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हा समूह पूर्णपणे भगवान बुध्द व डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांच्या विचारांना समर्पित आहे. सगळ्यांनी या समूहात सहभागी होऊन बुद्धाचा, धम्माचा आणि बाबासाहेबांचा प्रसार प्रचार करण्यास सहकार्य करावे..

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Telegram ☸️"चलो बुद्ध की ओर"☸️

Created: 2021-03-22

From: भारत and Canada

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☸️"चलो बुद्ध की ओर"☸️ Telegram

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On the same page, Telegram also lists one of its two tenets of internet privacy as “protecting your personal data from third parties, such as marketers, advertisers, etc.” That puts it in stark contrast to a myriad of services from Facebook, Google, Amazon, and others. Public figures and organizations can verify their group, channel or bot – receiving a verification badge Verification Check to show users that messages are coming from a confirmed source. In addition to profiles, search results and the chat list, these badges now appear at the top of the chat. This makes it even easier to identify verified sources of information. Verification Badges in Chats

To save a message from elsewhere in Telegram, tap it, choose Forward, and select Saved Messages to add it instantly. You can also paste text, links, images, and anything else you'd like from other sources. The app is really awesome for me rather than using other Messaging apps for my day-to-day works. It has all the things that meet my requirements. These new monetization methods include ads on public one-to-many channels (which function like Twitter feeds), premium features for business teams and power users, and paid sticker packs. Some of these funds will go back to users in the form of enhanced visibility for channels or payments to creators of unique sticker packs. To get going, open the Telegram app on your device. Then, head over to a chat and tap on the name of the chat at the top.

Telegram is a free instant-app service founded by people behind VK, which is Russia’s biggest social networking site, primarily focused on speed and user privacy. Initially released in August 2013, the app has managed to get over 400 million monthly active users. Chat folders To lock a chat go to Settings->Privacy and Security->Passcode Lock and enable it. Once you create a passcode and enable it, you will be able to lock and unlock your chats by tapping on the lock icon at the top right of the app. Premium Unique Stickers

To enable or disable this service, go to “Settings”, “Notification and Sounds”, and swipe down to the “Other” section. You will also find a “Repeat Notifications” option, which you can select as per your convenience. At the same time, all existing features that users have come to expect and rely on for nearly a decade remain free. Moreover, non-premium users will be able to enjoy some of Premium's benefits: for example, download the extra-large documents and view stickers sent by premium users, as well as tap to increase counters on premium reactions that were already added to a message.

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