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📕📘How we should use these words in English..


📕We can use hate, like, love and prefer with an -ing form or with a to-infinitive:

I hate to do homework.
📘 خیلی بدم میاد تکلیف انجام بدم .

I love going to the cinema.
📕سینما رفتن و دوست دارم ‌

I prefer listening to the news on radio than watching it on TV.

📕ترجیح میدم خبر را از رادیو گوش کنم تا اینکه تو تلویزیون تماشا کنم

He prefers not to wear a tie to work.
📘ترجیح میده سر کار کروات نزنه..


📕In American English, the forms with to-infinitive are much more common than the -ing form.

📗There is a very small difference in meaning between the two forms.
📕📘 The -ing form emphasises the action or experience.
📘📕The to-infinitive gives more emphasis to the results of the action or event.

We often use the -ing form to suggest enjoyment (or lack of it),
📕the to-infinitive form to express habits or preferences.

I like making jam.
He likes telling jokes.
They don’t like sitting for too long.

Ways to say LOVE

عشق کور است
پیدا کردن مرد و زن رویایی زندگی
عشق یکطرفه
خاطره خواه کسی شدن /روی کسی کراش داشتن

📕Love someone who loves you



📕The difference between MUST and SHOULD

Must' and 'should' are both modal verbs.


📘MUST is used when expressing obligation or an unavoidable requirement,

📕whereas SHOULD is more of a recommendation, or simply a desirable goal.



Similar to 'have to' strong obligation.

You must abide by the law.

📘You must not smoke indoors, it's illegal.



📕 SHOULD is similar to 'ought to' 👉 a suggestion ..

You should try to get some sleep; it's very late, and you have to do a lot of work tomorrow.

You shouldn't be so close friend with Hamid, he's just helping you improve your grammar.

Articles A, AN , and the words that don't need any articles.

The ways to say I'm exhausted

📕I am worn out
📘I am dead tired
📕I am dog tired
📘I am wrecked
📕I am rundown
📘I am wiped out
📕I am popped
📘I am ready to drop
📕I feel like a bus ran over me
📘I am on my last leg
📕I am spent
📘I am knackerd
📕I am exhusted
📘I am zonked
📕I am burn out

خیلی خسته ام

🌺Dear members glad to have u all here and hope the stuff of this channel will be useful for u all , if u need anything u can contact me to share it here and if u have any idea , suggestion or fustigation to make this channel better I'm at ur service it will be my pleasure to do it..

Contact me @EHnnom55

🌺دوستان عزیز باعث خرسندی است ک در خدمت تون هستم امیدوارم ک پیام های این کانال برایتان مفید باشند ، اگر چیزی هست ک نیاز به آن دارید میتوانید به من مراجعه کنید برای ارسال متن مورد نظرتان در اینجا ، و اگر نظری، پیشنهادی و یا انتقادی دارید برای بهتر بودن این کانال در خدمت تون هستم ،


📘In back of

In front of


درب اول در سمت راست
First door on the right

چهارمین چراغ به سمت چپ بپیچید

📘At the fourth light turn right

آیا من رادرک می کنید؟
Do you understand me?





به سمت راست
To the right

به سمت چپ
To the left

آسانسور وجود دارد؟
📘Is there an elevator?

پله ها کجا هستند؟
Where are the stairs?

در کدام جهت؟
In which direction?


درب دوم در سمت چپ
Second door on the left

در گوشه به سمت چپ بپیچید
📕At the corner turn left..

Tips to improve ur English

Phrasal verbs with AROUND.


📕helpful Sentences for Opening a Call.👇
مکالمات تلفنی

📘این عبارات در مکالمات تلفنی ضروری و مهم هستند

📕 برقراری تماس

Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon .
This is John Brown speaking.
📘Could I speak to ………. please?
📕I’d like to speak to ………. please.
I’m trying to contact ……….


📘 دادن اطلاعات بیشتر..

📕Giving more information. 👇

I’m calling from Tokyo/Paris/New York/Sydney
📘I’m calling on behalf of  (Mr. X …)

پاسخ دادن به تماس

📕 answering👇

Can I help you?
📕Who’s calling please?
📘Who’s speaking?
📕Where are you calling from?
Are you sure you have the right number/name?

📕منتظر نگه داشتن تماس گیرنده

📘Keeping wait 👇
📕Hold the line please
📘Could you hold on please
📕Just a moment please


📘اتصال تماس گیرنده

📕Connecting callers👇

Thank you for holding
📕The line’s free now  ….. I’ll put you through
📘I’ll connect you now / I’m connecting you now.


📕 ابراز تاسف از عدم اتصال به مقصد
📕The time that it didn't connect 👇

📘I’m afraid the line’s engaged. Could you call back later?
📕I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment
📘I’m sorry.  He’s out of the office today / He isn’t in at the moment.
📕I’m afraid we don’t have a Mr/Mrs/Miss X here
📘I’m sorry.  There’s nobody here by that name.
📕Sorry.  I think you’ve dialed the wrong number.
📘I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.


مشکلات بوجود آمده در خط تلفن.
📕Problems with connecting. 👇
📘The line is very bad. 
📕Could you speak up please?
📘Could you repeat that please?
📕I’m afraid I can’t hear you.
📘Sorry.I didn’t catch that.  Could you say that again please?


پیغام گذاشتن / گرفتن

📕leaving the messages 👇

📘Can I leave/take a message?
📕Would you like to leave a message?
📘Could you give him/her a message?
📕Could you ask him/her to call me back?
📘Would you like him/her to call you back?
📕Could you tell him/her that I called?
📘Could you give me your name please?
📕Could you spell that please?
📘What’s your number please?

English adjectives

2024/09/24 14:32:29
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