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New Zealand Pandemic Plan July 2024

Page 125: " The power to detain, isolate or quarantine allows a medical officer of health to ‘require persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, animals, or things to be isolated, quarantined, or disinfected’ (section 70(1)(f)).

The power to prescribe preventive treatment allows a medical officer of health, in
respect of any person who has been isolated or quarantined, to require people to
remain where they are isolated or quarantined until they have been medically
examined and found to be free from infectious disease, and until they have undergone
such preventive treatment as the medical officer of health prescribes (section 70(1)(h))"

All official now!
Forwarded from Taylor Hudak Media
🔴 The Petrodollar Deal Lives, Is BRICS A Deception, and the True Masters of Global Power | Prof Richard Werner Interview with Kim Iversen

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In this video, Dr Denis Rancourt spoke about his most recent study, co-authored with Joseph Hickey and Christian Linard.
Their comprehensive, detailed, and richly illustrated study covers the entire COVID period, before and after the vaccine rollout, and it discusses the possible leading causes of excess mortality in those different phases, including:
1. Biological and psychological stresses from COVID-19 mandates;
2. Medical interventions, for example, the use of ventilators, drugs, and denial of the antibiotics treatment;
3. COVID-19 vaccine injections.
Forwarded from 📡 VIDA y CONSCIENCIA
Variación espaciotemporal del exceso de mortalidad por todas las causas en el mundo (125 países) durante el período de Covid 2020-2023 en relación con factores socioeconómicos e intervenciones médicas

En este video, el Dr. Denis Rancourt habló sobre su estudio más reciente, coescrito con Joseph Hickey y Christian Linard.
Su estudio exhaustivo, detallado y profusamente ilustrado cubre todo el período de COVID, antes y después de la distribución de la vacuna, y analiza las posibles causas principales del exceso de mortalidad en esas diferentes fases, entre ellas:
1. Estrés biológico y psicológico por las órdenes de vacunación contra la COVID-19;
2. Intervenciones médicas, por ejemplo, el uso de respiradores, medicamentos y la negación del tratamiento con antibióticos;
3. Inyecciones de la vacuna contra la COVID-19.
Do you know someone who was injured or died after taking the COVID vaccine, or from COVID hospital protocols?

Don't miss our upcoming X Space with host Polly Tommey and special guests Mary Holland, Esq., Brian Hooker, Ph.D. + Scott Schara for an in-depth look at the making of Vaxxed III.

Delve into the heartbreaking personal stories, the COVID science + the potential legal ramifications.

📣 T-minus 10 DAYS until “The Film They Don’t Want You to See.”

‘Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill’ must ‘tip’ ALL THEATERS by SUN., 8-18.

Buy your #VXD3 tickets to guarantee a local showing. ➡️
🚨 BREAKING: Appeals Court Sides With Facebook in CHD Censorship Lawsuit

The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals late today ruled against Children’s Health Defense in its First Amendment free speech lawsuit against Facebook’s parent company, Meta, and its founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.

CHD’s suit accused the CDC and other federal agencies of “privatizing” the First Amendment by teaming up with Facebook to censor speech which, “under the Bill of Rights, the Government cannot censor.”

However, the 9th Circuit ruled:

“CHD failed to meet the first requirement for state action because the source of CHD’s alleged harm was Meta’s own policy of censoring, not any provision of federal law. The evidence suggested that Meta had independent incentives to moderate content and exercised its own judgment in so doing.”

"If we cannot stop the government’s joint action with Big Tech to censor unwanted information, our First Amendment is a pyrrhic victory — it means almost nothing in our real world of social media.” — Mary Holland, CHD CEO

Holland said she was “pleased” that the decision was not unanimous and that the plaintiffs are “considering our legal options.”

Those options include petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case. Lawyers for CHD said they needed more time to review today’s ruling before they could make that determination.

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🟥 ⚠️ACHTUNG weltwichtige Zusammenhänge:
Harris, Trump und Zelikow – mit Verbrechen ins Amt

Dieser Vortrag von Heiko Schöning auf der 20. Anti-Zensur-Konferenz am 27. Juli 2024 wurde in über 60 Länder live gesendet und in 10 Sprachen simultan übersetzt.


Jetzt V E R B R E I T E N und damit Einfluß und Selbstwürde gewinnen.


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Om du någonsin tvivlar! Läs det här inlägget från Mike Harrigan:

They forget that some of us were born for this time.
That some of us have been preparing for lifetimes.

They forget that some of us see through the deception and that our spiritual immune system is strong.

They underestimate our strength and our resistance to temptation.

They wrongfully believe that we are attached to our material world and that we depend on it for joy.

They forget that we know there is a better way and that we know the path that we are walking on.
That we hold an unbreakable vision of peace and truth.

❤️ We didn’t come here for it to be easy.

❤️ We didn’t come here to be comfortable.

❤️ We didn’t come here to build our ego or our name.

❤️ We didn’t come here to build our material empire.

❤️ We didn’t come here for short term gains.

We came here to CHANGE THE WORLD. To spread LOVE and UNITY throughout the hearts and land. We came here to stand for Spirit/God/Oneness.

We are Warriors and we WILL change the world.

Divine Sovereign Beings EarthAngels BlueRays LightWorkers StarSeeds
Our Time Has Come To Shine as One Powerful Collective Christ Consciousness Harnessing the New Sacred Energies and Anchoring them into the New Earth we are Manifesting with our Unified Love.

Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..
2024/09/30 05:24:37
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