:31
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