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📣Pre-intermediate guruh darslari

📆Toq kunlari: Dush / Chor / Juma 9:30-11:00

Admin: @lilylannage

Til o’rganishdan asosiy maqsad bu erkin muloqot. Darslarimizda ham asosiy urg’uni shunga qaratganmiz va o’quvchilarimizga o’z fikrlarini erkin bayon qilishlari uchun maksimal darajada imkon beriladi.
#ReadingPractice #Passage
A history of ice cream
Although many people might consider ice cream a recent invention, dependent on refrigeration technology and the dairy industry, there have been certain people eating frozen desserts made by mixing ice with fruit flavours for thousands of years. We don’t know when people started doing this, but we do know that Roman and Chinese emperors used to eat fruit mixed with snow as far back as 2,000 years ago. However, most fruit grows in the warmer months, and ice needed to be transported from distant mountain tops, or collected in winter and stored in very expensive underground chambers. This meant that it was available only to the people at the very top of society, and only on special occasions.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
#ReadingPractice #Passage A history of ice cream Although many people might consider ice cream a recent invention, dependent on refrigeration technology and the dairy industry, there have been certain people eating frozen desserts made by mixing ice with…
The main point of this paragraph is that
A no one knows when ice cream was invented.
B long ago, only wealthy, powerful people ate fruit mixed with ice.
C storing and collecting ice is very difficult.
D ice can be mixed with fruit to create a dessert.
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16 Noyabr, soat 6:58 Toshkent. Tong otishini kuzatib turib hayolimdan o'tgan narsa shu bo'ldi "Muhimi inson hotirjamlikni yo'qotmasin, qolgani asta sekin bo'laveradi".Kuningiz hayrli o'tsin.
Bu ma'lumotlarni darakchi qayerdan olgan kavlashtirib o'tirgim kelmadiyu lekin ba'zi kommentlardan mazza qilasiz.
Internet cost in the world vs Uzbekistan
In terms of the cost of Internet with a speed of 1 Gbit/s, Uzbekistan is next to Venezuela – about $300 per month.
The analytical department of analyzed the offers of unlimited home fiber-optic Internet from 364 providers in 85 countries.
Uzbekistan is ranked 23rd in terms of the cheapest Internet in the world. The cost of an Internet connection with a speed of 100 Mbit/s will cost citizens of the country $17.6 per month.
The most expensive Internet in the world is noted in Norway, where residents are forced to pay $79.4 monthly for 100 Mbit/s. Also, the top five countries with the most expensive Internet are Iceland ($62.1 per month), Australia ($61.8), Switzerland ($56.9) and Ireland ($52.8).
The cheapest Internet connection is in Russia, where a 100 Mbps connection costs less than $6 per month. It is followed by Ukraine ($6.1), Romania ($6.4), Vietnam ($6.7) and Moldova ($7.7).
Picodi experts also compared prices for Internet with a speed of 1 Gbit/s. Over the past 4 years, the cost of a gigabit connection in the world has fallen by an average of 15%, and the number of countries where such speeds are offered has increased twofold.
Residents of Ukraine will pay the least for a tariff with a speed of 1 Gbit/s ($8.2 per month). Users in Romania and Russia pay about $10.
Uzbekistan is not in the list of countries where 1 Gbit/s speed is available. However, Uztelecom offers the UNLIM 1000 tariff, which provides gigabit Internet, for 3.2 million soums. Thus, in terms of the cost of high-speed Internet, Uzbekistan is at the top of the ranking – next to Venezuela, where residents of a 1 Gbit/s connection costs more than $300. ©️
Lurk (v) - If you lurk in a CHAT ROOM on the internet, you read what other people are writing to each other, but you do not write any messages yourself
📌Example: I think it’s sort of creepy how people lurk in that chat rooms.
📆DATE: November 26, Sunday
TIME: 10 am


💳FEE: 100,000 sum

📍ADDRESS: Chilonzor district, Chilonzor street, 85
Contact: @BekzodHayitov
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Rainy descriptions 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧
Wet: Referring to the moisture caused by rain.
Damp: Slightly wet or moist.
Drizzle: Light rain falling in fine, misty droplets.
Downpour: A heavy, sudden, and intense rainfall.
Shower: A brief period of rain.
Torrential: Describing heavy and forceful rainfall.
Deluge: An overwhelming amount of rain.
Soaking: Drenched or thoroughly wet due to rain.
Misty: Characterized by a fine spray or mist in the air.
Gloomy: Depicting a dark, somber, or melancholic atmosphere often associated with rainy weather.
Pitter-patter: The sound of raindrops falling lightly or rapidly.
Rainstorm: A storm characterized by heavy rain, often accompanied by thunder and lightning.
Soggy: Wet and waterlogged, often used to describe the ground or objects after rain.
Overcast: When the sky is completely covered by clouds, often resulting in rain.
Chilly: Describing a cold and damp feeling associated with rainy weather.
what is it?🤔
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