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🔆India and Russia have doubled rupee-rouble payments in 2024


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🔆Violence over govt job quota in Bangladesh


🔆Anti-quota protests in Bangladesh


China's Monopoly On Critical Minerals
🔆Houti drone hits tel Aviv


🔆India, Japan Plan Joint Carbon Crediting Mechanism

Why in the News?

India and Japan plan to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation for setting up a Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) with emission reduction credits being shared.

📍Key Features of the JCM:

A joint committee will be established to develop rules and guidelines for the JCM, covering project cycle procedures, methodologies, project design documents, monitoring, and designation of third-party entities.

Decisions on project registration, crediting periods, credit sharing, and issuance will be made with prior confirmation from both the Japanese and Indian governments.

The governments recognize that JCM credits from emission reductions and removals will contribute to the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of both countries, ensuring no double counting occurs.

Part of the JCM credits can also be authorized for international mitigation purposes.

The two countries will confirm project registration before the joint committee makes a decision, and they will determine the percentage of credit allocation.

Additionally, Japan will support technology transfer, finance, and capacity building for the JCM.

📍Carbon Market in India:

In the past, India has made investments in producing carbon credits and exporting them to international enterprises.

Between 2010 and June 2022, India issued 35.94 million carbon credits or nearly 17% of all voluntary carbon market credits issued globally.

However, the government now intends to forbid its exports, guarantee the expansion of a local domestic market for carbon credits, and increase its internal trade.

Currently, India’s carbon market is a voluntary carbon market where private parties voluntarily exchange certified reductions of GHGs from the atmosphere for carbon credits.


🔆ICJ’s observation about Israel’s occupation of West Bank and East Jerusalem

Why in news?
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) recently stated that Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem violates international law. The ICJ further asserted that Israel's presence in Palestinian territories should end as soon as possible.
Israel has occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the Six-Day War in 1967. Prior to this, the territories were under Jordanian control.

📍Meaning of occupation in international law

The most widely accepted definition of occupation comes from Article 42 of the Hague Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex,1907.
It states that a "territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army."
An occupation must be temporary and cannot involve transferring sovereignty to the occupying power.
Once a territory is seized, the occupying power has obligations towards the inhabitants, as outlined in the 1907 Hague regulations and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.
These obligations include providing food and medical care to the population and prohibit transferring civilian populations and using or threatening force.


Budget 2024- Top recipients of India's financial aid under the "Neighborhood first" policy.

India's total development aid to foreign countries stands at Rs 4883.56 in Budget 2024-25.

It's notable that aid to Maldives has significantly reduced to 400cr from 770cr last year.

The Budget 2024 has again allocated Rs 100 crore - same as last year - for the development of Chabahar port in Iran.
🔆Balancing ties with china


🔆What is Israel’s new ‘unity government’

Hamas and Fatah signed a declaration in Beijing to end their long-standing rift and strengthen Palestinian unity.
They pledged to form a unity government and commit to creating a Palestinian state on lands captured by Israel in the 1967 war.

The agreement highlights China’s growing influence in Middle Eastern diplomacy and follows talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

The agreement highlights China’s growing influence in Middle Eastern diplomacy and follows talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.


International Organisation of Securities Commission:
It was established in 1983.
It is the international body that brings together the world's securities regulators and is recognized as the global standard setter for financial markets regulation.


Enhance investor protection
Ensure markets are fair and efficient
Promote financial stability by reducing systemic risk
Its objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation are endorsed by both the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB).
Itis a standard setting body with more than 200 members representing 95% of the world’s securities regulators.
There are three categories of members: ordinary, associate and affiliate.
Ordinary members, which include the primary futures markets and securities regulators in a given jurisdiction. Each ordinary member has one vote.
Associate members, consisting of additional futures and securities regulators in those jurisdictions that have multiple regulatory bodies. Associate members do not have a vote and aren’t eligible for the Executive Committee, but are members of the Presidents’ Committee.
Affiliate members, which include self-regulatory organizations, stock exchanges, and stock market industry associations. These members do not have a vote and are not eligible for either the Executive Committee or the President’s Committee, but may be members of the Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO) Consultative Committee.
The Securities and Exchange Board of Indiais a member to this commission.
Secretariat: Madrid, Spain.


🔆Presidential election in Rawanda

Rwanda held its fourth
presidential election on July
15, with President Paul
Kagame winning overwhelmingly with over 99% of the votes.

The partial results show
Kagame’s dominance, while
opposition leaders received
less than one per cent of the
votes combined.

Kagame, a U.S.-trained military
oicer, led the RPF to end the
genocide and has been a
central figure in Rwanda’s
recovery and economic
growth, despite criticism for
authoritarian practices.


🔆Significance of India and China as key economies of the world


🔆A new push in the bay of Bengal



2024/09/21 23:05:22
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