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πŸ”†RBI report on PRI

βœ…The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) report highlights financial challenges faced by Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), with 95% of their revenues coming from grants, limiting their spending capacity.

βœ…The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act (1992) institutionalized Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) with a three-tier structure: Gram Panchayat at the village level, Panchayat Samiti at the intermediate/block level, and Zila Parishad at the district level. PRIs operate under 29 subjects outlined in the 11th Schedule of the Constitution.

πŸ“Source of Finance for PRIs:

βœ…Local government revenue sources include:
πŸ”°Central Finance Commission Grants (Tax devolution) and other Grants from the Central Government
πŸ”°Tolls, taxes, duties, and fees collected by the State government on behalf of local bodies (State Finance Commissions Transfer); Grants in aid, etc.
πŸ”°PRIs have the authority, as per Article 243-H, to impose, collect, and allocate taxes, duties, tolls, and fees.

πŸ“Key point of the RBI report:

βœ…Own Revenue Sources: Panchayats rely on limited sources like property taxes, fees, and fines, constituting a minor share of their revenue.
Own revenues, generated through local taxes, contribute only about 1.1% to their total revenue in 2022-23

βœ…Low expenditure Revenue: expenditure of panchayats is less than 0.6% of the gross state domestic product for all states.

βœ…Grant Dependency: Approximately 95% of Panchayats’ revenues come in the form of grants from higher government levels, limiting their financial autonomy.

βœ…Inter-State Variations in Devolution : Significant variations exist in the devolution of powers and functions to Panchayats across states. States with higher devolution levels show improved socio-economic outcomes.

βœ…Inconsistency in Data :The assessment of the fiscal health of Panchayati Raj Institutions is hindered by inconsistent data on their finances.

βœ…Challenges in Local Tax Revenue Generation: Panchayats face challenges in generating local tax revenue due to a limited tax base, administrative infrastructure shortages, lack of trained staff, and unclear guidelines.


πŸ”†Phillipines, Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea


πŸ”†India France strategic partnership

The India-France 'strategic partnership' is reinforced by recent visits between the leaders of both countries, demonstrating a shared commitment to collaboration across various domains.

Historical support from France, as seen during India's nuclear tests in 1998 and France's advocacy for India's permanent seat at the UN Security Council, cemented the basis of strategic convergence.

Shared values of strategic autonomy and multipolarity post-Cold War align India and France in their foreign policy outlook, promoting stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

Emphasis on defense industrial collaboration aligns with India's goal of self-reliance ('atmanirbharta') with projects like the aerospace engine development for advanced combat aircraft, and setting up of aerospace manufacturing lines.


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πŸ”†Rising tension in Korean Peninsula

North Korea has formally designated South Korea as an enemy, abandoning its long-standing goal of Korean reunification, and stepping up missile tests, raising global security concerns.

The recent testing of advanced missiles, including a hypersonic weapon, by North Korea, adds to the regional arms race and challenges to missile defense systems.

South Korea's government, under President Yoon Suk Yeol, is coordinating with the U.S. and Japan in response to North Korea's actions, marking a shift towards a more confrontational approach

North Korea's strengthened ties with China and Russia, coupled with its support of Russia in the Ukraine conflict, suggest a strategic axis that complicates international diplomacy.


πŸ”†EU to launch Red Sea Naval Mission


British Foreign Secretary David Cameron's remarks on potentially recognizing the Palestine state hint at a shift in a section of the UK government's stance on the Palestine question post the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Britain's historical role, beginning with the 1917 Balfour Declaration that supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine, underscores its responsibility in advocating for a two-state solutionβ€”a recognized pathway to peace.

The two-state solution faces challenges with approximately 700,000 Jewish settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, ongoing Gaza conflicts, and the rejection of this proposition by Israeli leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu


Following a ruling by the International Court of Justice that Israel must prevent acts of genocide in Gaza, allegations have emerged about the complicity of some UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff in Hamas attacks against Israel, leading to investigations and funding pauses by multiple countries.

UNRWA, established in 1949, is dedicated to assisting refugees from the Israel-Palestine conflict, growing to support over 5.9 million Palestinians across the region, including those displaced in Gaza due to Israeli offensives.

The cessation of funding threatens UNRWA's operations, directly counteracting the International Court of Justice's directive for humanitarian aid to Gaza, highlighting the agency's critical role in providing education, healthcare, and relief in Gaza.


English-speaking countries, notably Canada and the U.K., are tightening rules for Indian students seeking admissions to universities, with revised requirements including a significant increase in the Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) amount and restrictions on bringing dependant family members.

The revised rules aim to address problems such as 'diploma mills,' encouraging higher education quality and reducing migration through educational institutions with poor credentials.

Changes in student visa rules are leading to varying impacts, with master's program students in Canada benefitting from eased norms, including eligibility for a three-year work permit post-completion, while bachelors' degree aspirants face challenges..

The tightening of visa rules has caused a shift in preferred study abroad destinations among Indian students, with Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the Netherlands, Finland, Taiwan, and Israel emerging as popular options.


2024/09/28 03:25:19
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