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Xar bir o'qituvchining noyob va boshqalarga o'xshamagan sifatlari bo'ladi. 'Flexible Teacher' kursimizda qatnashayotgan ustozlarimizga ingliz tili o'qitish bo'yicha ulashayotgan kontentlarimiz ularga manfaatli bo'layotganini ijobiy fikrlaridan ham bo'lib olsak bo'ladi.👆 Ustozlarimizning kasbiy rivojlanishida o'z hissamizni qo'shayotganimizdan xursandmiz.
Writing practice qilganizda qalamlar shunaqa holatga kelmasa hisobmas!
There are a few key reasons why paying attention to accurate article usage is important in writing, especially for IELTS:
🔸Clarity and precise meaning
Articles specify nouns as definite or indefinite. Using them correctly makes the meaning clear.

🔸Grammar accuracy
Articles are an essential part of English grammar. Incorrect usage can undermine how grammatically strong a text seems.

🔸Reader comprehension
Readers more easily understand ideas when they are presented definitively versus vaguely. Articles help specify references.

🔸Language proficiency level
Native/fluent speakers have mastered articles intuitively. Correct usage demonstrates a high level of language control.
Do'stim Azizbek jamiyatdagi ba'zi "yutuqlarimizni" qiziqarli karikaturalar va sarkazm orqali telegram kanalida ko'rsatib borayabti. Shaxsan o'zim kuzatib boraman va sizga ham tavsiya qilaman. Kanalga ulanish👉
Nima deb o'ylaysiz? Imtihonlarga tayyorlashdan tashqari ustoz o'quvchilarga yana qanday kerakli ko'nikmalarni o'rgatishi mumkin
🔍Fano ahliga ko’p so’zlamoq – maqbul emas, ko’p eshitmoq – matlub va yaxshidir. Eshitmoq kishini to’latadi, aytmoq bo’shatadi… Ko’p degan yanglishadi, ko’p yegan, ko’p yiqiladi. Tan kasalliklarining asosi ko’p yemakdir, ko’ngil kasallarini asosi ko’p demak. Ko’p demak so’zga bino qo’yganlik, ko’p yemak nafsga bo’ysunganlikdir. Kishiga bu sifatlar ortiqchalik qiladi, barchasi o’ziga berilganlikka olib boradi.
📚Mahbub Ul-Qulub, Alisher Navoiy
Media is too big
Isn't it a similar experience?😁
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Isn't it a similar experience?😁
Look at this comment on this video from youtube. Continue it if you wish in the comment section
We just use the social media wrong
Let's learn how to use it
Making art with it not just messing around posting our lives on
Let's make friends instead of making enemies on our friends
Let's be thankful with what we have not envy others for their goods
Let's do what we like not what they like
Let's be more us than they
Let's be happier since life is short
Let's....(I let you continue)
Ingliz tilida hafta kunlari oldidan a noaniq artikli ishlatilmaydi deb o'ylasangiz, xato qilasiz! Kam holatlarda uchraydi. IELTS listeningda bitta shunaqasidan tushibdi.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
2023/2024 yil uchun ingliz tilini o'rganib, IELTS, Multivelel, Linguaskill kabi sertifikatlar olish uchun qanday o'qimoqchisiz?
Bu surveyda online o'tib ketibdiyu) General English va IELTS darslarni sentabrdan online boshlavoraman shekilli!
Writing task 2 #sample time spent: between 35-40 minutes
Topic: Scientific developments in farming always bring major benefits.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
The area of farming is not the same experience as it used to be, say, fifty years ago. Similar to other fields, it has also been affected by the developments in science. Some claim that this will bring huge advantages to farming. I think the benefits of this development is clear, but there are some aspects that remain open to discussion.
Certainly, there are a number of benefits which can be derived by employing scientific innovations in farming. First of all, the introduction of certain additives and preservatives through the work of science can ensure the maintenance of farming products. This is particularly useful when transporting products to further distances. Furthermore, an increase in population numbers means that traditional farming is no longer capable of providing a sufficient amount of food to an increasingly growing population. So, this issue can be handled through incorporating new technologies in food production. Finally, it is scientific developments that opened the scope for farmers to use less space but enjoy more production.
Having said that, there might be potential risks of such approach. The concern is even bigger when it comes to human health. The use of modern technologies in farming means that the food produced in this way may no longer sustain its natural properties. Beside this, the long-term consequences of this development remain unknown. In order to multiply the production, many chemical substances are added into food, which may be a cause of diseases when consumed.
In conclusion, as demands to food is increasing globally due to a population increase, science will stay here in food production to ensure mass production and the maintenance of food. However, the hidden dangers of this development are still worrisome. Providing we cannot avoid the incorporation of science and farming. In my view, we must make sure that such production follows strict standardized procedures Estimated band score: 7.0-7.5
Sensitive language When talking about sensitive topics, it is important to choose appropriate vocabulary that will not cause offence. For example, when talking about people who have less money than others, instead of describing them as poor, which has a strongly negative meaning, you could say they are deprived or disadvantaged. When you are reading about a topic, take note of the vocabulary used by other academic writers.
Tabiat yayrayabti! Barcha o'simlik olami mazza qilib suvdan to'yib olayapti. Minora uzra ko'tarilib kelayotgan quyosh saldan keyin ularning naqd tepasiga kelib hamma joyni qizdiradi.Hozir esa fursat g'animat, mazza qilib yayrab qolish kerak. #Zangiota #Pilgrimage
Reading testda test-makerlar zerikib qolishgan shekilli, reading bilan xazillashishga qaror qilishibdi. Odatda reading passage 1-2-3, ya'ni osonidan qiyiniga qarab ketishi kerak, lekin bunisi 3-2-3 yo’nalishida ketibdi. IELTS Cambridge 18, test 3 Dan olindi.
2024/09/30 23:34:37
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