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Forwarded from Dr. Aseem Malhotra
MSN now carrying the message globally 👊

“This film is the most incendiary work I have ever completed. It is going to make a lot of profit-hungry people in the pharmaceutical industry unhappy. But it is going to save lives and that is all that matters,” said Malhotra.

"We have a pandemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed and unwittingly harmed patients. It is time to put an end to this once and for all," he said.


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Media is too big
Christian zionism by James Perloff
In this video, James Perloff delves into the history of Christian Zionism, its deceptive theology, and its influence on the course of world events.
James Perloff has been an alternative media journalist since 1986 when he began writing for The New American magazine. He is the author of eight books and a frequent podcast and radio guest.
James describes himself as "not a doctor, but a registered nurse in Massachusetts for 45 years; 'red-pilled' on the subject of COVID."
‘They're not done with you yet": Weinstein sees dystopian future through mandatory vaccination

Extremely disturbing...

Bret Weinstein: ‘They're not done with you yet. They're just revising these (all vaccines) injections to get them on the mRNA platform. If what I'm saying is true, that's going to result in a large number of people dying from heart disease that's being covered up because it's possible.

So if they're not done with you yet, then it's urgent that you take a closer look, not for social reasons, but for physiological reasons. You don't want to be hurt in that way. And you need to be able to say no.

The fact that they are preparing not only to give you these injections and force you to take them, but also to suppress discussion about the dangers, is alarming. They are preparing to link your consent to your finances. They are creating a dystopian landscape where you have no choice but to accept something that puts you, your children and grandchildren at risk of heart damage.

The instinct not to look should be reconsidered. Let me give you some advice: Your future self will wish you were looking now, because it only gets worse.
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„Sie sind noch nicht fertig mit euch“: Weinstein sieht dystopische Zukunft durch Impfpflicht

Äußerst beunruhigend...

Bret Weinstein: „Sie sind noch nicht fertig mit euch. Sie überarbeiten gerade diese (alle Impfstoffe) Injektionen, um sie auf die mRNA-Plattform zu bringen. Wenn das, was ich sage, wahr ist, wird das dazu führen, dass eine große Zahl von Menschen an Herzkrankheiten stirbt, die vertuscht werden, weil es möglich ist.

Wenn sie also noch nicht mit euch fertig sind, dann ist es dringend notwendig, dass ihr euch das genauer anschaut, nicht aus sozialen Gründen, sondern aus physiologischen Gründen. Ihr wollt nicht auf diese Weise verletzt werden. Und ihr müsst Nein sagen können.

Die Tatsache, dass sie sich nicht nur darauf vorbereiten, euch diese Spritzen zu geben und euch zu zwingen, sie zu nehmen, sondern auch darauf, die Diskussion über die Gefahren zu unterdrücken, ist alarmierend. Sie bereiten sich darauf vor, eure Zustimmung mit euren Finanzen zu verknüpfen. Sie schaffen eine dystopische Landschaft, in der ihr keine andere Wahl habt, als etwas zu akzeptieren, das euch, eure Kinder und Enkel dem Risiko von Herzschäden aussetzt.

Der Instinkt, nicht hinzuschauen, sollte überdacht werden. Lasst mich euch einen Rat geben: Euer zukünftiges Ich wird sich wünschen, dass ihr jetzt hinseht, denn es wird nur schlimmer.
Forwarded from News von TKP
Für großes Aufsehen sorgt der Aufritt von Javier Milei, Argentiniens streitbarer Präsident, bei der UN-Vollversammlung am Dienstag. Während abseits der Bühne Ursula von der Leyen gemeinsam mit Milei in die Kamera grinst, um über das baldige Freihandelsabkommen zu jubeln, spricht er über Lockdowns sehr eindeutig: Diese seien ein „Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ gewesen. Aber nicht nur das. Die Agenda 2030 erklärt er für tot – zum Wohle der Menschheit.

➡️ Abonnieren Sie @tkp_news - Blog für Science & Politik
Forwarded from Taylor Hudak Media
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Forwarded from Edward Dowd
I see it everyday in organic interactions.

Forwarded from Dr John B.
FDA approves AstraZeneca FluMist flu vaccine for self-administration:
"The following events have been spontaneously reported during post approval use of FluMist or FluMist Quadrivalent": pericarditis, exacerbation of symptoms of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, anaphylactic reaction, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, meningitis, eosinophilic meningitis, vaccine-associated encephalitis, syncope, ...
Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
We know how the state will take back control of our lives.

Through giving away our sovereignty by agreeing to the WHO pandemic treaty and the amendments to the IHR.

By signing the UK into the EU defence and security agreement.

With the introduction of Digital ID and CBDCs.

Through more Net Zero measures and increased taxes.

It’s all there, and Starmer is the WEF puppet with the parliamentary majority who will deliver for his masters.

He thinks the UK people will just suck it up.
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
Media is too big
Everything is interrelated, everything plays a part in getting us where they need us to be; sick, compliant, servient, fearfull, weak, powerless, brainwashed, obedient, transhuman slaves.

Viruses, racial conflict, mass shootings, gender psyops, food shortages, vaccines, 5G, geoengineering, all of it is by design in order to get us a step closer to their ultimate goals.

Their agenda is so anti-human, anti-nature and anti-life that in order to get us there, they need to destroy our health, our will, our faith, our power and everything in our lives that has a positive impact: family, spirituality, human connection, unity, creativity and love. They must destroy all the things that make life worth living, because those are the things we will fight for.

That is why they divide us, they make us fight, they distract us and they indoctrinate us to think that wrong is right and right is wrong.

They confuse young people about their gender, they convince women that killing their unborn child is a right, they call parents terrorists and terrorists democrats, they promote pedophilia, they distribute crack pipes instead of helping addicts into rehab, they send arms to Nazis, but won’t let you own a gun to defend yourself, they want you eating insects and won’t let you grow your own food, they stigmatise alternative medicine and promote Big Pharma’s drugs that never cure but make you a customer for life and they make us think we are weak, powerless beings in need of their protection, when nothing could be further from the truth.

It takes an enormous amount of strength to swim against this evil current, so if you are one of those people that is swimming against it and is still afloat, pat yourself on the back - you are AMAZING!!!
William Bisset Report 11: Interviews with NZDSOS Conference Speakers

Watch here:

In this video, William Bisset interviews eight key speakers from the NZDSOS (New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science) conference, including renowned experts Dr. Paul Marik and Professor Angus Dalgleish. The conference, titled "Empowering Change: Methods, Motivation, and Evidence," delves into critical issues surrounding medical freedom, transparency, and accountability in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NZDSOS advocates for a future grounded in ethical medical practice, informed consent, and independent governance. Their objectives include:
1. The end of COVID-19 injections in New Zealand, along with regulatory reforms.
2. Government acknowledgment of harm caused by COVID injections and mandates, with full investigation into reports of injury.
3. A Truth & Reconciliation-style inquiry into New Zealand’s COVID response, led by independent investigators with no conflicts of interest.
4. Freedom for doctors to practice in accordance with the principles of Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm), the Nuremberg Code, and the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
5. Reclaiming the national health strategy, ensuring separation between regulatory bodies like Medsafe and the pharmaceutical industry.
6. Restoring national sovereignty, starting with independence from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Learn more at: NZDSOS: Brilin Functional Medicine Centre:
Don't miss William’s upcoming workshop: Register here: Save with discount code: CSM (a portion of proceeds goes to Counterspin Media!)

This, and all previous episodes are available here:

This episode is also available as an audio podcast:

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Forwarded from UK Column Extracts
Media is too big
What Is Hezbollah Really? Exploring Its History, Role, and Regional Impact - UK Column News - 25th September 2024

- BBC: What is Hezbollah and why is Israel attacking Lebanon?
- NPR: The history of Hezbollah
- Council on Foreign Relations: What Is Hezbollah?
- The American Conservative (2017): Hezbollah is Not a Threat to America
- Al Manar: Where Was Geagea When Hezbollah Was Protecting Nuns and Monasteries from Terrorists in Syria? (Video)
- Combating Terrorism Center: Hizballah’s Lebanese Resistance Brigades
- International Business Times (2015): Christian, Sunni And Shia: Meet Hezbollah's Non-Denominational Military Branch Defending Lebanon, Fighting In Syria
- The Christian Post (2015): 'They Accept Us as We Are;' Christians Join Forces With Muslim Group Hezbollah to Fight ISIS in Lebanon
- Nations Online: Map of Lebanon

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