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The iPhone 14 won’t have a physical SIM – here’s what that means for you There are thousands of bots available on Telegram. We've sorted through them and picked out the best Telegram bots you should use. Chat Folders is one of the best Telegram tricks that you should know and utilize to your maximum advantage. We follow so many channels and groups on Telegram of different kinds, not to mention the individual chats that go into the mix. Having all these chats in one panel makes things much harder to declutter and make sense of. So to solve this issue, Telegram has brought something called “Chat Folders”. This allows you to categorize your chats into different labels and Telegram sort things out for you. As a result, Telegram gets super clean and much easier to manage. I love it!

Advanced Chat Options Possibly the biggest disadvantage Telegram has over more popular messages is simply that: popularity. Despite its hundreds of millions of fans, Telegram is still leagues behind WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat in active monthly users. In fact, Telegram offers many more features rather than other Messaging apps in the same market. Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ.

Today is an important day in the history of Telegram – marking not only a new milestone, but also the beginning of Telegram's sustainable monetization. We believe that Telegram's development should be driven primarily by its users, not advertisers. This way our users will always remain our main priority. Is Telegram safe to use? Open Telegram chat Use These Great Telegram Features to Become a Pro

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