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Опубликовал вторую лекцию из курса "Software Quality Metrics" (ВШЭ, Москва), посвященную "Cyclomatic Complexity by Thomas J. McCabe" и сложности кода вообще: 79 минут. В ней также коснулись вопросов психологии программиста, который пишет сложно и этим очень гордится — я писал об этом ранее: The Better Architect You Are, The Simpler Your Diagrams (2015).
Channel name was changed to «@yegor256 news»
Только что выложил новую статью, с размышлениями об индивидуализме и коллективизме, а также о последствиях победы первого над вторым: Не такой как все! There is an English version too, translated by ChatGPT.
I just sent a newsletter to 4865 subscribers. I summarized my last-month content that they might be interested in reading and watching. A few years ago I was sending such newsletters every month, then I got lazy. Now I'm trying to get back on track, promising myself to truly send them every month. You may join the list of newsletter receivers, just fill out this small online form.
Началось голосование за премию HighLoad++ среди отечественных open source проектов, среди которых и наш EOLANG. Голосуйте скорее! :)
Опубликовал третью лекцию из курса Software Quality Metrics для студентов ВШЭ (Москва), на этот раз о метрике по имени Cognitive Complexity, которую всего несколько лет назад придумали в компании Sonar Source: 80 минут.
You know, there are a few very popular places in the Internet, that are curated aggregators of links, for example Hacker News and Reddit. Everyone can post a link to some blog post or a news article, letting the community upvote and discuss it. The most upvoted links stay at the top for some time, thus giving their authors additional attention and traffic to their websites. The key ingredient of success of such platforms is the cumulative opinion of thousands of people that up/down vote.

How about we replace all these people with ChatGPT and similar LLMs? We can build a similar aggregator, but instead of people — robots will upvote and discuss the links posted there. Moreover, how about we make robots post links too, by crawling Internet and finding most recently published blog posts and news? What do you think?
I just published the third lecture about Time Management, from the course "Project Management Beyond Agile" for Innopolis students: 82 minutes (with English subtitles). As all lectures in this course, this one is structured around eight questions where only one answer is correct.
The fourth lecture about Cost Management just published, from the "Project Management Beyond Agile" course in Innopolis University: 79 minutes. We not only discussed how money are supposed to be managed in a project, but also how to measure the value of a programmer in a project, in dollars.
Definitely worth watching this 2-hours dialogue between Joe Rogan and Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT), just published a few days ago. I enjoyed it. They talked about UBI, Superintelligent AI, Bitcoin, failure of FTX, corruption, society regulations, transhumanism, cancel culture, startups, testosterone drop, feminine men and violent women, conflict, ego, war, Twitter and hate speech, AGI, psychodelic retreats and LSD, fentanyl, virtual reality, religion, aliens and God. Surprisingly enough, I agree with them on most points.
While preparing the next PMBA lecture, I stumbled upon this blog post, which I wrote almost eight years ago: How Do You Punish Your Employees? (2016). It's still very relevant and thought provoking, I believe: a sarcastic view on management so many people practice these days. Moreover, the blog post has Russian and Chinese translations: по-русски + 中文 (thanks to ChatGPT).
How about me directing a movie? Stay tuned :)
In an ideal world of ideal management, the project compensates the work of its programmers according to the metrics collected. Instead of salaries, programmers get money for features, bugs, documentation pages, and so on. How far your project is from this utopia—is the indicator of your professionalism as a project manager. Lousy managers don’t measure anything and make everybody “happy” by keeping wages high and control low … until the project runs out of money. On the other hand, exceptionally good managers let metrics control everybody, making the best happy and the worst … quickly find the way out. Which one are you? — To Measure or Not to Measure (2020)
Just published the 5th lecture in the "Project Management Beyond Agile" course for Innopolis University BSc student. This one is about Quality Management. Watch it: 85 minutes.
Обзорная лекция о причинах провалов software архитектур, на русском языке: 94 минуты. Старался сказать самое главное, уложившись в полтора часа.
In 2021, we had a few YouTube Q&A sessions with you guys: F1 and F2. You were asking questions in the chat and I was answering, to the camera. It seems to be reasonable to restart this "podcast." Today, at 18:00 (UTC+3) you can join F3 stream, where you can ask any questions you like (either in Russian or in English): software architecture, project management, object-oriented programming, teaching, research, science, lifestyle, politics.
Just published the 6th lecture from the PMBA course (about project management) for Innopolis students. It is about Resources Management — management of people. Watch it: 83 minutes (with AI-generated English subtitles).
Don’t sit and passively wait until your boss comes to you and say what exactly needs to be done. Instead, pro-actively build your own plans by yourself and do everything to convince the boss that they make sense. Moreover, if the boss starts telling you what to do, you must realize that this is the moment where the credit is lost. You’ve already been classified as a loser and an underachiever. Your chances of recovery are very low. You must not allow this to happen. Act proactively; don’t wait until it’s too late and the boss starts assigning tasks to you. — One Question You Should Never Ask Your Boss (2020)
Tomorrow I will be recording an interview with Yakov Fain, an author of a few books about Java/JavaScript programming, an expert in software engineering, and the first guest of my Shift-M podcast — I interviewed him in 2017. Currently, he lives in USA and supports Ukraine and Israel (in recent military conflicts). Thus, it will be an interesting debate, I believe. What questions do you think I should ask him?
Have you already tried phind? They claim to be much better than ChatGPT 4.0 for coding tasks: HN discussion.
2024/10/01 22:04:36
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