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🔆 India and Greece relations

India and Greece agreed to upgrade bilateral ties to the level of strategic partnership.
The two countries will collaborate in the field of defence and will soon conclude an agreement on migration mobility to smoothen movement of skilled population of both sides.
They will promote cultural and academic exchanges between educational institutions and increase people-to-people contacts.

▪️Historical relations
For the Ancient Greeks "India" meant only the upper Indus till the time of Alexander the Great.
Afterwards, "India" meant to the Greeks most of the northern half of the Indian subcontinent.
The Greeks referred to the Indians as "Indói", literally meaning "the people of the Indus River".
Indians called the Greeks Yonas or “Yavanas”.

▪️Bilateral relations between India and Greece:
Relations between Greece and India started in 1950.
Greece has consistently been supportive of India’s core foreign policy objectives and India concurs with Greece’s emphasis on promoting international law and regional security.

▪️Economic Relations
Greece GDP growth forecasts ranges between 3.5 per cent and 4.9 per cent for 2022–23.
With population of 1.3 billion people, India can project its ever-growing capabilities over greater areas.
India’s economic security is also linked to the control of sea routes connecting Europe with India to encourage trade and commerce.

▪️Defence relations
India and Greece had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Defence Cooperation in 1998.
The presence of Indian naval forces in the Mediterranean in the framework of joint Indo-Greek aeronautical exercises is a clear symbolic and practical message of power projection across the Eurasian landmass.

▪️Significance of Greece for India:
Growing ties with Greece is a part of India’s larger strategy to diversify its partnerships in the region.
Greece is a member of both North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), and its location makes it a country embedded in the Western security network.
India’s strategic interests to its west extend from the Indian Ocean Region to the Eastern Mediterranean where Greece is located.
In 2020, the two countries signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement, which has led to increased cooperation in areas such as defense, trade, and energy.
Greece formally joined the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to make renewable energy attainable thus reducing dependence on the need for fossil fuels.
In 2021, the statue of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in Athens.


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🔆Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament.

▪️Why India didn’t joined NPT?

Discriminatory Treaty: India views the NPT as a discriminatory treaty that divides the world into nuclear haves and have-nots by restricting the legal possession of nuclear weapons to only five states - USA, Russia, UK, France and China.
Undermines Sovereignty: India sees the NPT as undermining its sovereign right to pursue an independent nuclear program for civilian and defensive purposes.
Forced Disarmament: India is opposed to the NPT's stance of forced disarmament of states not possessing nuclear weapons rather than global disarmament.
China Factor: China's possession of nuclear weapons and UN Security Council membership before signing NPT is seen as double standards by India.
Security Concerns: India's tense relations with neighbors like China and Pakistan necessitate nuclear deterrence for security. NPT membership would jeopardize this deterrence.
Technology Denial: India is wary that joining NPT may lead to restrictions on transfer of nuclear technology, fuel and know-how required for its civilian nuclear energy program.
No Rollback: India has consistently ruled out rolling back or capping its nuclear weapons program to join NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state.
Seeks Status: India seeks recognition as a legitimate nuclear weapon state on par with the P5 which NPT currently does not provide.


🔆How PM Modi’s tenure has boost india's confidence on global platform

PM Modi saw an opportunity in India's leadership of the forum and seized it with both hands, at home and on the global stage

By taking the G20 to states and cities, the government has contributed to capacity building across the country in several domains. Above all, the PM says, it has helped develop confidence among the people that “they can deliver something world-class”. Of course, the PM's image has got a big boost in the process.


🔆G20 workstreams

📍G20 and it's significance click here

The G20 works in three major tracks — two of them are official and one is unofficial, former Indian diplomat JS Mukul, who served as sous-sherpa for the G20 process and was involved in six G20 summits between 2008 and 2011. The official tracks are the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track. The unofficial track includes engagement groups or civil society groups.


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For a G20 summit that is about reviving, reforming, and defending globalisation, vasudhaiva kutumbakam has taken on a meaning beyond hospitality to visitors from across the world

India's Presidency of G20 apart from other major objectives three serves the significance steps to revive the role of global south in global governance
These are
🔰democratisation to decentralisation of global economy
🔰Global finance
🔰Global south redefining role


🔆India, US and the China anxiety:
For Delhi and Washington, the other’s China choices matter. They must address each other’s concerns


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Joint Statement from India and the United States

The Hindustan Turbo Trainer-40 (HTT-40) is a basic trainer aircraft (BTA).

Manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), the aircraft has been indigenously designed and developed by the Aircraft Research & Design Centre of HAL, and is based on the training requirements of the Indian Armed Force (IAF).

The aircraft will meet the shortage of BTAs for the training of newly inducted pilots of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

A turboprop aircraft uses a turbo-prop engine rather than a piston-powered engine or a jet engine.

They have one or more gas-turbine engines connected to a gearbox that turns the propeller(s) to move the aircraft on the ground and through the air.

They have lower operating costs than jets because they burn less fuel, but they are also slower than jets.
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2024/09/24 19:26:33
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