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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
⚡️⚡️7 NOYABR, 15:00. DEMO DARSGA MARHAMAT!!! Ingliz tilini mutaxassis bilan o'rganing. Channel:@Insight_English Admin:@lilylannage …
Ertaga 7 NOYABR, 15:00da Yangi ingliz tili guruhi start oladi. DEMO darsda qatnashishi tekin. Faol ishtirokchilarni sovg'alar kutmoqda. Manzil: Toshkent shahri, Chilonzor ko'chasi 85 uy. Mo'ljal: Bunyodkor stadioni, katta Qozirobod masjidi ro'parasi.
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That's how you try to make excuses) when you announce a demo lesson and end up having different levels of students in the class)😂
Why is writing English more difficult than speaking?

Many international students who arrive at college to study in English can speak the language well enough for normal life: Shopping travelling and meeting people. But the same students are often surprised to find that writing essays and reports in English is much more difficult.
It can be helpful to think about the reasons for this situation

First, speaking is usually done face to face. If your listener cannot understand you, then they can look puzzled and ask you to repeat. But this does not work with a reader! When we write, we usually have little idea who may read our work, so we have to write as clearly as possible so that it is easy to understand.

With academic writing, writers and readers have to learn special conventions, such as using capital letters in certain places. If you do not follow these conventions, your meaning may be unclear and your teacher can have difficulty assessing your work.

Another issue is vocabulary. Most academic subjects require writers to use semi-formal language, which is different from the idiomatic language used in speech. One example is using a verb such as ‘continue’ instead of phrasal verbs such as ‘go on’.
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The lady agrees that Uzbekistan is equal to Uzbekistan.
Where are all the missing students?
It's raining inTashkent🌧 What is the weather like in your region?
This equipment called a 'jungle gym' has turned to 100.To know about its weird and delightful history, listen to the podcast🎧👇
🎧 #Podcast #AmericanEnglish Inside the weird and delightful origins of the jungle gym, which just turned 100
Forwarded from Feruza👩‍💻
Darslarini unutilmas lahzalarga aylantirmoqchi bo'lgan ingliz tili o'qituvchilari uchun ajoyib kanal. Darslar uchun interaktiv PowerPoint materiallar, fleshkartalar, dars ishlanmalari, videolar, professional rivojlanish uchun tadbirlar haqida e'lonlar.
Forwarded from English
“Uzbekistan’s population will reach 40 million by 2030” – Senate

Over the last 30 years, the population of Uzbekistan has increased by 15 million, exceeding 36 million. According to forecasts, by 2030, the population of Uzbekistan will reach 40 million people, which is almost half of the population of Central Asian countries.


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My Last Job Interview 💡

OFFICER:- What is your name?

Me :- M.P. sir

OFFICER:- In full please

Me:- Marvin Paul

OFFICER:- Your father's name?

Me:- M.P. sir

OFFICER:- What does that mean?

Me:- Martin Paul

OFFICER:- What is your qualification?

Me:- M.P.

OFFICER:- (angry) What is that?!!!

Me:- Maths and Physics

OFFICER:- So why do you need a job?

Me:- It is because of M.P. sir

OFFICER: Meaning?

Me:- Money Problem

OFFICER:- Would you explain yourself and stop wasting my time? What's your personality like?

Me: MP sir.

OFFICER: And what is that?

Me:- Marvelous Personality

OFFICER:- I see... I will get back to you.

Me:- Sir, how was M.P. sir?

OFFICER:- And what's that again?

Me:- My Performance.

OFFICER:- I think you have M.P.

Me:- What’s that?

OFFICER:- Mental Problem!!!

Don't laugh alone. Send this to M.P. (Many People) those are saved in your M.P. (Mobile Phone) to put a smile on their faces.

I have shared this with you because you are M.P. (My People). 😂😂😂
IELTS o'qivotganlar, mashilani bir joy joyiga qo'yib tashelachi)
The IELTS mock exam has started!
📣Yangi ELEMENTARY guruh
📆Toq kunlari (Dushanba- Chorshanba-Juma)
Dars vaqti: Ertalabki guruh 11:00-12:30 / Tushdan keyin 15:30-17:00
Kurs narxi: 450000 /oy

Bekzod Khayitov (IELTS 8.0)

13- noyabrdan boshlanadi

Adminga murojaat: @lilylannage

📍Manzil: Chilonzor tumani , Chilonzor 85 uy
🏛Mo’ljal: Bunyodkor stadioni, Qozirobod masjidini ro’parasida 9 qavatli binoning 1-qavatida
‼️Which of these activities would you like to do?
Example: I would like to go on cultural visits because I am interested in learning about different cultures.
‼️NOW, it’s your turn to complete the sentence using the pictures👇
📌I would like to …. because …
2024/09/30 07:26:17
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