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【 網上流傳 • 穿著防護裝備人員上門 • 企圖打劫?】
【 Video footage on the Internet • “Officers” in protective gowns at the door • Attempted robbery? 】




市民如有進一步查詢,請致電衞生防護中心熱線電話21251111/21251122 (上午8時至午夜12時)或民政事務總署熱線電話28351473(24小時)。

The Police have noticed a video footage circulating on the Internet today that features three persons in protective gowns pressing a door bell. Simultaneously, an audio recording has also been circulating, in which it was alleged that those persons were in fact attempting a robbery under the guise of spot checks on persons undergoing mandatory home quarantine.

The Police are extremely concerned about the incident and have followed up on it immediately. So far, the Police have not received any reports of robbery with similar modus operandi, and that the Police can yet to ascertain if the video concerned was shot in Hong Kong.

Even so, the Police would like to take this opportunity to remind citizens to watch out for any illegal acts disguised as quarantine-related measures. In fact, all spot checks on persons under home quarantine have been conducted only by officers from the five disciplined services (Hong Kong Police Force, Fire Services Department, Correctional Services Department, Customs and Excise Department and Immigration Department). In particular, Police officers conducting such spot checks are always in uniform, while officers from fellow disciplined services don vests or jackets with the names of their respective departments clearly displayed.

Members of the public who wish to make further enquiries should call the hotline of the Centre for Health Protection at 2125 1111 / 2125 1122 (operating from 8am to 12am) or the 24-hour hotline of the Home Affairs Department at 2835 1473.

【 停課不停學 • 繼續網上防罪教學 • 小學生篇 】




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【 拘捕 • 涉嫌「製造偽製紙幣」、「管有及行使偽製紙幣」、「藏有他人身分證」、「藏有虛假文件」及「盜竊」• 案情簡報 】



【 為香港鼓掌 】
【 Clap for Hong Kong 】



Let us give a big round of applause to all healthcare personnel for their tremendous effort in safeguarding our community!

Stand together, and we shall prevail over this tough battle against the pandemic!


【 同心抗疫 • 調整羈留政策 】
【 United front against pandemic • Adjustment to detention policy 】





The Police noticed some public concern about the supply of face masks to detained persons and adjusted relevant policies on 2nd April.

In view of the threat posed by the ongoing pandemic and the need to ensure the safety of detained persons and staff, since yesterday the Police have been providing detained persons with surgical face masks. They are manufactured by the Correctional Services Industries, and will safeguard detained persons as well as the people around them by lowering the risk of viral transmission.

In the past, there were instances of detained persons committing self-harm using the wires embedded in surgical face masks. In light of the risk, the Police had earlier provided detained persons with two-ply face masks with no embedded wires.

The Police have consistently fulfilled the duty of care to detained persons. When it comes to formulating policies, procedures and guidelines for the custody and detention of detained persons, as well as designing and managing relevant facilities, the Police attach utmost importance to the security of detention facilities as well as the safety of detained persons and those who may be in contact with them, while protecting the privacy, dignity and rights of detained persons. The Police will continue to review the overall protective measures according to the development of the pandemic and provide detained persons with self-protection supplies in a timely manner.

【 拘捕20歲大專生 • 製造遙控引爆炸彈】
【 A 20-year-old tertiary student arrested • Manufacturing remote controls for detonating bombs 】



Last night (April 21), Police officers from the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau arrested a 20-year-old tertiary student in Sau Mau Ping Estate on suspicion of “Conspiracy to Wound with Intent”. During the house search, the Police found devices used to puncture tyres and electrical circuit boards which were extremely similar to the detonator used for the improvised explosive device found in the vicinity of Wah Yan College in December last year. The Police believe that the suspect, being a member of the gang that manufactured explosives, was responsible for designing, distributing and supplying electrical circuit boards used to detonate bombs.

The Police are concerned that some youngsters who have been radicalised would harbour hatred towards police officers and engage in extreme violence. The Police appeal to all youngsters to refrain from breaking the law on impulse and putting their future in jeopardy.

【 上水投擲磚頭謀殺案 • 兩男子被起訴 】
【 Murder by a brick in Sheung Shui • Two men prosecuted 】

經過深入調查及證據分析後,警方於今日(4月22日)以「謀殺」、「暴動」及「蓄意傷人」三項罪名正式起訴其中兩名涉案男子,並隨即於屯門法院提訊。警方重申,較早時的八十萬元懸紅仍然生效,呼籲市民致電 3661 3348 或 3661 3369與新界北總區重案組第 3A 隊聯絡,以提供有關此案件的消息。


In November last year, a 70-year-old male cleaning worker died after being hit on the head with a brick outside North District Town Hall in Sheung Shui. A month later, the Police arrested three males and three females aged between 15 and 18.

After in-depth investigation and analysis of evidence, the Police officially charged two of the arrested men on April 22 with “Murder”, “Rioting” and “Wounding with Intent” who then appeared at Tuen Mun Magistracy. The Police reiterate that the $800,000 reward issued earlier is still in effect, and appeal to members of the public to come forward with any information related to this case by calling the New Territories North Headquarters Regional Crime Unit 3A at 3661 3348 or 3661 3369.

The Police would also like to stress that illegal acts can never be justified. Any person who has run foul of the law must bear the legal consequences. Anyone convicted of “Murder” or “Wounding with Intent” is liable to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Meanwhile, anyone found guilty of “Rioting” can also be sentenced to 10 years in prison. No one should ever break the law.

【 拘捕 • 製造炸彈電路板 • 案情簡報 】
【 Arrest • Manufacturing circuit board for bomb • Media Briefing 】

昨日 (4月21日) ,警方以「 串謀意圖傷人」罪拘捕一名男子,他涉嫌製造可遙控炸彈的電路裝置。有組織罪案及三合會調查科高級警司李桂華、警司楊耀宗及總督察鄧翊几現向傳媒作出簡報。

Yesterday (April 21), the Police arrested a male for “Conspiracy to Wound with Intent”. The man was suspected to have manufactured an electrical circuit device that can be used to control bombs remotely.

Senior Superintendent LI Kwai-wah of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau, Superintendent YEUNG Yiu-chung and Chief Inspector TANG Yick-kay are giving a briefing to the media.

【 提防有「炸」】
【 Stay Vigilant to Bomb 】


Recently, there are a numbers of cases involving explosives. Members of the public should take extra precautions and stay vigilant against the threats of explosives and suspicious objects.

【 拘捕 • 聯合行動 • 打撃網上口罩騙案 】
【 Arrest • Joint Operation • Combat fraudulent selling of face masks on the Internet 】




Over the past 6 days (April 15 to 20), Police districts throughout Hong Kong have mounted a joint operation to combat the fraudulent selling of face masks on the Internet. Spot checks at various locations have led to the arrest of 32 persons (19 males and 13 females aged between 16 and 61) in connection with some 146 online scams. In these scams, in which over 400 victims have been defrauded of around $3 million in total. The operation is ongoing and the Police do not rule out the possibility of making more arrests.

In these scams, the majority of the fraudsters posed as sellers of face masks and cheated their victims via bogus websites or phishing emails. Meanwhile, some scammers falsely claimed to the victims that they could purchase face masks on certain online social networking platforms or auction sites. Once the scammers received payments from the victims, they could no longer be contacted. Meanwhile, some scammers also operated as small-scale corporations and pursuaded people to sell or transfer their bank account details to them. Then, the scammers would use these “stooge accounts” to collect money from other victims, through these dishonestly obtained accounts.

The Police remind members of the public to stay vigilant when shopping online and avoid falling prey to such scams. When in doubt, please immediately call the “Anti-Scam Helpline” at 18222 for more information.


兩星期前,警隊Instagram 推出咗50 Facts快問快答環節,而小編已經喺2000條問題當中,挑選咗50條去回應。

由於反應熱烈,引起不少迴響,小編決定開心Share,照顧埋Facebook Fans 同 Followers。快啲睇吓,你問果條問題係咪榜上有名,去片!

留意香港警察 Instagram:


【 可疑物品發現 • 案情簡報 】

【 防騙三寶:收線、核實、揾求助 • 記得提提親朋戚友 ! 】



1. 切勿向他人透露網上銀行帳戶💰及密碼
2. 切勿下載來歴不明程式、APPs及點擊連結
3. 提提身邊親朋戚友👨‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👯‍♀
4. 提提身邊親朋戚友👨‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👯‍♀
5. 提提身邊親朋戚友👨‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👯‍♀ (重要嘅事情講三次!)
6. 懷疑被騙,請即致電防騙易1⃣8⃣2⃣2⃣2⃣

【警察專題 - 「都市傳說」VS「小心求證」】
【Police Focus - Urban Myths VS Fact-checking】






“Hong Kong is dangerous. People are made to disappear into thin air!”
“Hong Kong is daunting. Protestors are made to commit suicide!”
“Hong Kong is devastating. People are made to bury themselves without a trace!

As much as we’re fed up with information, we’re hungry for the truth! But people with animosity are quick to inflict an atrocity by weaponising disinformation.

A lie repeated a thousand times may become truth. Fact-checking is the key!

The reason is simple: There’s only one truth!

Editor’s note: Let’s revisit a series of Police Focus reports on missing persons, death investigation and the Sandy Ridge Cemetery. Supported by facts and statistics, these reports debunk urban myths and wild rumours.


【警察專題:破解都市傳說 - 人肉搜尋】
【Police Focus : Debunking Urban Myths - Searching】

【警察專題:破解都市傳說 - 死亡查證鐵三角】
【Police Focus: Debunking Urban Myths - The Prism of Death Investigation】

【警察專題:破解都市傳說 - 沙嶺墳場:最後的尊嚴】
【Police Focus: Debunking Urban Myths - Sandy Ridge Cemetery: The Final Dignity】

【 拘捕 • 涉嫌縱火及管有任何物品意圖損壞財產 • 案情簡報 】


【 譴責網民呼籲他人非法堵路 】




【Mongkok rioters blocked carriageways and were arrested】



Around 9 PM, rioters set barricades and blocked carriageways in Argyle Street near Portland Street, Mongkok with barriers and traffic cones. Pedestrians have been put in immense danger as they were forced to shuttle between vehicles and the objects on the roads. Police officers in the vicinity immediately intercepted and subdued the suspects.

The Police officers have taken action to enforce the law and deployed minimum necessary force. The Police warn all rioters to stop road blockage and stop victimising innocent citizen.
2024/09/28 01:25:54
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