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📚 Читай та обговорюй книжки англійською з Bla Bla Club

Цього разу будемо обговорювати коротку історію «Harrison Bergeron» американського письменника Курта Воннеґута.

The meeting will be held on the 29th of April at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Arkada 🌊

Приєднуйтесь до чату книжкового клубу, де ми будемо обговорювати читацький процес!

🧘 Mental Health Awareness

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Polina 🪐
• Misha 🐉

We will be waiting for you ❤️
🧬 Menschliche Enhancement-Technologien

Hallo, zusammen!
Unser nächstes Treffen findet heute um 19:00 Uhr statt.
Wo: Telegram.

• Dina 🦭

📌 Зустріч німецького клубу відбудеться у голосовому чаті в Телеграмі.

😉 Informal Everyday English

Informal English is commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well – you can hear it used nearly anywhere!

🫣 kinda — used in writing to represent an informal way of saying "kind of".
E.g.: That sounds kinda fun. I’ll have to check my schedule first.

😩 lame — is used as a way to describe someone or something that is boring or uncool.
E.g.: I can’t believe he didn’t come to the party. He’s so lame.

😳 yikes — is an informal expression of surprise, fear, or alarm.
E.g.: Her looks often involve a lot of real props, including live snails, grass, flowers, wasps (yikes!), and fake blood.

😤 bummer — a rude word for something that is very annoying or not convenient.
E.g.: The game got rained out today so we won’t be able to go. What a bummer.

🎬 Movies: Box Office

Today let's get better at talking about profitable and not-so-profitable movies:

📦 box office — the number of tickets that are sold for a movie.
E.g.: Cameron's Avatar had a huge box office, earning almost $3 billion worldwide.

💣 box-office flop/bomb/failure/disaster — a movie that is considered unsuccessful in terms of revenue.
E.g.: "The Lone Ranger" with Johnny Depp is one of the biggest box-office bombs in history, losing Disney $160–190 million.

🤑 box-office hit/smash — a movie that is very popular and financially successful.
E.g.: Despite mixed critic reviews, the movie became a box-office hit.

​​#meme #vocabulary

• scale – шкала.

🎭 Mind Games

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held tomorrow at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Yurii 🐍
• Victoria 🥀

We will be waiting for you ❤️
​​🛠 Dinge, auf die uns die Schule nicht vorbereitet hat

Hallo, zusammen!
Unser nächstes Treffen findet am Donnerstag um 19:30 Uhr statt.
Wo: Telegram.

• Sashka 🌸

📌 Зустріч німецького клубу відбудеться у голосовому чаті в Телеграмі о 19:30.

👋 English Slang

🥱 to be a dead beat — to be a person who is not willing to work, does not behave in a responsible way, and does not fit into ordinary society.
E.g.: He's a real deadbeat who's never had a proper job.

🔥 to be a ball of fire — to be a person of unusual energy, vitality, or drive.
E.g.: The new manager turned out to be a ball of fire.

🚶‍♀️ beat it — go away.
E.g.: The big guy turned to me and said, "Beat it, kid – nobody wants you here."

🐓 chickenfeed — a small and not important amount of money.
E.g.: They're losing $200,000 on this deal, but that's chickenfeed to/for a company with yearly profits of $25 million.

🚨 Going to a doctor

Need to see a doctor in English? Use these words to navigate your experience:

💉 ER (emergency room) — the department of a hospital where immediate medical attention is provided for urgent cases.
E.g.: In an emergency, it's important to go to the ER for prompt medical care.

👩‍⚕️ MD (medical doctor) — a licensed healthcare professional qualified to diagnose and treat illnesses.
E.g.: After years of study and training, she became an MD specializing in pediatrics.

💊 prescription — a written order by a healthcare provider for medication or treatment.
E.g.: The doctor wrote a prescription for antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection.

​​#meme #vocabulary

outer space — простір поза атмосферою планети;
otter — видра.

our channel | send us a meme
🎬 Movies: Yearly Release Cycle

For big Hollywood studios, not every month is created equal. Over time, fascinating movie release patterns have developed, and today we shall have a look at several of them:

🗑 Jandump month — this is the time of year when studios release movies, expected to turn a low profit.
But why January?
After the holiday season and spending a lot of money on decorations, gifts, shopping etc, people tighten their belts. January also sees the culmination of various professional sports playoffs, such as the NFL ones. These events attract a large audience, drawing attention away from movie theaters.

🤑 May-Augsummer blockbuster period — the most profitable time to release movies because of summer break. This trend can be traced back to "Jaws", which set a precedent for summer blockbuster releases.

🏆 Nov-Decmovies released for awards — many studios release their Oscar-worthy films during this period to qualify for awards consideration. This strategy allows these films to be fresh in voters' minds during award season.

📚 Читай та обговорюй книжки англійською з Bla Bla Club

Цього разу будемо обговорювати коротку історію «Історія однієї години» письменниці Кейт Шопен, твори якої є класикою американської феміністської літератури.

The meeting will be held on the 13th of May at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Anzhela 🦊

Приєднуйтесь до чату книжкового клубу, де ми будемо обговорювати читацький процес!

🤙🏼 Decoding slang phrases

By learning and using slang phrases, we discover a rich world of expressions that emotionally color everyday conversations:

👀 сlout — influence, often gained through social media presence or popularity.
E.g.: She has so much clout, all the brands want to work with her.

bet — affirmation or agreement, similar to definitely.
E.g.: We’re going to ace this project, bet!

cheugy — outdated, unfashionable, or uncool, particularly in terms of fashion, trends, or aesthetics.
E.g.: Skinny jeans are so cheugy.

👀 squad — a close group of friends or companions.
E.g.: We’re going to the movies with the whole squad this weekend.

🏆 International Competitions

Wassup guys!
The next meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Seva 🐘
• Misha 🐉

We will be waiting for you ❤️

♋️ Sternzeichen

Hallo, zusammen!
Unser nächstes Treffen findet morgen um 18:30 Uhr statt.
Wo: Telegram.

• Orisya 🤸

📌 Зустріч німецького клубу відбудеться у голосовому чаті в Телеграмі о 18:30.

🎬 Movies: On Continuity

Successful movies often start entire franchises. As these franchises branch off to multiple storylines and time periods, keeping track of everything quickly becomes daunting. To help you deal with this complexity, let's explore the following words:

🌌 cinematic universe — a series of movies where the stories and characters are connected and exist in the same fictional world.
E.g.: The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a shared universe centered on a series of Marvel superhero movies.

⬅️ prequel — a movie that tells the story of what happened before the events of another movie.
E.g.: Star Wars prequel trilogy tells the story of the fall of the Republic and of the Jedi Order.

➡️ sequel — a movie that continues the story of a previous movie.
E.g.: Let's imagine that we live in a wonderful world where Disney's Star Wars sequels don't exist.

⤵️ spin-off — a movie that branches off from a successful film or series, focusing on a specific character or storyline.
E.g.: "Better Call Saul" is a spin-off television series of "Breaking Bad", following the character Saul Goodman.

🗄 The changing face of work

Wassup guys!
The meeting will be held today at 7:00 pm.
Where: Discord.

• Yurii 🐍
• Bohdan 🫡

We will be waiting for you ❤️

2024/06/28 20:34:55
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