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This man was on that plane!

He discovered a way to program regulatory T-cells to attack tumors. A huge breakthrough.

- It showed 90% remission in the lab.
- They’re moving to animal trials.
- If it works, it basically ends cancer.

And his plane just exploded.

Dr. Leo Ferreira
Forwarded from Natural News
​​Pandemic 2.0 will see police, NATO forcing the world to get vaccinated

The latest version of New Zealand's pandemic plan, which serves as a blueprint for the rest of the world to follow, includes provisions to allow law enforcement and even NATO to enforce the government's mandatory vaccination agenda.

Published on July 12, the updated plan arrived just one week after the Bill Gates-bankrolled World Health Organization (WHO) sent Dr. Peter Hotez to tell the world that both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) should be allowed to punish "anti-vaxxers" in the United States. Hotez also mentioned deploying NATO as a weapon against domestic populations that refuse to get jabbed.

A modified version of the Civil Defense Emergency Management Act of 2002, the updated plan grants special powers to government officials to override the law during an "epidemic" or "emergency" to keep the public "safe" from harm.

The updated plan specifies three special powers that are allowed during a "threat:"

1) The power to detain, isolate, or quarantine persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, and animals

2) The power to prescribe preventive treatment like pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines to people – those who refuse will fall into the first special power category

3) The power to allow police forces to "do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorised by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71"

That third bullet point is especially threatening in that it allows weapons-brandishing state agents to harm people who refuse to submit to the enforcement of these special powers.

Get ready for medical martial law, coming soon to a town or city near you

New Zealand initially decided to make these changes on March 19, 2020, right before the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) was declared to be a global "pandemic." At the time, The New Zealand Herald published an entire article about the need for an updated pandemic plan, which has now arrived.

The first pandemic plan in New Zealand was introduced in 2006. It was then updated in 2017 to reflect the passage of new legislation as well as changes in population and demographics. Now, version three of the plan has been unleashed, and it is a real doozy.

Imperial College London created a model that New Zealand used to assess how to recreate its pandemic plan. British physicist Neil "Professor Lockdown" Ferguson is credited with masterminding it, though there is much controversy surrounding his lack of accuracy.

"Ferguson is one of a small group of global 'scientists' whose job is to control the narrative," reports The Exposé about who Ferguson really is. "The real driving force behind updating pandemic preparedness is WHO."

No longer is the word "influenza" included in the title of New Zealand's pandemic plan, thanks to Ferguson's input. This means the range of what can be considered a "pandemic" has expanded to include pretty much anything.

According to The Exposé, the first time "special powers" were actually used in New Zealand was for covid, also known as "the dummy run." The next time around will be a hell unlike anything the people of this world have ever seen or could ever comprehend.

"The updated pandemic plan covers the health system response," the Ministry of Health ominously said in a statement about the changes. "It does not cover the all-of-government or wider societal response to a pandemic. It is also only one tool for developing the health system's preparedness."

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Forwarded from BE INFORMED
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
‘The music is not in the notes but in the silence between them’.
~ Mozart

Like music, truth is not in the noise, it’s in the silence.
It’s not in the spoken word but in the word left unspoken.
It’s not in what is seen but what is hidden.
It’s never in the surface, it’s in the depths.
It’s elusive and unnerving, it’s a test, it’s a challenge,
it’s a mission.

So we’ll listen to the silence so that truth may speak to our souls.
Only the bedevil'd bedevil. Don't get in bed with the devil.
Forwarded from The Universal Antidote Videos (Curious Outlier)

Make a "vaccine" (Pfizer COVID vax) that makes your body produce spike protein that causes amyloidosis.

Provide the only drug treatment (Pfizer VYNDAMAX) that exists for amyloidosis.
▶️Drug price $225,000 per year per patient.
Forwarded from Berkshire Freedom
Friday Morning Windsor Rd & Winkfield Road Ascot

Ecological Nightmare: Wind & Solar Rollout Delivers Permanent Environmental Destruction
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