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【快訊:香港將向全球各地發紅色外遊警示 內地澳門台灣除外】

17日上午,香港特區行政長官林鄭月娥會見傳媒時宣布,新冠肺炎疫情在全球迅速蔓延,根據最新評估,今日內將會公佈,除內地、澳門及台灣之外,會向全球各國及地區發出紅色外遊警示。(記者 李焯龍)





塞爾維亞政府16日宣佈,在中國駐塞爾維亞使館和塞爾維亞政府的協調配合下,由中國深圳猛獁公益基金會捐贈的新型冠狀病毒核酸檢測試劑盒抵達歐洲,隨後搭乘塞政府專機,於當地時間 15日晚運抵貝爾格萊德。(人民日報)


trojan://[email protected]:443#GCP-美国-Los Angeles-Cloudcone
trojan://[email protected]:443#GCP-美国-Los Angeles-Cloudcone

【 學習無邊界 • 停課不停學 • 視像宣傳交通安全 】
【 Learning transcends boundaries • Learning doesn’t stop just because schools are closed • Promoting road safety via visual tools 】



As the pandemic has yet to show signs of slowing down, schools remain suspended and children are staying home. A lot of kindergarten-goers have been looking forward to their tour at the Road Safety Park, hoping to ride bicycles and play games there. However, this highly anticipated visit has to be put on hold because of this current pandemic.

However, not wanting to let the children down, the Hong Kong Road Safety Office (New Territories South Region) has tapped into technology and migrated the whole “site visit” onto the Internet, in order to teach youngsters the importance of road safety! Through a live broadcast, a female traffic police officer has interacted with kindergarten students within the district by telling them stories and answering their questions, in a bid to introduce them to different transport facilities and give them information about road safety. It is hoped that the students’ awareness in road safety can be raised despite the ongoing pandemic.

【 拘捕 • 打擊財務中介 • 案情簡報 】
【 Arrest • Combatting Unscrupulous Financial Intermediaries • Media Briefing 】


Yesterday (2020-03-19), the Police’s Commercial Crime Bureau joined hands with the crime units of Wan Chai, Mongkok and Kwun Tong districts to carry out Operation BOLDFIGHTER, to crack down on financial intermediaries that had committed mortgage-related frauds. 10 persons were arrested for defrauding victims of more than HKD$30 million in total. Chief Inspector WU Miu-yee of the Commercial Crime Bureau and Inspector FONG Sze-wing of the District Investigation Team of Wan Chai District are giving a briefing to the media.

【 跨部門反恐演習 •「奪峰」 】


今天 (3月20日) 跨部門反恐專責組在落馬洲支線出入境管制站進行了一個代號「奪峰」的跨部門反恐演習,參與的成員部門包括警務處、消防處、入境事務處及海關,希望藉演習加強各部門處理炸彈襲擊及可疑物品的應變及協調能力。是次演習亦邀請了傳媒採訪,希望公眾明白爆炸品的破壞力及對公共安全的重大威脅。


【 Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Exercise - CATCHMOUNT 】

In recent months, there were a number of bomb plots and raids involving home-made explosives in Hong Kong. Radical extremists detonated improvised explosive devices and placed hoax devices in public places with an aim to achieving their causes. The modus operandi adopted by those radical extremists are similar to the terrorist attacks in other places, which makes the situation worrying.

Today (March 20), the Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit (ICTU) conducted an Exercise, codenamed CATCHMOUNT, at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point, in which members from Hong Kong Police Force, Fire Services Department, Immigration Department and Customs and Excise Department participated, with a view to strengthening inter-departmental coordination and operational capabilities in responding and dealing with bomb incidents and suspicious objects. The media were also invited to observe the Exercise, through which to promote public awareness on the potential danger of explosives and the threat to public safety.

Government departments will continue their collaboration in preventing and combating extreme violence to ensure public safety.


【 地下鐵碰着 ⋯ 它 】
【 Smearing saliva on the MTR handrail 】




In a video circulating online recently, a man is seen smearing his saliva on the handrail of an MTR train, causing public concern.

The Police also concerned about this case and have followed up on the matter with the MTR Corporation. The Police swiftly met with the man who claimed that his action was just part of a prank between his friends and himself, and that he had never thought it would become the talk of the town. The man apologised for the public concern he has caused.

The Police appeal to citizens not to imitate such antics. Anyone who deliberately pollutes public transport facilities risks committing the offence of nuisances under the Summary Offences Ordinance.


【 拘捕 •「勇戰者」行動 • 打擊不良財務中介 • 慎防受騙 】
【 Arrest • Operation BOLDFIGHTER • Combatting unscrupulous financial intermediaries • Don’t fall victim to scams 】






The Commercial Crime Bureau joined hands yesterday (2020-03-19) with crime units from Wan Chai, Mongkok and Kwun Tong districts to mount Operation BOLDFIGHTER, to specifically combat multiple frauds committed by unscrupulous financial intermediaries that had involved more than HKD$30 million. The joint operation led to the arrest of 10 suspects for “Conspiracy to defraud”.

Upon investigation, the Police found that the financial intermediaries concerned would send out scammers to pose as bank staff and claim to persons who had been applying for second mortgage loans that they were suspected to have violated certain contract terms or even the law. Since the fraudsters could often list out the victims’ personal details accurately, the victims would follow their directions to take out loans from licenced lending companies through these scrupulous intermediaries. Once the victims secured these loans, the scammers would ask the victims to deposit money into designated accounts, claiming it was for payment of margins or handling fees. Unsurprisingly, the money was swiftly transferred and the scammers disappeared.

In this operation, the Police managed to contact two potential victims in time and helped them terminate nearly HKD$3 million of loan applications.

The Police call on citizens to heed the following advice:

(1) When citizens receive calls from alleged bank staff that can even call out their personal details, citizens should verify the callers’ identity and not be so trustworthy.

(2) When applying for a large loans, citizens should seek legal-advice from independent parties and other reputable persons.

(3) When citizens borrow loans via intermediaries, they must disclose information about these intermediaries to money lenders.

(4) When citizens borrow loans, they should be wary about any unreasonable handling or guarantee fees imposed by the intermediaries. Even if citizens are in the process of applying or have successfully applied for the loans, they should not hand money over to third parties.

(5) Members of the public who suspect that they have fallen victim to similar scams should call the Police’s 24-hour “Anti-Scam Helpline” at 18222 for more information.
2024/09/28 03:18:25
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