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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Do you think I should start my journey to a band 9.0?
I am jesting!😊 I am thankful to my students, friends and colleagues for their encouragement regarding my comment mentioning band 9.0! Well, I have never had any intentions to get band 9.0 and I will never have it. There are two reasons why I have taken the test. First of all, I am planning to do my Master's abroad next year. Therefore, I've had to update my certificate. Another reason is, of course, as a non-native IELTS instructor, I have to prove that I have a decent level of English to teach English and prepare students for the English exams. Over the course of three years, I have worked at an ordinary public school. Had I been ambitious to get 9.0, I would have gone to private education centers and would have taken the test 15-20 times like the scorers of 8.5-9.0. However, for me the IELTS test has always been just an indicator of English level. There are many other areas of education, specifically English language learning and teaching which are more interesting than IELTS preparations. I really appreciate the efforts some guys are putting on to take this fantastic score, they must have their own reasons, but I would never devote so much time on this. Believe me, even with a band 7.0, you will not be in any trouble using English. I had a chance to work at university where my colleagues where native teachers. Furthermore, we organized educational projects together and exchanged a lot of ideas. The most importantly, when I visited the UK, I had zero challenge in my communication with university professors and with local British people. So after you have reached C1 level (7.0-7.5-8.0), unless there are serious reasons, spending your time and energy to get 8.5 and 9.0 is unworthy.
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Most of you know how to use relative clauses (who, which, that etc), but have you ever used reduced relative clauses in your writing? If not, watch this #videoinstruction‼️ You’ll learn how to make advanced sentences in a couple of minutes.
PS Share it with a friend who is also working hard to produce advanced sentences
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
#mini_lesson2 Most of you know how to use relative clauses (who, which, that etc), but have you ever used reduced relative clauses in your writing? If not, watch this #videoinstruction‼️ You’ll learn how to make advanced sentences in a couple of minutes.…
#Writing_practice Once you have watched #videoinstruction and learnt how to make sentences using reduced relative clauses practise these following sentences: 🖍The children who are supplied with course books achieve better results.
🖍Technologies which are produced by this company are reliable.
🖍The employees that are provided with social benefits are more willing to work harder.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
#Writing_practice Once you have watched #videoinstruction…
I was wrong thinking that we have students here with a high level of English. Apparently, we have all 'low level' students here. No one is able to do these tasks.
Endigi faoliyatim 'IELTS ZONE' o'quv markazida davom etadigan bo'ldi. Ingliz tili va IELTS kurslarini men bilan o'qimoqchi bo'lganlar be'malol kelib Hayitov Bekzodni @BekzodHayitov kurslariga deb registratsiya qildirsangiz bo'ladi. Manzil Chilonzor metro, Integro markazi (9 qavatli bino) 4 etaj. O'quv markaz kanali linki @ieltszone_uz. Marhamat qilib kelavering, natijangiz uchun birgalikda harakat qilamiz.
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#Mini_class3 #writing #coherence #advanced
In addition VS Furthermore
If you’re one of those many students who thinks in addition and furthermore are the same, then you MUST WATCH this #video_explanation to know the difference between these two cohesive devices.
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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
#Mini_class3 #writing #coherence #advanced In addition VS Furthermore If you’re one of those many students who thinks in addition and furthermore are the same, then you MUST WATCH this #video_explanation to know the difference between these two cohesive…
Choose the correct linking word #Practice #coherence #Mini_class3
1 Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition / Furthermore it can improve sleep quality and boost energy levels.
2 The research shows that smoking is harmful to health. In addition / Furthermore, it significantly increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
3 Learning a second language has cognitive benefits. In addition / Furthermore, it enhances communication skills and provides cultural understanding.
4 The company is committed to sustainability. In addition / Furthermore, it actively participates in recycling programs and promotes eco-friendly practices.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Choose the correct linking word #Practice #coherence #Mini_class3 1 Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition / Furthermore it can improve sleep quality and boost energy levels. 2 The research shows that smoking…
Thank you all the students who have done the tasks. I knew that It would confuse you somehow. Because despite some differences, these two cohesive devices can also be used interchangeably. So I understand that unless you carefully anaylse the sentences and notice important details, you might not be able see the difference here.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Choose the correct linking word #Practice #coherence #Mini_class3 1 Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition / Furthermore it can improve sleep quality and boost energy levels. 2 The research shows that smoking…
1 Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it can improve sleep quality and boost energy levels.
Explanation: Here, "in addition" is used to introduce additional information that supports or complements the previous statement. It suggests that regular exercise not only helps maintain a healthy lifestyle but also has the added benefits of improving sleep quality and boosting energy levels.

2 The research shows that smoking is harmful to health. Furthermore, it significantly increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
Explanation:In this sentence, "furthermore" is used to indicate a stronger or more emphatic connection between the two statements. It implies that not only is smoking harmful to health, but it goes even further by significantly increasing the risk of developing lung cancer.

3 Learning a second language has cognitive benefits. In addition, it enhances communication skills and provides cultural understanding.
Explanation: Similar to the first example, "in addition" is used here to introduce additional information that reinforces the initial statement. It states that learning a second language not only has cognitive benefits but also enhances communication skills and provides cultural understanding.

4 The company is committed to sustainability. Furthermore, it actively participates in recycling programs and promotes eco-friendly practices.
Explanation: Once again, "furthermore" is used to emphasize a stronger connection between the sentences. It suggests that the company's commitment to sustainability goes beyond mere words; it actively participates in recycling programs and promotes eco-friendly practices.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Compensation for today's serious posts)
Jahon tillarida o'qiydigan talabalardan bormi bizda? Bo'layotgan ishlar rostmi?
⚡️ADMISSION OPEN‼️IELTS 7+ ONLINE COURSES💻! 🔷Who can attend: Students with B2 level📌 (IELTS 5.5-6.0-6.5 ) 🔷 Course Target: To get C1 level🎯 (7.0 -7.5 in the IELTS test) 🔷Course instructor: Bekzod Khayitov ( IELTS score 8.0) Start Date: September 22, Friday Course duration: 3 months ( September 22 - December 20) Course requirements: - Minimum B2 level of English. - Strong motivation to study and get high results. - must be very disciplined - It is OBLIGATORY to REGISTER for the IELTS exam for the 21st of December (not later, not sooner) - Before accepting to the group, I will send the test and have one-to-one video chat with every student. Course fee: 420000 sum per month. Time: Classes are organised on even days three times a week from 20:00 to 21:30 (Subject to change; can be discussed with the students) - Apart from regular classes, students are also involved in extra one-to-one online classes e.g. Speaking mock exam and other discussions.
Candidates who are interested in the course can send the following information: 1) Full name / 2) Occupation (student / teacher etc) 3) Current English level (if students had taken the test before, they can send their certificates) to @BekzodHayitov 💥EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: The first 10 students to register get 20% reduction in the fees for the first month.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
⚡️ADMISSION OPEN‼️IELTS 7+ ONLINE COURSES💻! 🔷Who can attend: Students with B2 level📌 (IELTS 5.5-6.0…
I didn't put a band 8.0 as a target score, which is also equal to C1 level because I know the level of dedication and effort required to achieve that score, so before promising a band 8.0, I must make sure that students are ready for the commitment required from them. I should confess I really want course participants to achieve a band 8.0
Kuningizni erta tongdan kamida 30 daqiqa kitob mutolaa qilishdan boshlasangiz📚, 15-20 daqiqa toza havoda sayr yoki yengil jismoniy mashqlar🏃🏃‍♀ bajarish uchun sarflasangiz, kuningizni qolgan qismini qanday qilib pozitiv kayfiyatda o'tkazish borasida qayg'urish shart emas.
🎧 #3_minute_listen #AdvancedEnglish Baby babble isn't just goo goo! And hearing 2 languages is better than one
2024/09/30 15:33:19
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