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✏️ The verb give refers to transferring something to someone else:

β–ͺ️ Jen missed class yesterday – I’ll give her my notes so she can study.
β–ͺ️My best friend gave me a pair of headphones for my birthday.

✏️ The phrasal verb give away means to give for free something that would probably cost money in a normal situation:

β–ͺ️ When I bought a new computer, I gave away the old one. = I gave it to someone for free instead of selling it
β–ͺ️ The radio station is giving away two tickets to the rock concert.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ³Taomlar va ovqatlanishπŸ‘¨β€πŸ³πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ³

🍚🍲🍜Meals - Taomlar🍚🍲🍜

🍴I’m (very) hungry - Mening qornim(juda ham) och
🍴I’m (very) thirsty - Men (juda) chanqadim
🍴Are you hungry? - Qorningiz ochmi?
🍴Let’s have a bite - Tamaddi qilib olaylik

In a restaurant, In a cafe - Restoranda, Qahvaxonada

🍴Let’s go to the restaurant - Keling, restoranga boraylik
🍴I want a table for three persons - Menga uch kishilik joy kerak
🍴I’ve booked a table for two - Men ikki kishilik joy buyurdim
🍴What do you recommend for the first course (for the dessert, as a starter, as drinks)? - Suyuq ovqatlardan (quyuq ovqatlardan, shirinliklardan, yahna ovqatlardan, ichimliklardan) nimalar olaylik?
🍴I’d like ..., please - Marhamat, menga...keltiring
🍴Bring me some iced water - Muzli suv olib keling
🍴What would you like for dessert? - Shirinlikka nima hohlaysiz?
🍴I think I’ll have... - Yaxshisi....dan olaman
🍴I’ll give it a try - Men buni tatib ko’raman
🍴Nothing more, thank you - Rahmat, boshqa hech narsa kerak emas
🍴Bring me some more... - ...dan yana olib keling
🍴Please bring the bill - Marhamat, hisoblang
🍴How much is the bill? - Qancha to’lashim kerak?


🍴There are vacant seats over there - Ana u yerda bo’sh joylar bor
🍴Here’s a menu - Mana taomnoma
🍴What would you llike? - Nima buyurmoqchisiz?
🍴What would you have for starter? - Yahna ovqatga nima keltiraylik?
🍴We can offer you ... for the first course? - Suyuq ovqatlardan bizda... bor
🍴What wine would you like? - Qaysi musallasni xush ko’rasiz?
🍴Sorry, but we don’t serve wine here - Kechirasiz, bizda musallas tortilmaydi
🍴All right, wait a minute - Yaxshi bir daqiqa kutib turing
🍴Here is your bill - Mana hisob-kitobingiz

At Table - Ovqat vaqti

🍴Please, pass me... - Marhamat, ... uzatib yuboring
🍴Help yourself to... - Marhamat ....oling
🍴How do you lilke...? - ...sizga yoqadimi?
🍴It’s delicious! - Juda ham mazali
🍴Not bad - Yomon emas

*In a bar - Barda*

🍴Please give me a glass of champagne and grape juice - Marhamat, bir qadah shampan vinosi va uzum sharbati bering
🍴Would you like some wine? - Musallas ichasizmi?
🍴Yes, some sweet wine ,please - Ha ,marhamat, shirin musallasdan keltiring
🍴Please give me a bar of chocolate - Marhamat, bir bo’lak shokolad bering
🍴Cheers! your health! - Sizning sog’ligingiz uchun

🍴Appetizers - Yaxna ovqatlar
🍴black caviare - qora donador iqra
🍴black pressed caviare - qora payus iqra
🍴boiled eggs - pishirilgan tuxum
🍴carrots - sabzi
🍴cabbage salad - karamli salati
🍴cheese - pishloq
🍴cucumber salad - bodring salati
🍴egg-plant - baqlajon
🍴fried eggs - tuxum quymoq
🍴fruit salad - mevali salad
🍴ham - vetchina
🍴herring - seld
🍴radishes - rediska
🍴red caviare - qizil ikra
🍴salmon - qizil baliq
🍴sandvich - buterbrod
🍴tomato salad - pomidor saladi
🍴vegetable salad - sabzavot saladi

*First course - Suyuq ovqatlar*

🍴borshch(cabbage and beats soup) - borsh, karam sho’rva
🍴broth - bulyon
🍴chicken broth - tovuq sho’rva
🍴pea soup - no’xatli sho’rva-

Second course - Quyuq ovqatlar

🍴mutton - qo’y go’shti
🍴beaf - mol go’shti
🍴beef-steak - bifshteks
🍴goulash - gulyash
🍴cutlet - kotlet
🍴chicken - tovuq
🍴sausages - sosiskalar
🍴schnitzel (fillet of pork or veal) - shnitsel

Uzbek National Dishes - O’zbek milliy taomlari

🍴Shurva (meat soup with vegetables) - Qaynatma sho’rva
🍴Chuchvara shurva (broth with meat-balls coated with dough) - Chuchvara sho’rva
🍴Mastava (rice soup) - Mastava
🍴Plov (rice boiled with fried meat and carrots) - Palov
🍴Shashlik(meat or liver pieces grilled over charcoals) - Shashlik, kabob
🍴Lagmon (long noodles with fried meat and vegetable soup) - Lag’mon
🍴Manti (steames big meatballs coated with dough) - Manti
🍴Somsa (small pastry) - Somsa

Very capable – accomplished
Very clean – spotless
Very clever – brilliant
Very cold – freezing
Very dirty – squalid
Very dry – parched
Very fast – swift
Very good – superb
Very happy – jubilant
Very hot – scalding
Very hungry – ravenous
Very large – colossal
Very light – imponderable
Very high – sky-high
Very neat – immaculate
Very old – ancient
Very poor – destitute
Very quiet – silent
Very rude – vulgar
Very serious – solemn
Very small – tiny
Very strong – unyielding
Very tasty – delicious
Very tired – exhausted
Very valuable – precious
Very weak – feeble
Very wet – soaked
Very wicked – villainous
Very wise – sagacious
Very worried – anxious
Very dangerous – malignant
Very complex – overspecified
Very frequent – continual
Foydali iboralar

♻️ Getting - be + getting (adj.)

πŸ“Œ It's getting late ! - Kech tushyabdi

πŸ“Œ It's getting dark ! - Qorong'u bo'lyabdi

πŸ“Œ It's getting cold ! - Sovuq bo'lyabdi

πŸ“Œ It's getting old - eskiryabdi

πŸ“Œ It's getting better- yaxshilanyabdi

πŸ“Œ Its getting worse - yomonlashyabdi

πŸ“Œ Its getting worse and worse. Kundan kunga yomonlashyabdi

πŸ“Œ Its getting crowded in here - odam ko'payyabdi

πŸ“Œ It's Getting Harder - og'irlashyabdi

πŸ“Œ It's getting serious - jiddiylashmoqda

πŸ“Œ I am getting confused - ikkilanib qoldim

πŸ“Œ I am getting better - yaxshilanayabman

πŸ“Œ I am getting bald - Sochim to'kilyabdi

πŸ“Œ I am getting bored - zerikayabman

πŸ“Œ I am getting married - uylanyabman

πŸ“Œ I am getting ready -tayyorlanayabman

πŸ“Œ I am getting stronger- kuchimga kuch qo'shilyabdi

πŸ“Œ She is getting divorced - u ajrashayabdi

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ The most popular problem related to "in/at/on" has been explained in detail. It ain't a problem anymore ☺️
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ώ Barcha uchun qiyinchiliklarga sabab bo'layotgan "in/at/on" predloglari batafsil tushuntirildi. Endi siz uchun bu muammo emas. 😊


πŸ¦‹ Prepositions of place

in - ichida
on - ustida
at - yonida

β—‹ Students are in the room.
β—‹ The guests are in the waiting-room.
β—‹ There is some money in the purse
β—‹ Books are on the table
β—‹ Where's the phone? It's on the table.
β—‹ There's someone at the door.
β—‹ I'll be waiting you at the clock.


Prepositions of time

at + time
on + days of the week
in + month/season/year

β—‹ I'm seeing her at 9:00 in the morning
β—‹ They arrived at 7 in the evening
β—‹ The lecture starts at 2 p.m

β–  at + night / at + the weekend

β—‹ I frequently study at night
β—‹ They constantly go to parks at the weekend.

on + days of the week

β—‹ I'm flying to New York on Monday
β—‹ They announced the results on Friday
β—‹ He didn't go to work on Thursday

on + date

β—‹ I was born on June 7
β—‹ They called on the third of March
β—‹ He's gonna come on my birthday

in + season/month/year

β—‹ I was born in 1995
β—‹ Uzbekistan gained independence in 1991
β—‹ She'll graduate in 2022

β—‹ It often rains in the winter
β—‹ I love playing snowballs in the winter

β—‹ I'm leaving for Germany in July
β—‹ We'll set up our business in August

β–  in + the morning/the evening/the afternoon

β—‹ When I was an applican to university it was arduous to go to tutorials in the morning.
β—‹ In the evening, most education centres are full of students.
Media is too big
Video dars
Video hajmi: 28,9 Mb
Videoni davomiyligi: 10:26
Video tili: O'zbek tilida
Video mavzusi: Present perfect

Manba: @Ingliz_tili_kanali
Grammarway 1.pdf
12.8 MB
βœ… Grammarway 1
Level: A1+

Mana kanal azolari sizlar uchun eng kerakli va eng yaxshi ingliz tili grammar kitoblari.Barcha qismlari

πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
Grammarway 2.pdf
25.7 MB

πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
​​Inglizgliz tilida telefon raqami qanday o'qiladi?πŸ€”

Telefon raqamini ingliz tilida aytishning o'ziga xos qoidasi mavjud. O'zingizning yoki birovning raqamini aytishda telefon raqamining har bir soni alohida aytilishi kerak.

| 8163 β€” eight, one, six, three.
| 8163 β€” sakkiz, bir, olti, uch.

Nol quyidagicha talaffuz qilinadi:
| ou yoki zero.

Birinchi va oxirgi ikkita bir xil raqam Β«doubleΒ» (qo'shaloq), deb o'qiladi, masalan:

| 5573 β€” double five, seven, three;
| 6377 β€” six, three, double seven.

| 5573 β€” ikkita besh, yetti, uch;
| 6377 β€” olti, uch, ikkita yetti.


Agar ikki bir xil son toq kelsa, ular double deyilmaydi, balki ketma-ket alohida aytiladi:

| 5664 β€” five, six, six, four.
| 5664 β€” besh, olti, olti, to’rt


Shahar kodini o'z ichiga olgan telefon raqami aytilganida,kod raqamlari telefon raqamlaridan kichik pauza orqali ajratib aytiladi:

| 01 β€” 629 8495 β€” zero one… six, two, nine… eight, four, nine, five.
| 01 β€” 629 8495 β€” no’l, bir... olti, ikki, to’qqiz... sakkiz, to’rt, to’qqiz, besh.


Endi esa yangi so'zlar bilan tanishib yod olib boring!

aqlli iboralar

πŸ”ΉAsk me another - Osonroq narsa soβ€˜ra!
πŸ”ΉEat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
πŸ”ΉEnough of it - Bu yetarli boβ€˜ldi
πŸ”Ήgo into details - tafsilotlarga urgβ€˜u bermoq
πŸ”ΉI don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yoβ€˜q
πŸ”ΉI have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
πŸ”ΉI mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
πŸ”ΉI wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
πŸ”ΉIt doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
πŸ”ΉIt doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yoβ€˜q
πŸ”ΉIt doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
πŸ”ΉIt' s none of your business - Bu sizning ishingiz emas
πŸ”ΉIt's a lie - Bu yolgβ€˜on
πŸ”ΉIt's all the same to me - Menga farqi yoβ€˜q
πŸ”ΉIt's beside the point - Buning dahli yoβ€˜q
πŸ”ΉIt's new to me - Birinchi marta eshitishim
πŸ”ΉIt's out of place - Bu oβ€˜rinsiz
πŸ”ΉIt's up to you - Oβ€˜zing hal qil
πŸ”ΉIt's waste of time - Bu vaqtni bekorga sarflash
πŸ”ΉLet's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
πŸ”ΉLet's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni oβ€˜zgartiramiz
πŸ”ΉMind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
πŸ”Ήno matter - ahamiyati yoβ€˜q
πŸ”Ήpoint of view - nuqtai nazar
πŸ”Ήpro and con - rozi va norozi
πŸ”Ήsay one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
πŸ”Ήside against - qarshi tomonni qoβ€˜llamoq
πŸ”ΉSo what? - Nima boβ€˜libdi?
πŸ”Ήspeak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq
πŸ”ΉStand one's ground - oβ€˜z fikrida qolmoq
πŸ”ΉStand to reason - ma'noga ega boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ”ΉTake a side - bir tomonni (gapni) qoβ€˜llamoq
πŸ”ΉTake a stand - muhim oβ€˜rinni egallamoq
πŸ”ΉTake into account - diqqatga kirmoq
πŸ”ΉThat's not the point - Gap bu haqda emas
πŸ”ΉThat's very well, but - Bu juda yaxshi, lekin...
πŸ”Ήto one's face - yuziga (ochiqcha aytish)
πŸ”Ήup against - qarshilik qilmoq
πŸ”ΉUse your own judgement - Oβ€˜zing hal qil
πŸ”ΉWhat are you driving at? - Nimaga sha'ma qilyapsan?
πŸ”ΉWhat are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz oβ€˜zi!
πŸ”ΉWhat for? - Nega?
πŸ”ΉWhat of it? - Bundan nima foyda?
πŸ”ΉYou can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin

SMS Language - Abbreviations πŸ“§πŸ“²

🧐 LMK - let me know
😜 JK - just kidding
πŸ‘‹ B4N - bye for now
πŸ€— XOXO - hugs and kisses
πŸ“₯ DM - direct message
πŸ’¬ IMO - in my opinion
😱 OMG - oh my God
πŸ†˜ ASAP - as soon as possible
πŸ™‚ NP - no problem
🀣 LOL - laughing out loud
πŸ‘ THX - thanks
πŸ₯Ί PLS - please
β€‹β€‹πŸ“–πŸ“–Have you ever...?πŸ“–πŸ“–

☝️Hozirgi tugallangan zamonda savol berish:
πŸ‘‰Have you ever been to Rome - Siz hech Rimda bo'lganmisiz?
Yes, I have. Many times - Ha bo'lganman, ko'p marta.

☝️Savol o'tgan zamondan to hozirga qadar bo'lgan muddat haqida so'ralyapdi. Voqea o'tgan zamonda bo'lgan, ammo ma'lumot hozirgi vaqtgacha bo'lgan zamonni ifodalaydi.
"Ever" (hech) bilan savol berilganda agar inkor qilmoqchi bo'lsak, "No, never" (yo'q, hech qachon) deyish kifoya qiladi.

πŸ‘‰I was looking for. Where have you been? - Men sizni qidirayotgan edim. Qayerda edingiz (shu paytgacha)?
☝️Ushbu gap ham "present perfect" (hozirgi tugallangan zamon) hisoblanadi.

πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
#Useful ko'p kerak bo'ladi

πŸ”Ž Scatterbrain (ed)

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ώ Ma'nosi: Ko'p esidan chiqarib qo'yuvchilarga nisbatan ishlatiladi. O'zbek tilida "esi past" iborasiga yaqinπŸ˜…


✏️ Ali is a real scatterbrain. He always forgets where his phone is😐

βœ’οΈAli esipast. U doim telefoni qayerda ekanligini unutib qo'yadi🀭

πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
13.3 MB
🏷English Grammar in Use
(Murphy 5)


πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
Raymond Murphy ni 5-nashri 😱 2019-yil

Albatta bizning kanalda
πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
Ingliz-tilida suhbat davomida eng ko'p qo'llaniladigan qisqartmalar (davomi)

31. Shouldna = Shouldn’t have - ...masligi kerak edi
E.g. He shouldna told you that. - buni senga aytmasligi kerak edi u
(e'tibor bering gap orqadan oldinga qarab tarjima qilingan. Qiyin gaplar 80% holatda shunday tarjima qilinadi)
32. Wouldna = Wouldn’t have - ...magan bo'lardi
E.g. I wouldna done that if I were you. - seni o'rningda bo'lganimda bunday qilmagan bo'lardim
33. She’da = She would have - ...gan bo'lardi u
E.g. She'da liked to be at the meeting today. - u uchrashuvda bo'lishni xohlagan bo'lardi
34. Coulda = Could have - mumkin edi
E.g. She coulda been here by 3:00. - 3:00gacha shu yerda bo'lishi mumkin edi
35. Woulda = Would have - ...gan bo'lardi
E.g. He woulda arrived earlier. - ertaroq yetib kelgan bo'lardi u
36. Mighta = Might have - bo'lishi mumkin
E.g. You mighta left the phone at the airport. - sen telefonini aeroportda qoldirib kelgan bo'lishing mumkin
37. Mightna = Mightn’t have - ...magan bo'lishi mumkin
E.g. He mightna caught his train - u poezdiga ulgurmagan bo'lishi mumkin
38. Musta = Must have - ...gan bo'lsa kerak (o'sha vaqtda)
E.g. You musta been in a hurry. - sen shoshib turgan bo'lsang kerak (osha vaqtda)
39. Mussna = Must not have - ...magan bo'lsa kerak
E.g. She mussna stolen the money - pulni u o'g'irlamagan bo'lsa kerak
40. Dontcha = Don’t you - ...maysanmi?
E.g. Dontcha like it? - yoqtirmaysanmi buni?
41. Wontcha = Won’t you - ...maysanmi(kelajak)
E.g. Wontcha drive the car tomorrow? - mashinani haydamaysanmi ertaga?
42. Betcha = Bet you - garov o'ynayman siz...
E.g. Betcha can't guess the answer! - garov o'ynayman siz, javobni topaolmaysiz!
43. Gotcha = Got you - 1-tushundim sizni, 2-qo'lga tushding-a
E.g. Gotchaaa! - qo'lga tushding-a!
44. D’you = Do you - ...sizmi?
E.g. D’you like it? - yoqtirasizmi buni?
45. Didntcha = Didn't you - ...madingizmi?
E.g. Didntcha like it? - yoqtirmadingizmi?
46. S’more = Some more - yana ko'proq
E.g. We'll need s’more - bizga yana ko'proq vaqt kerak bo'ladi

(davomi bor....faqat kanalimizni kuzatishda davom eting...)

πŸ’‘Collocations of the day πŸ‘Œ

✳️ Bugungi postimizda hozirda hammada dam olish kunlari bo'lganligi uchun 'holiday' (ta'til, bayram kuni) so'zi bilan bog'liq collocationlarni o'rganamiz.

βœ… to go on/have/take/book/cancel holiday - ta'tilga ketmoq/ta'tilga chiqmoq/ta'tilga chiqmoq/ta'tilga oldindan buyurtma bermoq/ta'tilni bekor qilmoq
πŸ”Έ We're going on holiday to France this year.
πŸ”Έ I got ill and had to cancel my holiday.
βœ… dream holiday - orzudagi ta'til
πŸ”ΈWhat would be your dream holiday?
βœ… holiday destination/resort/venue - dam olish manzilgohi/maskani/joyi
πŸ”ΈMarmaris is one of Turkey's most popular holiday destinations. (Marmara Turkiyaning eng mashhur dam olish maskanlaridan biri)
βœ… a holiday of a lifetime - hayotda bir marta bo'ladigan qimmat ta'til
πŸ”ΈThis is your chance to win the holiday of the lifetime. (Bu sizning hayotingizdagi eng zo'r ta'tilni yutib olishga imkoniyat)
βœ… on holiday- ta'tilda
πŸ”ΈI'm afraid Mr. John on holiday this week. (Menimcha, Mister Jon bu hafta ta'tilda)

#Do_you_know 😱

☝️ 's qoshilganda u 4 xil tarjima qilinishi mumkin. Faqat qo'shiladigan so'ziga qarab:
1⃣ Inson 's + ot = -ning
βœ… Frank's book = Frankning kitobi
2⃣ Inson 's = -niki
βœ… My house is bigger than Frank's
3⃣ Joy nomi 's = -dagi
βœ… The club's party = klubdagi bazm
4⃣ Vaqt ko'rsatkichi 's = -gi, -lik
βœ… Tomorrow's paper = ertangi gazeta


πŸ› @Ingliz_tili_kanali
2024/10/03 15:23:55
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