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A Letter to IMAM MAHDI (a)

O my Master! Once again winter has come to its end. Spring has opened its hands to embrace those beings who suffered the coldness and darkness of the winter in order to give them new life.
O my Master! I wonder when our winter of separation from you will end. When will you see us and we see you?
(متی نرانا و نراک) ٌ
When will we be able to gather around you and look at your face?
(اترانا نحف بک)
O my Master! More than anytime else we miss you. We badly need you. O my Beloved! We are not even in a position to say what brothers of Yusuf (a) told him:
يا أيها العزيز مسنا وأهلنا الضر وجئنا ببضاعة مزجاة فأوف لنا الكيل وتصدق علينا إن الله يجزي المتصدقين
‘O emir! Distress has befallen our family, and us, and we have brought [just] a meager sum. Yet grant us the full measure, and be charitable to us! Indeed Allah rewards the charitable.’ (12:88)
For no matter how hard we look around, we see that we have not brought to you anything worth even mentioning. What worries us to death is to think that we might have even hurt you by our behaviour and divisions. You yourself said:
فما يحبسنا عنهم الّا ما يتصّل بنا مما نکرهه و لا نؤثره منهم
"Nothing stops us from being with them except those things that we hear about them which we do not like and are not pleased with."
O my Master! Perhaps the best thing for us is to admit that we have not been fair with you, we have not been honest with you, we have not been loyal to you. We have been too busy with ourselves and our own affairs. We left you alone, waiting and waiting. Which people in the world have kept their most loving and kind leader waiting for them for more than 1000 years? Which leader has been treated by his people the way we have treated you and he still continued to love and pray for them day and night with his eyes full of tears.
O my Master! Please forgive us and do not lose hope in us. Please help us to become what you expect from us. What can comfort us now is to imagine seeing you and sending our salutations to you:
Peace be upon you when you are sitting.
Peace be upon you when you read and explain.
Peace be upon you when you pray and supplicate.
Peace be upon you when you bow and prostrate.
Peace be upon you when you say, "There is no God except Allah' and (when) you are saying 'Allah is greater (than what He is described).'
Peace be upon you when you praise (Allah) and seek forgiveness.
Peace be upon you when you enter the morning and the evening.
Peace be upon you in the night when it envelops and the day when it becomes manifest.
Peace be upon you, O the leader, the protected one.
Peace be upon you, O the prior hoped one.
Peace be upon you by the collections of the salutations.
Yours hopefully,
M A Shomali
Noruz 1395/20th March 2016

سورة الانفال
بالقرآن اهتديت
▷ ◉─────── 5:25

الشيخ : عبد الله خلف

التلاوة : ما تيسر من سورة الانفال



Ibrāhīm al-Ḵẖawwāṣ :
(May Allāh have mercy on him)

The Cure for Hearts is in Five...

“The cure of the heart is in five things: reading the Qurʾān with contemplation, emptying the stomach (fasting), standing for prayer at night, humbly supplicating at dawn, and sitting with the righteous.”

Al-Ḥilyah al-Āwliyāʾ (15767

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Among the first to be interceded for by the Prophet ﷺ are those who sent most salah upon him, and the best day to send salah upon him ﷺ is Friday.

Shaykh Abdul Aziz At-Tarefe حفظه الله

Fasting Mondays and Thursdays 🦋❤️

One of the beauty's of fasting with a sincere intention is that you're in a constant state of Ibadah, whether you're working and earning Halaal Rizq for your family or whether you're cooking or cleaning and tending to your family's needs whatever it is you're worshipping your Lord.

Fasting is something which is just for Allaah, and Allaah will give multiple rewards without measure for it.

The hadeeth says:

“[Allaah says:] Fasting is Mine and it is I Who give reward for it.”


Tomorrow is thursday, don't forget to fast the Sunnah fasts. Reap the rewards for reviving a Sunnah and obedience to Allaah whilst being rewarded without measure.

May Allaah bless you all Aameen....


Ibn Hazm says in AtTalkhees li wujoohi thakhlees(1/100):

"Increase reciting the kalimah "laailaaha illah Allah"

This kalimah can be uttered by moving one's teeth without the movement of lips. And your companion would not know that you are making the dhikr".(End of quote)

Practice this while you are alone or amongst your companions while in gatherings, at your work places, or inside the market or where ever there is crowding of people as your hidden act of worship for Allah in the hope that it would be heavy on your scale on thd Day of Judgement.

May Allah make it as a kalimah that we practice and adhere in our life in this dunya and make it as the last words we muslims utter from our tongues before we depart from this dunya and forgive our sins. Ameen.


Ibn Hazm says in AtTalkhees li wujoohi thakhlees(1/100):

"Increase reciting the kalimah "laailaaha illah Allah"

This kalimah can be uttered by moving one's teeth without the movement of lips. And your companion would not know that you are making the dhikr".(End of quote)

Practice this while you are alone or amongst your companions while in gatherings, at your work places, or inside the market or where ever there is crowding of people as your hidden act of worship for Allah in the hope that it would be heavy on your scale on thd Day of Judgement.

May Allah make it as a kalimah that we practice and adhere in our life in this dunya and make it as the last words we muslims utter from our tongues before we depart from this dunya and forgive our sins. Ameen.

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Severe adversities are akin to a stormy sea. Minds become confused about which way for escape, and the greatest of them is he who calls on Allah Almighty. Hudayfah (ra) said, “A time will come upon people that none will escape, except for he who calls upon Allah like the one who is drowning.”

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عبد الباسط عبد الصمد تلاوة رآئعة آية الكرسي
ameer malalla

Ayatul kursi آية الكرسي

2024/09/29 01:36:44
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