🤖 Return of the Jedi Bot

Hello there!

As you may have noticed, our Suggestion bot is back up and running! We're thrilled he's back after a long break, and we hope you missed him as much as we did!

If you've ever wanted to suggest a meme, discussion topic, or movie for our movie night, or if you have any questions, reach out to us via the bot: @blablaclubnewsbot. 🎉

♋️ Sternzeichen

Hallo, zusammen!
Unser nächstes Treffen findet heute um 19:00 Uhr statt.
Wo: Telegram.

• Orisya 🤸

📌 Зустріч німецького клубу відбудеться у голосовому чаті в Телеграмі о 19:00.

😡 Idioms about feeling angry

🤬 to be bent out of shape — to become very angry or upset.
E.g.: I accidentally spilled coffee on Tim’s carpet, and he got bent out of shape about it.

👊 to be up in arms — to be angry and protesting strongly about something.
E.g.: The company’s database was hacked, and customers are up in arms about the security breach.

💢 to be at your wits' end — to be so angry or frustrated that you don’t know what to do anymore.
E.g.: Kelvin says he's been trying to get tickets for the game all day, but he's at his wits' end. Nobody's got any left.

😤 to be spitting mad — to be extremely angry.
E.g.: She was spitting mad after she found out he had been cheating on her.

​​​​#meme #vocabulary

different — відмінний, інший;
to vibe — гарно проводити час (разом).

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🎬 Movies: Types of Characters

With the help of 'Star Wars', we'll be exploring some of the major character types in movies:

🎖 protagonist — the main hero of the story.
E.g.: Luke Skywalker, a farm boy from Tatooine dreaming of adventure, suddenly finds himself in the midst of a galaxy-wide conflict.

❗️ antagonist — the main opponent of the protagonist.
E.g.: Darth Vader, a mysterious Sith Lord, ruthlessly enforces the will of the Emperor.

🧙 supporting character — a character who plays a role in the life of a story's protagonist to ultimately help them achieve their goal.
E.g.: Obi-Wan Kenobi plays the role of the tutor to Luke, guiding him on his journey.

⚖️ Law & Order

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Anzhela 🦊

We will be waiting for you ❤️

👩‍🏫 C1 English Idioms

🎯 the crux of the matter — the most important or serious aspect of a problem.
E.g.: The crux of the matter is that attitudes on the character and scope of planning have changed.

🔩 the nuts and bolts
— the practical facts about a particular thing, rather than theories about it.
E.g.: He was a genius on paper, but when it came to the nuts and bolts of running a business he was a failure.

🗣 the nitty-gritty — the basic facts of a situation.
E.g.: Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and find out what happened.

📈 nothing ventured, nothing gained — if you don't try to do something, you'll never accomplish it.
E.g.: If you want to get a better job, you need to take some risks — nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Офлайн-зустріч розмовного клубу Bla Bla Club

Практикуй свою розмовну англійську вже цього четверга!
Тема обговорення: Summertime + гра Alias.

Коли: 30 травня о 18:00
Де: Бібліотека КПІ, зала 4.2
📌 Переходь на реєстраційну форму за посиланням.

📎 Для відвідування бібліотеки потрібно мати при собі студентський квиток, перепустку або паспорт.
Відвідування зустрічі безкоштовне.

🎬 Movies: Writing a Movie Review

When it comes to describing a movie in a positive way, a variety of words can be used, and today we shall have a look at several of them:

👏 critically acclaimed — attracting approval and praise from critics.

🧙‍♂️ cult classic — a film that is very popular with a particular group of people.

🏆 award-winning — a movie that won one or more awards.

🤑 blockbuster — a very successful film that makes a lot of money.

🌍 Around the globe

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Yurii 🐍

We will be waiting for you ❤️

🧘 Meditation und Stille

Hallo, zusammen!
Unser nächstes Treffen findet heute um 19:00 Uhr statt.
Wo: Telegram.

• Orisya 🤸

📌 Зустріч німецького клубу відбудеться у голосовому чаті в Телеграмі о 19:00.

#meme #vocabulary

hippo — гіпопотам;
hippocampus — гіпокамп (частина мозку).

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🎬 Movies: Cast

Today we will explore vocabulary related to movie casts.

🫂 cast — all the people who act in a movie.

👏 debut — an actor's debut is their first appearance in a movie.

⚡️ cameo — a small part in a movie for a famous actor.

😱 method actor — an actor who tries to understand and feel the emotions of the character they represent.

🧓 The passage to adulthood

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Polina 🪐

We will be waiting for you ❤️
🎬 Movies: Cast Part 2

Today we'll continue our exploration of the vocabulary related to movie actors and actresses:

⭐️ A-lister — top level actor/actress.

🥷 steal the scene — when an actor dominates a performance through charisma, humour or powerful acting.

all-star cast — a cast full of very good and famous actors and actresses.

​​#meme #vocabulary

to mess up — зіпсувати, навести безлад.

our channel | send us a meme
🌍 Environmental concerns

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Yurii 🐍
• Polina 🪐

We will be waiting for you ❤️
2024/06/25 23:59:37
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