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To start a Secret Chat, you can either tap on the option in the hamburger menu and select a contact to start the chat. Alternatively, you can go to an existing chat, tap on the top bar for the user’s information and scroll down to find the “Start Secret Chat” option at the very bottom of the page. Once you tap on the option, the other person will have to accept your invitation to initiate the Secret Chat. The app is really awesome for me rather than using other Messaging apps for my day-to-day works. It has all the things that meet my requirements. If you're part of many Telegram chats—maybe you joined too many of the best Telegram channels—they can quickly become annoying. When this happens, you can always mute a chat without leaving it. This way, you can check it on your own terms instead of getting a ping for every new message.

Then choose Change Number and follow the instructions. This will move all messages, clients, and media to your new mobile number. Plus, Telegram will automatically add your new number in the address books of all your contacts. Read: 7 Best Facebook Alternatives That Keep Your Data Private | 2020 Edition All premium users get a Premium special badge that appears next to their name in the chat list, chat headers, and member lists in groups – showing that they help support Telegram and are part of the club that receives exclusive features first. Quiz Mode: They have one correct answer and can power anything from public service exams to trivia games.

SUBSCRIBER ONLY STORIESView All In fact, Telegram offers many more features rather than other Messaging apps in the same market. Enable Auto-Night Mode 1b Telegram Messenger Tricks The Telegram icon on an Honor View 20 on a blue background with a cat and a fish.

Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts 2b Telegram Messenger Tricks Settings in Telegram

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