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Ceri Richards - Sunrise, 1962
Foxglove Flowers in 'Nils Udo: Art In Nature' by Nils Udo, 2002
Heinrich Schlitt - The Forest Doctor, 1865

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Hans Georg Müller - Two owls fighting over a rat, 1680-1700s
Fragments of Iron Age textiles from the Celtic saltmines at Hallstatt, Austria / Ruyi Sceptres, China, 18th century
Johnny DeFeo - A Moment of Paws, Contemplating the Moonrise and All the Moonrises That Have Come Before and Still to Come, 2024
Qiyi Ma - Untitled, 2023 / Jens Lausen - The Sky is Full of Lines, 1972
Carlos Almaraz - Night Magic (Blue Jester), 1988
Robert Gober - Unititled (Man coming out of a woman), 1993-94
Anselm Kiefer - Die Schlange (The Serpent), 1982-91
Pierre Alechinsky
Arman – La vie a Pleines dents (Life to the fullest), 1960
Kat Lyons - Adopted Ceremony, n.d.
Teresa Margolles - Lengua, 2000

Made from conserved human tongue with a piercing of a teenager murdered in a street fight
2024/09/30 15:29:32
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