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🔆India protests Chinese road construction at Shaksgam Valley in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir

The Shaksgam Valley is a part of the territory of India. We have never accepted the so-called China Pakistan Boundary Agreement of 1963 through which Pakistan unlawfully attempted to cede the area to China, and have consistently conveyed our rejection of the same

📍Mapping aspect
Location of Saksham valley
Siachen glacier


🔆The dichotomy between India's global rise and regional decline has profound implications for India's global aspirations


🔆India - nigeria joint trade committee

Amid an ongoing property crisis in China that has put brakes on its investments in Africa, Indian officials held a Joint Trade Committee (JTC) meeting with their Nigerian counterparts last month

Notably, China has forged deep economic ties with countries in sub-Saharan Africa over the past 20 years, making it the region’s largest single-country trading partner. China buys one-fifth of the region’s exports—metals, minerals, and fuel—and provides most of the manufactured goods and machinery imported by African countries, the IMF pointed out


🔆7th India - Indonesia joint defence cooperation Committee meeting held in New Delhi

India and Indonesia have a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and have arrived at a shared vision of the Indo-Pacific.
In current times, this partnership is characterised by closed cooperation in bilateral and multilateral arena, including frequent high-level interactions.
Indonesia is an important partner in India’s Act East Policy and the Indo-Pacific region.


🔆2nd Session of India-Nigeria Joint Trade Committee held in Abuja

Both sides to finalise Local Currency Settlement System Agreement soon

Nigeria is a major partner- the 2nd largest trading partner of India in Africa region. Bilateral trade between
India and Nigeria stood at USD 11.8 billion in 2022-23. In the year 2023-24, the bilateral trade stands at 7.89
billion showing a declining trend


🔆India's Palestine policy

India has historically balanced its support for the Palestine cause with its growing relationship with Israel.

Recent events, including Prime Minister Modi's solidarity with Israel after the October 7 Hamas attack, suggest a potential shift in India's stance.

India's voting record at the UN post-October 7 reflects continued support for a two-state solution, condemning Israeli settlements and backing resolutions for ceasefire and Palestinian self-determination.

India's interest in stabilizing West Asia, through initiatives like the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, is impacted by the Gaza conflict.

An immediate end to the war and a permanent solution to the Palestine question align with India's strategic interests.


🔆Army Tactical Missile System OF US

📍What is ATACMS?

The ATACMS is one of the most potent missile systems built by US-based arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

This is a surface-to-surface artillery weapon system. Its biggest strengths are the long-range of attack, ability to fire cluster munitions, and the weapon system’s mobility. The missiles were part of a $300 million military aid package for Ukraine.


📍Stronger Coastal and Maritime Security

After the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai in 2008, several measures were announced by the government to strengthen coastal and maritime security along the entire coast.
Due to the coordinated efforts of all concerned, all these measures are now in place and overall maritime security is much stronger than before.
The Indian Navy has been the lead agency in this regard and is assisted in this task by the Indian Coast Guard, Marine Police and other Central and state agencies.
At the apex level the National Committee for Strengthening Maritime and Coastal Security (NCSMCS), headed by the Cabinet Secretary, coordinates all matters related to Maritime and Coastal Security. Coastal patrolling by Navy, Coast Guard and marine police has increased sharply over the last few years.
Modern technical measures have also been implemented for coastal surveillance, by way of a chain of 74 Automatic Identification System (AIS) receivers, for gapless cover along the entire coast.

📍National Police Mission

NPM is working to transform the Police Forces in the country into effective instrument for maintenance of Internal Security and meeting challenges of the next century, by equipping them with the necessary material, intellectual and organisational resources and to create a “New Vision” for the police.
Since its inception, NPM has been working for empowering the Police Forces by enhancing the skills and competence at grassroot level, promoting a culture of excellence and accountability of police, meeting challenges such as asymmetric warfare, new trends in urban and social unrest, bring out specialisation in areas like counter-terrorism and insurgency, focussing on the strengthening of metropolitan and rural policing, bring in attitudinal changes in police, gender sensitisation, harnessing technology in aid of policing, adopting community policing etc .

Before prelim clear the concept of boundry
Isreal + gaza Strip + west Bank !


🔆What is the ATACMS, Which the US has Sent to Ukraine?

📍Why in News?

The US has confirmed providing long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine to aid its war effort against Russia, soon after the US Congress passed a Bill that apportioned $61 billion worth of funding for Ukraine.

📍What is ATACMS?

The ATACMS is one of the most potent missile systems built by US-based arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

This is a surface-to-surface artillery weapon system. Its biggest strengths are the long-range of attack, ability to fire cluster munitions, and the weapon system’s mobility. The missiles were part of a $300 million military aid package for Ukraine.

📍What is the Range of ATACMS?

There is a mid-range version of the ATACMS, called Block 1, and there is a long-range version, Block 1A. ATACMS Block 1 has a range of 165 km and Ukraine was provided these systems last year. ATACMS Block 1A, on the other hand, has a maximum range of 300 km which is capable of striking targets well beyond the range of existing Army cannons, rockets and other missiles.

📍Can Ukraine Target Russian Territories with ATACMS?

Despite territories deep inside Russia now being within the range of the ATACMS, Ukraine cannot use it to hit targets in these locations. Ukraine has committed to only use the weapons inside Ukraine, not in Russia. The US administration has made it clear that the weapons cannot be used to hit targets inside Russia.
The Biden administration is concerned that if Ukraine strikes deep into Russian territory, it would anger Moscow and escalate the conflict.
🔆Why the First Scientist to Publish the Covid-19 Genome Sequence Protested in China?

Why in News?

The first scientist to publish Covid-19 genome sequencing has been allowed access to his laboratory again, after protesting against its closure.

What is Genome Sequencing?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), genome sequencing allows scientists to understand the genetic material found in an organism or virus and help track the spread of a virus, its changes and effects on public health.

What did Zhang do?

Zhang’s team worked for hours to find that the virus causing flu-like symptoms in Wuhan was related to severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS, which first gripped China from 2002 to 2004.
Despite government orders prohibiting local authorities from sharing information on the virus, Zhang shared his findings with Shanghai’s municipal health authority and uploaded the data to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). He also shared this data with Edward Holmes, a virologist at the University of Sydney who posted this data on
Almost immediately, the data was seized upon by countries to check whether the viruses they detected domestically were the same. His genome sequencing data was also used by vaccine making companies like Moderna and testing companies to develop test-kits.

What has Happened Since?

After the publication of data, Zhang’s lab was ordered to close for “rectification”. Since then, he and his team have not been allowed to access his lab and facing difficulties. Certain critical posts shared by him on recent events have also been deleted from Chinese social media websites. All this is being seen as part of the larger clampdown from Chinese government on the medical community and activists who have attempted to shed more light on events around Covid-19.


2024/09/22 15:32:14
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