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Dann gibt es nur eins! Wolfgang Borchert

Du. Mann an der Maschine und Mann in der
Werkstatt. Wenn sie dir morgen befehlen, du
sollst keine Wasserrohre und keine Kochtöpfe
mehr machen - sondern Stahlhelme und
Maschinengewehre, dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Mädchen hinterm Ladentisch und
Mädchen im Büro. Wenn sie dir morgen
befehlen, du sollst Granaten füllen und
Zielfernrohre für Scharfschützengewehre
montieren, dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Besitzer der Fabrik. Wenn sie dir morgen
befehlen, du sollst statt Puder und Kakao
Schießpulver verkaufen, dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Forscher im Laboratorium. Wenn sie dir
morgen befehlen, du sollst einen neuen Tod
erfinden gegen das alte Leben, dann gibt es
nur eins:
Du. Dichter in deiner Stube. Wenn sie dir
morgen befehlen, du sollst keine Liebeslieder,
du sollst Haßlieder singen, dann gibt es nur
Du. Arzt am Krankenbett. Wenn sie dir
morgen befehlen, du sollst die Männer
kriegstauglich schreiben, dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Pfarrer auf der Kanzel. Wenn sie dir
morgen befehlen, du sollst den Mord segnen
und den Krieg heilig sprechen, dann gibt es
nur eins:
Du. Kapitän auf dem Dampfer. Wenn sie dir
morgen befehlen, du sollst keinen Weizen
mehr fahren - sondern Kanonen und Panzer,
dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Pilot auf dem Flugfeld. Wenn sie dir morgen
befehlen, du sollst Bomben und Phosphor
über die Städte tragen, dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Schneider auf deinem Brett. Wenn sie
dir morgen befehlen, du sollst Uniformen zuschneiden,
dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Richter im Talar. Wenn sie dir morgen befehlen,
du sollst zum Kriegsgericht gehen, dann
gibt es nur eins:
Du. Mann auf dem Bahnhof. Wenn sie dir
morgen befehlen, du sollst das Signal zur Abfahrt
geben für den Munitionszug und für den
Truppentransport, dann gibt es nur eins:
Du. Mann auf dem Dorf und Mann in der
Stadt. Wenn sie morgen kommen und dir den
Gestellungsbefehl bringen, dann gibt es nur
Du. Mutter in der Normandie und Mutter in
der Ukraine, du, Mutter in Frisko und London,
du, am Hoangho und am Mississippi, du,
Mutter in Neapel und Hamburg und Kairo und
Oslo - Mütter in allen Erdteilen, Mütter in der
Welt, wenn sie morgen befehlen, ihr sollt
Kinder gebären, Krankenschwestern für
Kriegslazarette und neue Soldaten für neue
Schlachten, Mütter in der Welt, dann gibt es
nur eins:
Sagt NEIN! Mütter, sagt NEIN!
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"I've Passed Details Of People Who Are Engaged In child Trafficking Into The UK To The Goverment, Nobody Wants To Act" Andrew Bridgen's Explosive Interview On The Resistance Podcast Can Be Seen In Full Over On YouTube
Forwarded from Resistance GB
Media is too big
"I've got defense analysts feeding me information and they're saying that there is going to be a nuclear detonation in Europe."

Andrew Bridgen's Explosive Interview On The Resistance Podcast Can Be Viewed In Full Over On Our YouTube Channel

MHRA Yellow Card reporting summary up to May 20th, 2024

Interactive format data
Adult & Child – Primary & Boosters (mono/bivalent)

Government data (archived) up to September 2022 showed 53.8million people had received a 1st dose UK-wide.

By week ending June 2 2024, 55.6 per cent (3,227,657 out of 5,806,636) of all people aged 75 years and over living in England had received a vaccine dose in the spring 2024 campaign. 

TOTAL Yellow Card adverse event reports = 486,634 people impacted (increase of 384 reports in just under four weeks)
178,565 (Pfizer-mono) +
6,227 (Pfizer-bivalent) +
249,496 (AZ) +
43,306 (Moderna-mono) +
5,802 (Moderna-bivalent) +
193 (Novavax) +
3,045 (Unknown brand)

Reports classified as SERIOUS* by MHRA = 74.5 per cent of all reports = 362,662
126,535 (Pfizer-mono) +
4,820 (Pfizer-bivalent) +
193,388 (AZ) +
31,339 (Moderna-mono) +
4,262 (Moderna-bivalent) +
125 (Novavax) +
2,193 (Unknown)

More than 46,915 of the above serious reports are of ‘Unknown Age’ = 12.9 per cent of all serious reports .

Overall 1 in 111 people injected experiences a Yellow Card adverse event (assuming one person submits only one report)

1 in 148 people injected experiences an adverse event classified as SERIOUS*

Reports classified as Non-SERIOUS by MHRA = 25.0 per cent = 121,265
51,110 (Pfizer-mono) +
1,339 (Pfizer-bivalent) +
54,640 (AZ) +
11,865 (Moderna-mono) +
1,485 (Moderna-bivalent) +
68 (Novavax) +
758 (Unknown)

TOTAL Reactions = 1,586,411
516,187 (Pfizer-mono) +
16,851 (Pfizer-bivalent) +
885,374 (AZ) +
142,342 (Moderna-mono) +
15,927 (Moderna-bivalent) +
527 (Novavax) +
9,208 (Unknown)

Note: Some people may have reported more than one type of reaction per report.

1 in 180 reports are associated with a fatality, which may be less than 10 per cent of actual figures, according to MHRA.

TOTAL FATAL REPORTS = 2,707 = 0.5 per cent of all reports (increase of 19 reports with fatal outcome in just under four weeks)
920 (Pfizer-mono) +
68 (Pfizer-bivalent) +
1,468 (AZ) +
102 (Moderna-mono) +
55 (Moderna-bivalent) +
94 (Unknown)

451 of the above fatalities are of ‘Unknown Age’ = 16.7 per cent of all fatalities, and at least 184 are of ‘Unknown Sex’ = 6.8 per cent of all fatalities.

* MHRA definition of ‘serious’ – patient died, life threatening, hospitalisation, congenital abnormality, persistent or significant disability or capacity, deemed medically significant by MHRA medical dictionary or reporter.

Full reports are HERE
Forwarded from FLCCC Alliance
The Free State Project's 21st Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival has kicked off in Lancaster, NH! Pictured here are Jeffrey Tucker, Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute, FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Kat Lindley, and FLCCC President and chief medical officer, Dr. Joe Varon. Stay tuned for more updates this weekend!

Learn more about the event:
Forwarded from Battleground (Jerm)
My podcast about Black Nobility is now publicly available.

It's quite an academic one, but it challenges the "it's always the Jews" narrative.

Super interesting.
Forwarded from FreeNZ
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"To give up your freedoms for security….
will get neither freedom nor security" - UK MP Andrew Bridgen makes it clear what is on the line.

Full conversation -
Forwarded from Lawyers of Light
"BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online!

"A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination"

"325 autopsy cases"

"We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination."

"Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death."

This is a victory of SCIENCE over CENSORSHIP!!

Incredible perseverence by first author Nicolas Hulscher who didn't give up after LANCET pulled our paper within 24 hours after 100,000s of downloads for no legitimate reason.

Big pharma put the squeeze on @TheLancet but has failed to stop us.

Our paper was delayed by one year, and those actions of CENSORSHIP and CANCELLATION led to many deaths that could have been prevented"

Read the X post and part of the paper here
A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination

We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death.

These findings indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.

This review helps provide the medical and forensic community a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine fatal adverse events.
Powerful Documentary "Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story"

Unveils Shocking Medical Conspiracy during the COVID-19 Pandemic

"Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story" is a gripping and eye-opening documentary that takes viewers on an emotional journey through the heart of a medical conspiracy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Directed by Clover Carroll, this compelling film offered in full length on Courageous Discourse, exposes the harrowing truth behind one family's quest for justice and the untold stories of suffering that transpired in the healthcare system. @CloverCarroll
Video: Pizza Man Who “Lost Everything” Sues Alberta Government After Charges for Feeding Unvaccinated Are Dropped

Jesse Johnson, a Calgary pizza shop owner who faced charges for serving unvaccinated customers during COVID-19, is now suing the Alberta government after those charges were dropped.

Link to the video:

Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.

Julian's freedom is our freedom.
2024/09/28 21:02:13
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