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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
🎧 #3_minute_listen #AdvancedEnglish Baby babble isn't just goo goo! And hearing…
In English, adults like to say babies go "goo goo ga ga." In French, it's "areau areau." And in Mandarin, it's "ya ya." So do babies really babble with different sounds in different parts of the world? And what does that tell us about how babies learn to speak?
#Grammar #Advanced Do the meaning of the sentence changes when we change the position of ADVERB I recall telling him clearly that he had won. I clearly recall telling him that he had won.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
#Grammar #Advanced Do the meaning of the sentence changes when we change the…
I recall telling him clearly that he had won. (= I told him clearly; clearly modifies 'telling him') I clearly recall telling him that he had won. (=I clearly recall it; clearly modifies 'recall')
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Which sentence is more formal?
Sentence 1: "She asked my advice as to what subject she should study at university."
This sentence uses the phrase "as to" to introduce the purpose of her inquiry. The use of "as to" adds a slightly more formal and academic tone to the sentence. It implies that the speaker is seeking guidance or expert opinion. Additionally, the sentence uses the phrase "she should study" to emphasize a recommendation or suggestion.
Sentence 2: "She asked my advice on what subject to study at university."
This sentence uses the preposition "on" to introduce the topic of the inquiry. It is a more straightforward and concise way of expressing the same idea. The tone is still formal and appropriate for academic writing, but it may be slightly LESS FORMAL compared to the first sentence.
It is highly likely that this year I am going to work with only one level of the learners - students who want to go from B2 (IELTS 5.5-6.0-6.5) to C1 (7.0 -7.5) because students in this category need to work harder and would need more help than other levels and with an expert teacher😉 it will take less time to achieve C1 threshold. So if your level is B2 and you are planning to improve your English to get a certificate with C1 level, then you can join my ONLINE IELTS 7+ courses. All the details are here
Media is too big
#Mini_class4 #writing_task2 #key_words #paraphrasing
Paraphrasing is important in writing, but do you know which key words and phrases in the topic you should avoid paraphrasing? If the answer is NO! then you must watch this #videoinstruction.
😃 Can I joke with the examiner?
The phrase 'consumer society' is outdated now. We have to find a new phrase to describe consumer trends.
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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
#Mini_class4 #writing_task2 #key_words #paraphrasing Paraphrasing is important in writing, but do you know which key words and phrases in the topic you should avoid paraphrasing? If the answer is NO! then you must watch this #videoinstruction.
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Estimated speaking band scores for today's candidates Abulqosim part 1 7.0 part 3 7.0 Javokhir part 1 6.5 / part 3 6.0 Mekhroj part 1 6.5 / part 3 6.5 Madina part 1 7.5 / part 3 7.5 Tohir part 1 5.0 NOTE: The assessment is based on today's performance of candidates. It can also be different depending on topics and examiners.
2024/09/30 17:22:00
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