Customize Your Telegram Moreover, Telegram has theme channels that offer premade themes for your easy use. You can find your preferred theme and click install to make it alive on your Telegram. edited message on telegram
Telegram Premium users will now be able to add animated emoji status on the app. This custom status will replace the Premium Premium Badge in the chat list, in profile and in groups. Premium users will be able to choose from the seven standard statuses that change their color to match different Telegram themes – or choose from an infinite number of custom emoji. Sometimes people interrupt you halfway through typing an important message, and you forget all about it—this where drafts come in handy. Your unfinished messages (drafts) are automatically saved and synced across all devices. Secret chats Ultimately though, using Telegram doesn’t necessarily mean your messages are more private or secure than when using WhatsApp or other messaging apps. Server-side data leaks can still happen, and no amount of encryption will help if your end device is already compromised.
One of the things that I love about Telegram is that the service gives me an easy way to change my phone number attached to my account without making me lose all my previous chats. If you also want to switch your Telegram number, it’s pretty easy to do. First, tap on Settings and then tap on your mobile number. Terminate Active Sessions To create one of these, go to Settings or a Chat Info page, click Edit > click the Profile Picture > select Sticker or Emoji. The app is really awesome for me rather than using other Messaging apps for my day-to-day works. It has all the things that meet my requirements.
We all have that one person that annoys us by sending too many forwarded messages. Well, Telegram makes it really easy to silence such a contact. Just open the chat and tap on the profile photo of the contact. If you’re using Telegram with the calls, secret chats feature, which provides end-to-end encryption for your messages, You can also be locking down the app itself with a passcode, PIN, or password automatically.
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