Close Do you know that Telegram offers a handful of readymade app icons so that you can change the look of the icon depending on your home screen layout? Ever since I stumbled upon this hidden Telegram hack, I have been using it to amp up the home screen customization game. If you are also in the same boat, you would find it pretty cool as well. Telegram Mute Length
Turn on Secret Chat This security-focused messaging app allows you to register a unique username so that people can message or add you to groups without necessarily knowing your phone number. This way, you can keep your number private. To use this feature, head over to the hamburger menu by swiping right and choose Contacts. Choose ‘Find People Nearby’ and here you will see a list of contacts who have chosen to be visible. You can also scroll down to see all nearby groups and the option to create your own. Users who wish to be discovered by this feature can turn it on in the hamburger menu/People Nearby/Make myself visible. Migrate Phone Numbers, or Add a Second Number
Locate users near you Scheduled and Silent messages Telegram Messenger Tricks for Better Communication Finally, Telegram has brought a list view for search results in chronological order. Earlier, finding something by incessantly tapping on “next” was a tiring exercise. Now, you can just search for the term and tap on the “search bar” at the bottom to find all the search results in the list view.
On desktop applications, chat folders are displays in the sidebar. In the mobile app, these folders are arranged in tabs that can be easily swiped between. Everyone (default one: Allow everyone to view your profile.