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🔆Nation VS state what is the difference

A nation is a group that thinks of itself as ‘a people,’ usually because they share many things in common. These consist of a common territory, history, culture, language, religion and way of life.

The state has a narrower meaning referring to the constitutional arrangements which determine how a nation is governed. Or ‘state’ refers to the machinery of government that organises life in a given territory.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish between the state and its people.

Modern nations are largely nation states. States have been in existence since ancient times.

However, before the modern period in history, countries were mostly monarchies and empires, held together by loyalty to a ruling dynasty rather than by any sense of nationalism.

Historians trace the origins of nation states, if not of nationalism, to the eighteenth century. The first movements for nation states arose in Italy and Germany and spread later to other parts of the world.

In some countries, such as America, Australia and Canada, the state comprises many nations, and they are ‘multi-national societies’.

Societies with heavy immigration are seen as multi-national. Multinational countries are sometimes prone to civil wars between different groups.


🔆Nation VS state what is the difference

A nation is a group that thinks of itself as ‘a people,’ usually because they share many things in common. These consist of a common territory, history, culture, language, religion and way of life.

The state has a narrower meaning referring to the constitutional arrangements which determine how a nation is governed. Or ‘state’ refers to the machinery of government that organises life in a given territory.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish between the state and its people.

Modern nations are largely nation states. States have been in existence since ancient times.

However, before the modern period in history, countries were mostly monarchies and empires, held together by loyalty to a ruling dynasty rather than by any sense of nationalism.

Historians trace the origins of nation states, if not of nationalism, to the eighteenth century. The first movements for nation states arose in Italy and Germany and spread later to other parts of the world.

In some countries, such as America, Australia and Canada, the state comprises many nations, and they are ‘multi-national societies’.

Societies with heavy immigration are seen as multi-national. Multinational countries are sometimes prone to civil wars between different groups.

🔆What was the Panchsheel Treaty?

The Panchsheel Treaty (from Sanskrit, panch: five, sheel: virtues) is considered the high watermark of the diplomacy of this period.

It consists of five principles for peaceful coexistence between nations or for governing relations between states.

Their first formal codification in treaty form was in an agreement between China and India in 1954.

📍The five principles to which states have to subscribe are:

🔰Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
🔰Mutual non-aggression
🔰Mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
🔰Equality and mutual benefit
🔰Peace and coexistence

Panchsheel is premised on the belief that the states which became independent after the colonial era would be able to develop a new and more principled approach to international relations.

The five principles were later included in a revised form in the ten principles of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung (1955). The Five Principles formed the basis of the Non-Aligned Movement, which began in Belgrade in1961.

It ended as a sad story for India. The boundary dispute between India and China resulted in the outbreak of open war in 1962.

Panchsheel (April 1954) agreement was set to last for eight years. When it lapsed, the agreement's renewal provision was not taken up.


India and Bangladesh signed MOU to set up the first Indo bangla international railway connectivity in NE


🔆76th Session of WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia

Investment in Primary Health Care (PHC) as the most inclusive, equitable and cost-effective way to achieve Universal Health Coverage was emphasized during the Ministerial Roundtable Conference at the 76th session of WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia in New Delhi.

Delhi Declaration on strengthening primary health care as a key element towards achieving universal health coverage was signed at the meeting.

Reaffirming the vision of the Government of India of “Antyodaya” (the principle of leaving no one behind), it was stated that India’s strong health system relies on a “whole of government” and “whole of society” approach with the goal of improving essential health services and health systems to pre-pandemic levels.

Importance of Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs) was emphasized which are transforming the delivery of comprehensive primary health care services.


🔆India to bring in a National Security Strategy

The National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) is in the process of collating inputs from several Central ministries and departments.
This is the first time that India would come out with such a strategy.
The National Security Council (NSC) of India is an executive government agency established in 1998 and tasked with advising the Prime Minister's Office on matters of national security and strategic interest.
The NSC is the apex body of the 3-tiered structure of the national security management system in India.
🔰The 3-tiers are the Strategic Policy Group, the National Security Advisory Board and a secretariat from the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC).

📍National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) –
NSCS is the apex agency looking into the political, economic, energy and strategic security concerns of India.
The NSCS has four verticals:
🔰Strategic Planning;
🔰Internal Affairs;
🔰Intelligence and Technology;
National Cyber Security Coordinator (NCSC) works under NSCS and coordinates with different agencies at the national level for cyber security matters.

📍National Security Strategy

A National Security Strategy document outlines the country’s security objectives, and the ways to be adopted to achieve these.
It defines traditional, non-traditional threats and opportunities while introducing accountability of agencies tasked with the implementation of such responsibilities.
In a nutshell, a national security strategy would guide the military as well as critical defence and security reforms with strategic implications.
It will provide a holistic view of the overall national security, the threats and the roadmap to address them.


🔆India, Bhutan agree to expand connectivity, trade

Bhutan King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, who is on a visit to India, held a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi.
This is significant amid growing concerns over China’s efforts to forge a bond with Thimphu.

Diplomatic relations between Bhutan and India were established in January 1968.
Relationship between both the countries are guided by the Indo-Bhutan Friendship treaty. The treaty was signed in 1949 and was revised in 2007.

In 2014, the new Prime Minister at New Delhi chose Bhutan as his first foreign destination.
He coined the idea of B2B as ‘Bharat to Bhutan’ for building effective and renewed bilateral relationship.

The two sides announced 9 steps to expand ties in trade, technology, cross-border connectivity, mutual investments, education and people-to-people contacts.


🔆NATO announces formal suspension of Cold War-era security treaty in response to Russia's withdrawal from the deal.

Most of NATO’s 31 allies have signed the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe in 1990.
The alliance said its members who signed the treaty are now freezing their participation in the pact.

📍Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)

The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) was signed in Paris in November 1990.
Signed after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the CFE set constraints on conventional arms and equipment.
Its purpose was to stop Cold War rivals from building up forces that could be used in a swift assault.
Its main objective was to reduce the possibility of a surprise armed attack and the triggering of major offensive operations in Europe.
Established comprehensive limits on key categories of conventional military equipment in Europe (from Atlantic to the Urals)
Mandated the destruction of excess weaponry

2024/09/24 13:29:30
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