All of our messages from now on will be sent silently. So you can safely enable "sound".
Web Dev PHP JS Design UI UX pinned «All of our messages from now on will be sent silently. So you can safely enable "sound".»
Channel photo updated
OpenAI announced a new AI model yesterday called GPT-4o that can converse using speech in real time, read emotional cues, and respond to visual input. It will roll out over the next few weeks for free to ChatGPT users and as a service through API. Paid subscribers will have five times the rate limits of free users. The API will feature twice the speed, 50% lower cost, and five times higher rate limits compared to GPT-4 Turbo. A 26-minute long video that introduces GPT-4o and demonstrates its abilities is available in the article.
The mysterious chat-topping AI chatbot known as 'gpt2-chatbot' that had been undergoing testing on the LMSYS Chatbot Arena has been revealed to be OpenAI's newly announced GPT-4o model. The model had topped the Chatbot Arena leaderboard, achieving the highest documented score ever. OpenAI tested multiple versions of GPT-4o on Chatbot Arena before its announcement yesterday. The models surpass all other models by a significant gap and have become the strongest ever in the Arena. A list of visual design rules (with examples) that are safe to follow.
S3 Is Showing Its Age (6 minute read)

While S3 is undoubtedly a feat of engineering, its feature set is falling behind its competitors. S3 doesn't have a compare-and-swap operation, something every other competitor has, and it also lacks multi-region buckets and object appends. Engineers wanting any of these features have to either abandon S3 or build around these gaps.
Summary of the article: "JavaScript Logical OR vs. Nullish Coalescing Operator"

The article explains the differences between the Logical OR (||) operator and the Nullish Coalescing (??) operator in JavaScript:

- 🔍 Logical OR (||) Operator
- Used to return the first "truthy" value.
- Can behave unexpectedly with values like 0, '', or false.

- 🔍 Nullish Coalescing (??) Operator
- Returns the first value that is not null or undefined.
- Ideal for cases where 0, '', or false are valid values.

- 🔧 Examples
- let result = userInput || 'default';
- let result = userInput ?? 'default';

- 🌟 Conclusion
- Logical OR (||) is useful when falsy values need to be replaced.
- Nullish Coalescing (??) is preferable when only null and undefined should be considered as "absent" values.

Additional Tips:
- Performance: Both operations are quick in execution.
- Compatibility: Check for ?? support in older environments.
Resumo do artigo:

🧑‍💻 Programadores compartilham o que reavivou sua paixão pela programação após terem perdido o entusiasmo:

🛠️ Projetos pessoais e side projects sem pressão
🤖 Brincando com hardware como Raspberry Pi
🎨 Arte generativa e plotters
📝 Escrever sobre programação
🧩 Aprender novas linguagens como Rust, Elixir, Go
🏫 Ensinar programação a outros
🔧 Criar ferramentas para resolver problemas próprios
🏢 Mudar para empresas/ambientes de trabalho melhores
📚 Reler livros clássicos de programação
🤝 Trabalhar em projetos open source

A maioria enfatiza a importância de recuperar a diversão e criatividade, sem pressões externas.


Muitos também mencionaram a importância de desconectar-se da tecnologia às vezes, tendo hobbies não relacionados à programação. Isso ajuda a renovar a mente e trazer uma nova perspectiva quando voltam a programar.
Summary of the article:

🧑‍💻 Programmers share what rekindled their passion for programming after losing enthusiasm:

🛠️ Personal projects and pressure-free side projects
🤖 Playing with hardware like Raspberry Pi
🎨 Generative art and plotters
📝 Writing about programming
🧩 Learning new languages like Rust, Elixir, Go
🏫 Teaching programming to others
🔧 Creating tools to solve own problems
🏢 Switching to better companies/work environments
📚 Rereading classic programming books
🤝 Working on open source projects

Most emphasize the importance of regaining fun and creativity, without external pressures.

Many also mentioned the importance of disconnecting from technology sometimes, having hobbies unrelated to programming. This helps refresh the mind and bring a new perspective when they return to coding.
2024/06/30 05:41:31
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