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Konferensiya agendasiga ingliz tili o'qituvchilari uchun shu topiclar bo'yicha seminarlar kiritilibdi. Sizga qaysi mavzu ko'proq qiziq?
#Collocations #sports
The verbs used with sport
🔸Play for team sports – play soccer, play basketball, play tennis etc
🖍We play soccer every weekend with our colleagues.
🔸Do is used for more individual sports – do yoga, do gymnastics, do martial arts etc
🖍She goes to dance club, and also does gymnastics to help make her movements more flexible.
🔸Go is used with most activities that end in -ing: go swimming, go biking, go surfing etc
🖍I go biking every morning because I find this activity enjoyable and healthy
🔸With the team sports, we can use the word game or match; a soccer game, a basketball game, a tennis match.
🖍There is a basketball game on TV every Sunday
🔸Home game – when the game is played in team’s own stadium.
🖍Manchester United is believed to win the match as it will be a home game for the team.
🔸Has the lead – winning the game in the middle of the game
🔸Make a comeback – score points from a losing position
🖍Man city was having the lead up until the second half of the game, but Man United made a comeback and took the lead in the end.
🔸Enter a competition – to be involved in the competition list
🖍I’m going to enter the competition to win first place
🔸Withdraw from the competition – (voluntarily leave the competition)
🖍She had to withdraw from the competition due to the serious injury For more collocations join 👉 @Insight_English
Ta'limda sun'iy intellekt ko'p jihatlarda o'qituvchilarga xizmat qilishi mumkin ekan, professor va xalqaro trener Erkin Muhammedovning fikrlaridan kelib chiqsak. Lekin, bugungi kunda o'qituvchilardan ko'ra, o'quvchilar sun'iy intellekt bilan ishlashda yaxshiroq ko'nikmalarga ega ekanligini Erkin aka ham tan olayaptilar. O'qituvchilar ham o'z ishlarini yengil qilishlari uchun AI dan mazza qilib foydalansalar bo'larkan. Bularni ustozlarga alohida training qilib balki batafsil gapirib beraman. Training oxirida Erkin aka agar o'qituvchilar AI dan biror narsada foydalanishsa, albatta buni o'quvchilarga aytishi kerak deb aytdilar. Masalan 'O'quvchilar sizlarni yozma ishingizni tekshirishda butunlay yoki qisman AIdan foydalandik' deb qo'yish kerak ekan. Shunda Academic integrity (Akademik halollik) prinsiplariga amal qilgan bo'lasiz.                             PS shu oxirgi qismi aniq yoqmadi ustozlarga, o'quvchilar bilishi shartmikan🤔🤫😂
#Collocations #daily #health and sickness The words and phrases with Health and Sickness 🔶 Lifestyle changes - modifying things we each have control over, like changes in diet or daily routine. 🖍 One of the best lifestyle changes is nutrition and dietary changes. 🔶 Life expectancy - refers to the number of years a person can expect to live. 🖍Life expectancy in Europe increased greatly in the 20th century. 🔶 Eat a balanced diet - to have a combination of the correct types and amounts of food 🖍 If you eat a balanced diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need. 🔶 Health insurance - a program / plan to cover expenses in case of an accident or serious illness. 🖍 She didn't have health insurance, so she had to pay for the surgery herself. 🔶 Put your leg in a cast - if a part of your body in a cast, it has a plaster cast around it to protect it while a broken bone repairs itself. 🖍 It is better not break your leg than to put a plaster cast on it. 🔶 Suffer from a chronic condition - a condition that continues for a long time like allergies, asthma, etc... 🖍 Mr. George is resigning because of chronic heart disease which he has been suffering for two years.
Ambitious - ... find the word and give your own examples.
Anonymous Quiz
Orzumand; ko'p mehnat talab qiladigan
Baquvvat, kuchli
Forumda qatnashgan ustozlar hukumat maktab sohasiga befarq emasligini va sohani rivojlantirish uchun faqat qogo’zda qoladigan gaplar emas, balki anchagina amaliy ishlar ham qilayotganiga guvoh bo’lishdi deb ayta olaman. Taasurotlar ko’p. Hammasini postlarda asta-sekin yozib boraman. Agar siz maktabda ingliz tili o’qituvchisi bo’lsangiz, unda o’z ustingizda qattiq ishlang. Ta’lim tashkiloti rahbarlaridan tortib, professor o’qituvchilar, Xorijlik ilmiy mutaxassislar va viloyatlardan kelgan maktab o’qituvchilari bilan imkon qadar ko’proq gaplashib, ularni fikrlari, bugungi maktab tizimidagi islohotlarga nisbatan kayfiyatini bilishga harakat qildim. Kayfiyat umuman olganda ko’proq pozitiv. Muhim deb hisoblagan yangilik va o’zgarishlarni albatta keyingi postlarda aytib o’taman.
⚡️Ingliz tili ustozimisiz!?
                                                                                                                                    Yangi o’quv yilidan yangicha uslubda, zamon talabiga mos tarzda darslarni o’tmoqchimisiz!?

Unda sizni 1 oylik online 'Flexible Teacher' kursiga taklif etamiz:

🔺Grammatika va IELTS darslarini interaktiv tarzda tashkil qilish uchun materiallar va instruksiyalar.

🔺 Mixed Ability (o’quvchilar darajasi har xil bo’lgan) sinflarda o’quvchilarni darsga jalb qilishda yuqori samara beradigan metodlar.

🔺ELT ( ingliz tili o’qitish) sohasidagi bugungi zamonaviy trendlar va ustozlardan kutilayotgan ko’nikmalar borasida malakali hamkasblarimiz bilan telegram orqali jonli muloqot tashkil qilinadi.
                                                                   Kanalga ulanish:👉@Insight_English

Murojaat uchun:👉@BekzodHayitov
‘Flexible Teacher’ - Teacher Training course
FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
Ingliz tili o’qituvchilari uchun tashkil qilayotgan kursimiz bo’yicha ancha o’qituvchilar murojaat qilishdi. Bu quvonarli, demak ustozlarimiz yangiliklarga intilishmoqda va dars o’tish ko’nikmalarini yaxshilamoqchi, lekin training course borasida ikkilanayotgan ustozlar ham bor. Ustozlar ko’proq so’ragan savollarga javoblarni quyida berib o’taman.
Savol: Kurs pullikmi? To’lovi qancha?
Javob: Kurs to’lovi 200,000 sum💳
Savol: Kursda nimalar o’rganamiz?
Javob: Murojaat qilgan ustozlarga, kursda qanday yo’nalishlarda instruksiyalar va materiallar berib borilishini tashlab berayapman. Yana qo’shimcha qiladigan bo’lsam, o’zimning tajribamdan kelib chiqib, yangi mavsumda ustoz sinf xonasiga kirganda bagajini baquvvat qilib, o’ziga ishonch bilan kirishi uchun o’zimning eng kerakli va foydali resurslarim bilan bo’lishaman.
Savol: To’lovini bo’lib to’lasa ham bo’ladimi?
Javob: Bo’ladi. To’lovini ikkiga bo’lib to’lash mumkin.
Savol: Siz bergan materiallar kanaldan o’chmaydimi?
Javob: Kurs uchun tashkil qilingan kanalda, kurs tugagandan keyin ham materiallar qoladi.
Savol: 1-2 ta dars qatnashib ko’rsak bo’ladimi?
Javob: Bo’ladi.
Savol: Kurs oxirida sertifikat bormi?
Javob: Yo’q. Sertifikat berilmaydi. Men hech qanday rasmiy ta’lim tashkiloti nomidan bu kursni tashkil qilayotganim yo’q. Kurs o’zimning shaxsiy tajribamdan kelib chiqib tuzilgan.
2023/2024 yil uchun ingliz tilini o'rganib, IELTS, Multivelel, Linguaskill kabi sertifikatlar olish uchun qanday o'qimoqchisiz?
Anonymous Poll
Farqi yo'q
#Expert_talk #Flexible_teacher #Teacher_training
Flexible Teacher - ingliz tili ustozlarimiz uchun training kursda tajribali ingliz tili mutaxassislari bilan ham jonli muloqotlar uyushtiramiz degandik. Shunday uchrashuvlardan biri yaqin orada Avstraliyalik tajribali o'qituvchi, xalqaro DELTA sertifikati sohibi Megan Frazer bilan bo'ladi. Megan xonim o'zlarining eng yaxshi tajribalarini siz bilan bo'lishadi va sizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob beradilar.
Megan xonimdan ustoz va hamkasb sifatida juda ko’p narsalarni o’rganganman. Bu imkoniyatni boshqa O’zbekistonlik o’qituvchilarga ham taqdim qilayotganimizdan xursandman. Yana bir nechta xorijiy va mahalliy tajribali ingliz tili mutaxassislari bilan online uchrashuv tashkil qilish rejamda bor.
Kursimiz bugundan boshlanadi. Murojaat uchun: @BekzodHayitov
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
2023/2024 yil uchun ingliz tilini o'rganib, IELTS, Multivelel, Linguaskill kabi sertifikatlar olish uchun qanday o'qimoqchisiz?
So'rovnomada faol ishtirok etganlarga katta rahmat. Endi offline deganlar nega offline, online deganlar nega online variantni ma'qul ko'ryabsiz. Kommentlarda qoldiring. Keyin fikrlarni umumiylashtiramiz. Aktiv bo'lamiz!!!
Here is my essay written within 40 minutes and I've had it assessed by AI ( artificial intelligence) Some people think it is better to make more money rather than have free time, while others prefer to have more free time rather than making money.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion
As demands are increasing in today’s materialistic world, some people prefer to earn more rather than have free time. However, some think that the opposite is a good idea. In my opinion, neither of these aspects should override one another if people want to lead balanced life.
A number of benefits can be derived by spending most of your time on making money. First of all, financial freedom allows people many opportunities. They can make purchases without putting limitations on their expenses. It’s true that most people put constant effort to save up money so that they can live in expensive houses and possess cars from brand companies. In addition, as people grow older, they build families and settle down, which means they have to think about the future of their children. The desire to have their off springs study at prestigious colleges and universities also requires financial stability. Therefore, the idea of earning more than free time sounds sensible.
Nevertheless, being so overwhelmed with financial prosperity, some people may not realise that they have missed the point. There are people who live a modest life, but enjoy the opportunity of devoting more time to their families and friends rather than pressurizing themselves with making more money. Such people prefer to lead unforced lifestyle so that they can enjoy their hobbies and be busy with other tasks that are meaningful to them.
In conclusion, the choice of earning more money or having free time reflects our personality and what we want to get from life. In my view, neither of these views should be overlooked, which means people should have balance between them.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Here is my essay written within 40 minutes and I've had it assessed by AI ( artificial intelligence) Some people think it is better to make more money rather than have free time, while others prefer…
Feedback Task Response:
Estimated Band Score: 7.5

Your essay addresses the task well. You've presented both views and given a clear opinion. However, you could improve by providing a more detailed analysis of each perspective and by linking your main points more explicitly to your opinion. This will give your argument more depth and make your position clearer to the reader.

Coherence and Cohesion:
Estimated Band Score: 7.0

Your essay is logically organised and uses a range of cohesive devices ('however', 'nevertheless', 'in addition'). There's a clear introduction and conclusion, and each paragraph has a clear main idea. However, you can improve this score by ensuring that each paragraph develops a single main point and by using more varied linking words and phrases.

Lexical Resource:
Estimated Band Score: 8.0

You've used a good range of vocabulary and there's evidence of some less-common words and phrases. Spelling and word formation are generally accurate. To improve, aim to use even more precise and varied vocabulary. For example, instead of using 'money' repeatedly, you could use synonyms like 'wealth', 'income', or 'financial resources'.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy:
Estimated Band Score: 7.5

Your essay shows a good range of grammatical structures, and the majority of sentences are error-free. However, there are a few minor errors and awkward phrases. For example, 'off springs' should be 'offspring', and 'unforced lifestyle' could be better expressed as 'stress-free lifestyle' or 'relaxed lifestyle'. To improve, try to use a wider range of sentence structures and aim to eliminate these minor errors.

Overall Feedback:
You've done well in addressing the prompt and presenting a clear argument. To improve your score, focus on developing your points in more depth, using a wider range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, and ensuring all sentences and phrases are grammatically accurate. Be careful to avoid minor errors, as these can detract from the clarity of your writing. With these improvements, you could achieve a higher band score in the IELTS writing test. Well done and keep practicing!
Speaking and Writing have been the areas of the IELTS test where students couldn't progress without feedback from the teacher. I wonder if this can be the case any longer with such a detailed feedback provided from AI
2024/10/01 01:33:12
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